Ho bisogno di tanto materiale del Wrestling!!!
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Discussione: Ho bisogno di tanto materiale del Wrestling!!!

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  1. #1
    non dite che c'è viola... L'avatar di F_viola90
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    Ho bisogno di tanto materiale del Wrestling!!!

    Come da titolo sto cercando del materiale del wrestling...quindi chiedo aiuto a voi...
    Soprattutto mi interessano dei video...piccoli ovviamente non 120Giga di video !!!!!!Ci siamo intesi ...Si dei video di incontri, replay...ecc.ecc. del wrestling...Mi potete lasciare i link in questo thread
    Questo è quello che chiedo ...Ciao a tutti e spero che mi potiete aiutare al piu presto...ah...ovviamente roba legale eh!!!!
    Ultima modifica di F_viola90; 29-11-2004 alle 18:31:37

  2. #2
    Cthulhu Fhtagn L'avatar di Giovann
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    Citazione F_viola90
    Come da titolo sto cercando del materiale del wrestling...quindi chiedo aiuto a voi...
    Soprattutto mi interessano dei video...piccoli ovviamente non 120Giga di video !!!!!!Ci siamo intesi ...Si dei video di incontri, replay...ecc.ecc. del wrestling...Mi potete lasciare i link in questo thread
    Questo è quello che chiedo ...Ciao a tutti e spero che mi potiete aiutare al piu presto...ah...ovviamente roba legale eh!!!!
    Non ne ho ma tu mi hai detto di postare
    We walked alone, sometimes hand in hand,Between the thin lines marking sea and sand;
    Smiling very peacefully, We began to notice that we could be free,
    And we moved together... To The West

  3. #3
    Freak Boys 1986 L'avatar di Mauriz
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    Link Cancellato spero che sia legale
    Ultima modifica di Taurus; 2-12-2004 alle 18:31:07

  4. #4
    Utente L'avatar di jcena89
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    sisi è legale

    Gli uomini di successo hanno tutti un pene grande questo è risaputo.

  5. #5
    Devoto del Tio Mel
    Registrato il
    Citazione F_viola90
    Come da titolo sto cercando del materiale del wrestling...quindi chiedo aiuto a voi...
    Soprattutto mi interessano dei video...piccoli ovviamente non 120Giga di video !!!!!!Ci siamo intesi ...Si dei video di incontri, replay...ecc.ecc. del wrestling...Mi potete lasciare i link in questo thread
    Questo è quello che chiedo ...Ciao a tutti e spero che mi potiete aiutare al piu presto...ah...ovviamente roba legale eh!!!!
    Le uniche cose legali che puoi trovare sono alcuni filmati in streaming nei vari siti affiliati a quello ufficiale della WWE.

    per tutto il resto c'è il p2p

  6. #6
    Utente L'avatar di Taurus
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    Ho tolto il link e vi do anche il motivo:

    About Multimedia:
    All of the multimedia found on this website is for the sole purpose of creating a personal online database for ourselves. No one should download the files found on this website or any of the pages linked on this site. Doing so will take all responsibility of having the multimedia off of us, and will place the responsibility in your hands. Credit all of the multimedia first and foremost WWEntertainmaint. Credit themes to Beatnik, Non Stop Music, Other Production Music Sites and Jim Johnston. This is a non-profit website. All credit goes first and foremost to WWE, Titan Sports, and WWE.com. All multimedia is copyright property of the World Wrestling Entertainment and is used to promote their product. No harm or infringement was intended, nor should be implied. If you want to use the media found on this website, please give the appropriate credits. If you find media that is not from a WWE CD, you shouldn't post it without giving proper credit to the creator or editor.

    Internet Privacy Act:
    The creators of this website or the ISP hosting any content on this site take no responsibility for the way you use the information provided on this site. These files and anything else are here for private purposes only and should not be downloaded or viewed whatsoever! If you are affiliated with any government, or ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one you cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML & PHP files. All the objects on this site are private property and are not meant for viewing or any other purposes other then bandwidth space. Do not enter whatsoever! If you enter this site then you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means you can not threaten our ISP or any person(s) or company storing these files, cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this website which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this website. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, THEN LEAVE THIS WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY!!!

  7. #7
    non dite che c'è viola... L'avatar di F_viola90
    Registrato il
    Citazione Taurus
    Ho tolto il link e vi do anche il motivo:

    About Multimedia:
    All of the multimedia found on this website is for the sole purpose of creating a personal online database for ourselves. No one should download the files found on this website or any of the pages linked on this site. Doing so will take all responsibility of having the multimedia off of us, and will place the responsibility in your hands. Credit all of the multimedia first and foremost WWEntertainmaint. Credit themes to Beatnik, Non Stop Music, Other Production Music Sites and Jim Johnston. This is a non-profit website. All credit goes first and foremost to WWE, Titan Sports, and WWE.com. All multimedia is copyright property of the World Wrestling Entertainment and is used to promote their product. No harm or infringement was intended, nor should be implied. If you want to use the media found on this website, please give the appropriate credits. If you find media that is not from a WWE CD, you shouldn't post it without giving proper credit to the creator or editor.

    Internet Privacy Act:
    The creators of this website or the ISP hosting any content on this site take no responsibility for the way you use the information provided on this site. These files and anything else are here for private purposes only and should not be downloaded or viewed whatsoever! If you are affiliated with any government, or ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one you cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML & PHP files. All the objects on this site are private property and are not meant for viewing or any other purposes other then bandwidth space. Do not enter whatsoever! If you enter this site then you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means you can not threaten our ISP or any person(s) or company storing these files, cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this website which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this website. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, THEN LEAVE THIS WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY!!!
    Grazie di avermi aiutato !

  8. #8
    Utente L'avatar di jcena89
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    c'è il p2p....in giro legalmente nn si trova tanto facilmente

    Gli uomini di successo hanno tutti un pene grande questo è risaputo.

  9. #9
    The Phenomenal L'avatar di xnemesisx
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    Gainsville, GA
    mandami 1 mp se vuoi sapere dove trovare ciò ke cerki...

  10. #10
    Utente L'avatar di Taurus
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    E' vietato parlare di cose legali in questo forum. Anzi, preferisco anche chiudere questo thread.

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