Banpresto: Magna Carta Shinku no Seikon [jRPG]
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Discussione: Banpresto: Magna Carta Shinku no Seikon [jRPG]

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  1. #1
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System

    Banpresto: Magna Carta Shinku no Seikon [jRPG]

    Come potete vedere QUI, Banpresto porterà questa nuova versione di Magna Carta (diversa e meno buggosa di quella PC) in Giappone entro il 2° quadrimestre 2004, e poi comincerà l'esportazione in America e sopratutto Europa
    Trovate pure un video da 84Mbyte e 2 Theme.
    Il sito ufficiale nn me lo ricordo ma l'avevo postato già tempo addietro, casomai cercatelo
    In compenso, ecco il logo:
    Copiate l'url sul vostro browser, sennò nn va!
    Sono sicuro che avrà successo!
    Sto gioco ha già creato un Hype enorme in tutto il modi, e con Banpresto ce vuole portarlo in EU... è destinato a crescere!! :9

  2. #2
    Registrato il
    Bene, se davveroi esce nell'area PAL è davvero una magnifica notizia.

    Visto che ci sono mi scarico un paio di filmati, così mi faccio un'idea di come sarà il gioco

  3. #3
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System
    Vegeth, sicuro di volerti scaricare con un 56k un filmato da 86MegaByte?

  4. #4
    Nome in codice UTOPIA L'avatar di Rednock
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    Di che parla sto gioco?
    Membro del Kindom Hearts fan club[MOVE]Nome in codiceUTOPIA!!![/MOVE]

  5. #5
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System

    Di che parla sto gioco?
    In inglese:

    Unsettled mood around the Shudelmir...

    Calintz, the former Sirat Royal Guard, came back to Shudelmir as the 7th Squad Leader of Schwarz Strum. It is almost 10 years since he left his hometown. But Shudelmir is different from the past serene atmosphere. Most of all, the number of monsters increases and people are often attacked even in the town. Besides, the Anti-imperialism group 'Vermillion' and chivalrous robbery group 'Scaramouch' grew larger.
    As soon as Calintz joins the Schwartz Strum, he comes to destroy the monsters with other members of 7th squad. Most of his 7th squad companions have hostile feelings because of his high social
    ranks, but they are forced to follow him. Calintz finds out that 7th squad consists of low rank mercenaries or common people who have good skills. So even the 7th squad takes over many important missions, they are despised from other squads. Calintz , the leader of 7th squad who threw away his stable life and came back to Shudelmir, is about to start the insecure life.

    Fearful rumors about monsters

    The strange thing that Calintz found out after he came back to Shudelmir is that the number of monsters in the Capital is extraordinarily large. The monsters were rarely found in the past, but nowadays monsters usually inhabit inside the subterranean waterway and moves freely driving town people in fear.
    Thinking about safety, it is undesirable to walk around the unfrequented street at night. As the number of monster increases, it is impossible to expect their movement. All they can do is to move out quickly as they can if the monster is reported. So this condition has made the atmosphere around Shudelmir dark since the new Emperor enthroned.
    Obviously, as the monsters increases, the following rumor will spread out. There was a strange rumor that the increase of monsters is not from the abnormal reproduction and it was Vermillion that captured people from town and recreated them as a monster by strange experiment. Recently, as the kidnap case increases, this nonsense rumor spreads out fast.
    Some people say that Vermillion creates monsters to confront the Emperor and some say that he creates monsters for the revenge of his fallen nation. All people say have hatred for Vermillion. So Vermillion is considered as a target to eliminate rather than to be protected as a survivor of a fallen nation.
    On the other hand, some people are questioning if it might be an intentional rumor to strike Vermillion. It can make the opportunity for Schwartz to concentrate on eliminating Vermillion. But no one knows which is the truth. Only one thing everybody acknowledges is that number of monster has increased and they are making out numerous rumors.

    The Royal Princess, searching for her lost crown

    Some time after Calintz came back to Schwartz, there was a topic of conversation among nobles that the Royal Princess Juclecia will return to the Royal Palace from the rural districts.
    The Royal Princess Juclecia is the order sister of present Emperor Shulenlord by a different mother who was a common royal concubine. After her mother was murdered, she became powerless and was forced to leave the Palace. Even the former Emperor Cliave who once loved her would not see her till the very day she left the Palace. This dishonorable past gave her a deep wound that will never be cured.
    As she left the Palace, she found out the truth about her mother's murder, and after 10 years she comes to return back to the Palace by Emperor Shulenlord's special consideration. The young Emperor has wanted to see his sister with pure mind, but Juclecia finally meets her brother with vengeance against all the nobles who looked on her mother's death hidden behind her chilly smile.
    As soon as she comes back, she holds hands with Marhakatte kingdom that was pushed out from political power and rallies other nobles on her side to form a plot to find her throne back. But the ministers who are afraid their life will be in danger if she gets the power back, plans to send Juclecia away. And over the throne, there are invisible struggles that causes chaos over the country.

    Krois' tears of blood, Rebellion Group 'Vermillion'

    When Schwartz Strum was first established in Shudelmir, it was smaller than the regular army and couldn't play an important role. But as more incidents happen over Shudelmir, some cases were not open to the public. The more those cases increased, the larger the role of Schwartz Strum became. But the main reason Schwartz got stronger recently is because of the fights with Vermillions. Vermillions were made up of survivors of defeated country, Krois. Kroisian are usually slaves leading a miserable life and this touches off the tight organization of Vermillion.
    The one who collapsed Krois Kingdom was Cliave, the father of Juclecia and Shulenlord, and surprisingly Krois was his mother's homeland. Namely, he invaded the country whose king was his own maternal uncle.
    The ultimate reason he chose this invasion seems to stop the growing political power of maternal relatives even he was the Emperor of the Efferia Empire. Whatever the reason is, Cliave had to carry the disgrace of invading his mother's homeland.
    Vermillion had a leader with charisma named 'Ropeidon', but after he died they had to face the critical situation. But now new men of influence 'Ferenan' and 'Tristan' lead the Vermillion. Their goal is to reconstruct Krois, and they are increasing in power by the support of unknown people. As their activity gets violent, people started to fear them.

    Group of thieves, 'Scaramouch'

    Vermillion has been usually known as a simple terror group, while Scaramouch has been known as a chivalrous robbery group popular among people by making fun of nobles by mischievous acts. They steal the property of rich nobles and share them with the poor. As a good expression, they can be called a chivalrous robbery group. But from the viewpoint of Schwartz, they are one of the problems making the public peace worse.
    Scaramouch, which means the clown, is thought as a mixed bunch rather than an organization. And as robbery usually means stealing things for their own survival, it was rare for Scaramouch to act as a group. For Scaramouch, leader could only be a formal thing. Helping the poor is their motto but it isn't the main reason why the group existed. Strictly speaking, helping the poor is only a charity to justify their robbery.
    Nevertheless, fascinated by the mischief comedy and the financial help, people give them unstinting support. Unexpected presence of the Scaramouch in the middle of a dark slum is just like a circus show. Enjoying the expensive circus show, people can find the energy to live on.

  6. #6
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System
    Comunque, il sito ufficiale della versione PS2 nn c'è ancora...
    Quello li è della versione PC che, comunque, è diverso da quelo PS2 ma che + o - rende l'idea (sopratutto sui protagonisti )

  7. #7
    Registrato il
    Scarico ma Il download è piuttosto lento...

  8. #8
    Registrato il

    Vegeth, sicuro di volerti scaricare con un 56k un filmato da 86MegaByte?
    Quando ho visto quanto pesa ci ho rinunciato

  9. #9
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System
    Hanamichi 85

    Scarico ma Il download è piuttosto lento...
    Anche a me... va solo a 16/17kbs (
    Cmq mancano si e no 5 Mb e poi guardo :9

  10. #10
    Registrato il

    Anche a me... va solo a 16/17kbs (
    Cmq mancano si e no 5 Mb e poi guardo :9
    a me massimo a 8k sono al 40%...

  11. #11
    Utente L'avatar di Claviel
    Registrato il
    Da dove aveteb preso il filmato?? Cmq ora vado sul sito!

  12. #12
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System
    Il filmato è strepitoso
    La grafica è assurda, da urlo, il sonoro è molto buono e i combattimenti molto interessanti!
    (e la ragazza è superdotata )
    Lo attendo con trepidazione

  13. #13
    Registrato il
    Bello anche se non si vede tantissimo, i combattimenti sono casuali?

  14. #14
    EXEC_SPHILIA/. ♥ L'avatar di Glenn
    Registrato il
    Miltia System
    Hanamichi 85

    Bello anche se non si vede tantissimo, i combattimenti sono casuali?
    Non lo so, ma non credo...

  15. #15
    Bannato L'avatar di Fei
    Registrato il
    Palanthas, High Sorcery
    Benissimo, la notizia che aspettavo da tempo.

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