Notizie sugli iron!!!
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    Notizie sugli iron!!!

    ecco qui alcune dellwe curiosità che ho trovato girando per i siti dei fantastici iron maiden!!!


    Le curiosità più interessanti dell'universo IRON MAIDEN e i retroscena legati
    alle canzoni più celebri della band britannica, il tutto condensato in un utile "vademecum"
    per saperne di più su Steve Harris e il suo gruppo.
    A partire dall'ormai leggendario monicker IRON MAIDEN.......


    Il nome Iron Maiden è stato tratto dal film 'L'uomo Nella Maschera Di Ferro'. Da notare che 'La Vergine Di Ferro'(Iron Maiden) era uno strumento di tortura medievale simile ad un sarcofago, la cui porta era dotata all'interno di spuntoni acuminati di ferro. Di solito era posta in posizione verticale, e quando la vittima veniva messa all'interno la porta si chiudeva proprio grazie al suo peso e gli spuntoni la trafiggevano
    Il soprannome Bruce Bruce (usato da Bruce Dickinson ai tempi dei Samson) era originariamente inserito in uno sketch dei Monty Python.

    Il soprannome, sempre per Dickinson, di 'Air Raid Siren' (sirena da allarme aereo) fu particolarmente azzeccato, in quanto attribuitogli dopo un urlo così incisivo da distruggere un grosso globo di vetro al College di Chelsea, quando aveva ancora diciotto anni!

    " 'Prowler' è una canzone molto speciale per noi. Quando abbiamo registrato 'The Soundhouse Tapes', abbiamo dato la registrazione a Neal Kay, famoso deejay dell'epoca, in contatto con alcune case discografiche. Che la usò per una classifica Heavy metal ottenuta in base a delle richieste scritte, e che fu poi stampata nel magazine Sounds. Beh, 'Prowler' arrivò al numero uno per via delle numerose richieste" - Steve Harris

    'Children Of The Damned' si ispira ad un film del 1963 con lo stesso nome, che parla di sei bambini alieni con dei poteri psichici che sono costretti a lottare per la loro sopravvivenza contro la razza umana.

    " 'Sanctuary' è stata pubblicata come singolo in Inghilterra e non nella versione inglese dell'album. Negli Stati Uniti invece non è stato immesso un singolo perché abbiamo pensato di aggiungere una traccia extra nell'album. E' un buon numero rock. Pensiamo di giocarcelo". - Steve Harris

    'Remember Tomorrow', a detta di Paul Di'Anno che qualche anno fa lo ha rivelato in un'intervista, è stata scritta pensando ha suo padre ed è molto intimista e personale per Paul.

    " 'Running Free' è venuta fuori quando ho arrangiato un riff di basso su un pezzo di batteria di Doug Sampson. Per il resto ho lavorato su alcuni pezzi che avevo scritto in precedenza. Abbiamo pensato di realizzare un pezzo diverso dagli altri, perché la maggior parte delle canzoni hanno un assolo di chitarra nel mezzo. Noi abbiamo sempre pensato a realizzare pezzi un'pò diversi, ed è per questo che invece dell'assolo abbiamo inserito un pezzo di chitarra più armonico." - Steve Harris

    " 'Phantom Of The Opera' è una canzone molto lunga che è stata fatta in sezioni. La parte ritmica è completamente separata ma è stata inserita perfettamente con le altre. Automaticamente sono stato portato a scrivere un pezzo lento, dopo la parte ritmica, e 'Phantom...' è uno dei migliori pezzi che ho mai scritto, certamente uno dei più piacevoli da suonare. E' una canzone piena di tutti piccoli riff di chitarra che la rendono molto interessante. La parte lenta della canzone è molto piacevole, ma anche le parti più heavy sono veramente perfette. Ha ottenuto successo e partecipazione del pubblico."
    Steve Harris

    " 'The Wicher Man' è ispirata all'omonimo film del 1973, con Cristopher Lee e Edward Woodward
    " 'Transylvanya' inizialmente non doveva essere un pezzo strumentale, doveva avere un testo. Originariamente aveva una melodia proprio per la voce, ma quando l'abbiamo suonata, è venuta così bene che non abbiamo più pensato di dotarla di un testo." - Steve Harris

    " 'Charlotte The Harlot' è veramente la canzone di Dave, e sarei stato orgoglioso di poter dire di averla scritta io. Mi piace suonarla dal vivo perché è una canzone diversa, che avrei voluto scrivere io." - Steve Harris

    " Da come ricordo, chiudemmo il nostro set di canzoni con 'Iron Maiden'. E' una canzone molto semplice, molto lineare sia per il basso, sia per la batteria. Le chitarre invece sono al top dell'armonia e il basso cerca di seguirle. Penso che sia una canzone speciale." - Steve Harris

    'Lord Of The Flies' è ripresa dall'omonimo romanzo di William Golding.
    "'Wrathchild' è stata registrata originariamente su un album chiamato 'Metal For Muthas', insieme a 'Sanctuary'. Tutto questo prima che avessimo un contratto discografico. La versione su 'Killers' è abbastanza differente, e molte persone ci hanno chiesto perchè non l'abbiamo messo sul primo album. Noi non l'abbiamo voluta mettere sul primo album proprio perchè era già era già su 'Metal For Muthas'. Da quando abbiamo scritto 'Killers' non eravamo felici della vecchia versione di 'Wrathchild', allora abbiamo deciso di riscriverla. Tutti i piccoli riff di chitarra che accompagnano la voce sono di Adrian, e originariamente non c'erano, ma da quando Adrian è entrato a far parte della band abbiamo eciso di includerli."
    Steve Harris

    'Murders In The Rue Morgue' si basa su una storia dello scrittore Edgar Allan Poe, avente lo stesso titolo e che parla di misteriosi omicidi
    " 'Genghis Khan' è un'alta canzone che avrebbe dovuto avere una melodia per la voce, ma ci è piaciuta come pezzo strumentale. Originariamente era stata scritta come per dipingere il sentimento e il suono dell'esercito di Genghis Khan nelle battaglie. Abbiamo inoltre ritenuto opportuno non inserire alcun assolo nella canzone."
    Steve Harris

    " Per 'Killers' Paul Di'Anno scrisse tutto il testo. E' stata una cosa naturale per lui urlare all'inizio della canzone. Alcune persone potrebbero meravigliarsi di questa canzone se avessero una copia del nostro vecchio video, infatti prima che l'album uscisse registrammo circa mezz'ora di video; Il testo sul video era totalmente diverso da quello contenuto nell'album. Non eravamo felici di quella versione, che comunque ancora esiste in quel video."
    Steve Harris

    'Invaders' è un'estensione di 'Invasion', comparsa su 'The Soundhouse Tapes', e parla degli orrori e della violenza dell'invasione vichinga in Inghilterra.

    'The Prisoner' è basata su un serial televisivo dallo stesso titolo degli anni '60, con protagonista Patrick Mc Goohan. Questa serie è divenuta praticamente un culto e la si può trovare interamente in videocassetta. La cui storia narra di un agente segreto inglese che lascia i servizi segreti e viene rapito appena torna a casa. Si ritrova, una volta rinvenuto, in un luogo chiamato 'The Village' in cui ciascuno ha un numero al posto del nome. In base a questi numeri si rispecchia una gerarchia interna, dal più piccolo (domina il N° 1) al più grande. Ma il N° 6 si ribella, come sentiamo nell'intro della song......

    'The Number Of The Beast' è ispirata ad un film del 1978, intitolato 'Omen II', e ad un sogno di Steve Harris.
    'Run To The Hills' è forse la canzone più conosciuta a rappresentativa della band oltre che primo singolo di grande successo. 'Run To The Hills' descrive le guerre indiane dell'ovest americano, prima della prospettiva dell'uomo bianco. E' una canzone con un ritmo veloce che ricorda i cavalli al galoppo.

    'Gangland' ha un arrangiamento che in parecchi frammenti richiama un'pò il jazz, ed è stato scritto dall'inedita accoppiata Burr - Smith (Burr scrisse per intero l'intro di batteria).

    'Still Life' parla di un tizio che è attratto come un magnete da un corso d'acqua, vede la sua immagine riflessa su di esso, ha degli incubi a tale riguardo, e alla fine vi salta dentro per sempre portandosi appresso la sua sfortunata ragazza. Si pensa sia ispirato al racconto di R. Campbell 'L'Abitante Del Lago'.

    'The Trooper' parla della guerra di Crimea tra inglesi e russi (1853-1856), dove in apertura i Maiden intendono ricreare le galoppate dei cavalli della cavalleria leggera. Il testo si ispira anche al racconto 'Charge Of The Till Life Brigade' del 1854 di Lord A.Tenninson.

    'The Duellist' è ispirata all'omonimo film del 1977 diretto da Ridley Scott. Il film è basato sulla novella 'The Duel' (1908) di Joseph Conrad (1857 -1924).

    'The Clansman' è ispirata al film del 1995 "Braveheart", diretto e interpretato da Mel Gibson. Descrive la distruzione del clan scozzese per via dell'oppressione inglese.
    'To Tame A Land' è ispirata alla novella 'Dune' di Frank Herbert (1920-1986), anche il titolo della canzone doveva essere 'Dune', ma a quanto pare Mr. Herbert si oppose dichiarando che avrebbe bloccato l'uscita dell'album. E' per questo motivo che la canzone fu chiamata 'To Tame A Land'. Steve Harris dichiarò in università, rilasciata a metà degli anni Ottanta, che si tratta della migliore canzone che abbia mai scritto.

    'The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' è basata sul famoso, omonimo poema del 1798 di Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). Si tratta di una grandiosa ballata realizzata dai Maiden, che con la durata di circa 14 minuti è anche la loro canzone più lunga.

    'Brave New World' è basata sul racconto omonimo del 1932 di Aldous Huxley.
    'Wasted Years' è stata scritta da Adrian Smith, che si è ispirato alle fatiche e ai sacrifici che la band ha dovuto affrontare, in giro per il mondo, per portare a termine il mastodontico 'World Slavery Tour' del 1984.

    'Alexander De Great' è ispirata al genio militare di Alessandro Macedonia che conquistò l'impero persiano, forse si tratta dell'unico generale della storia che non ha mai perso nessuna battaglia.

    'Moonchild' è il titolo di un libro del notissimo Aleister Crowley, il più insigne occultista del nostro secolo. Il testo della song è stato ripreso in buona parte dal 'Liber Samekh', contenuto nella suddetta opera di Crowley.

    'The Evil That Man Do' è basata su una citazione di Shakespeare: « The Evil That Men Do lives in after them. But The good is often interred with their bones ».
    'Afraid To Shoot Strangers' è ispirata alla guerra del golfo, racconta di quanto la guerra sia spregevole, iniziata dai politici ma combattuta dalle persone comuni che in realtà non vogliono fare del male a nessuno.

    'King Of Twilight', una cover apparsa sulla b-sides di 'Aces High', era originariamente dei Nektar, dall'album 'A Tab In The Ocean'.

    'Bring Your Daughter....' è approssimativamente basata sul poema 'To Coy His Mistress' di Andrew Marvell. E' stata scritta da Bruce Dickinson per la colonna sonora del film 'Nightmare On Elm Street 5'.

    'The Sing Of The Cross' potrebbe essere ispirata dal libro di Umberto Eco 'Il Nome Della Rosa'. Quando nell'intro si dice che: ".....the eleven saintly shrouded men....", si parla della Santa Inquisizione che fu responsabile della condanna a morte di centinaia eretici o presunti tali.


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    E ora la storia

    ~ [ La storia ] ~

    Nel 1975, Steve Harris, bassista degli Smiler, fonda una band a Leytonstone, un sobborgo di Londra. L'idea per il nome proviene da uno strumento di tortura medievale che gli era rimasto impresso nella mente dopo la visione del film The Man in the Iron Mask.
    Le prime esibizioni davanti ad un pubblico avvengono al Ruskin Arms, uno dei pochi locali londinesi in cui avevano la possibilità di suonare complessi di hard rock. La formazione è composta da Steve Harris al basso, Bob Sawyer e Dave Murray alle chitarre, Ron Matthews alla batteria e Dennis Wilcock alla voce. Dopo una serie di cambi di formazione, la band arriva ad incidere un demo nel 1979 con Steve Harris al basso, Dave Murray alla chitarra, Doug Samson alla batteria e Paul Di Anno alla voce. Composto di tre brani, il demo riscuote un discreto successo e gli Iron Maiden, autoproducendosi sotto l'etichetta rock hard, danno alle stampe un EP, The Soundhouse tapes, che esce in cinquantamila copie di tiratura, andando presto esaurite.

    Al termine dell'anno la EMI, notando che la band ha ottenuto un ottimo successo di vendite e che immancabilmente riesce ad ottenere il tutto esaurito ad ogni concerto, li mette sotto contratto. All'inizio del 1980, la casa discografica pubblica la compilation Metal for Muthas dove gli Iron Maiden sono presenti con con Sanctuary e Wrathchild.

    Gli Iron Maiden si trovano così inseriti, diventando uno dei gruppi più rappresentativi, in quella che verrà definita la "New Wave of the British Heavy Metal". Running Free, il loro singolo d'esordio, entra in classifica piazzandosi in 34° posizione. Vengono invitati ad esibirsi a Top of the Pops, la più importante classifica musicale televisiva inglese, ma gli Iron Maiden decidono di rifiutare l'offerta fino a quando non sarà permesso loro di suonare dal vivo (una cosa che non accadeva dal 1972, da quando gli Who avevano distrutto lo studio alla fine di una performance).

    Il 14 aprile 1980 esce, con la presenza di Dennis Stratton come seconda chitarra e Clive Burr come batterista, Iron Maiden, il loro primo album, che riesce ad arrivare fino al quarto posto della classifica inglese. All'album fa seguito un tour europeo nel quale si esibiscono come supporter dei Kiss. Sulla copertina dell'album e poi anche in concerto appare Eddie, la mascotte che diventerà un simbolo distintivo del gruppo.

    All'inizio dell'anno successivo esce Killers con Adrian Smith al posto di Dennis Stratton. Sebbene stroncato dalla critica dell'album riesce ad arrivare al dodicesimo posto della classifica inglese. Il gruppo parte per un tour mondiale di cui rimane come documento il mini album dal vivo Maiden Japan. Alla fine del tour Paul Di Anno lascia il gruppo e viene sostituito da Bruce Dickinson, proveniente dai Samson.

    Nel Marzo del 1982 esce The Number of the Beast, l'ultimo lavoro in studio con Clive Burr alla batteria, che riesce a conquistare il primo posto della classifica inglese e a diventare disco di platino negli Stati Uniti.

    Dopo gli otto mesi del Best on the Road Tour, il gruppo torna in studio con il nuovo batterista Nicko McBrain, ex Trust e Streetwalkers, e nel Maggio 1983 esce Piace of Mind che conferma i successi di vendite degli album precedenti, così come farà il successivo Powerslave. A quest'ultimo fa seguito un lungo tour mondiale della durata di undici mesi che impegnerà il gruppo tra il 1984 e il 1985 in oltre trecento date attraverso ventotto stati.

    Il World Slavery Tour fa tappa al festival musicale Rock in Rio di Rio de Janeiro, alla sua prima edizione, dove gli Iron Maiden hanno la possibilità di esibirsi davanti ad oltre 200.000 spettatori. Durante il tour si esibiscono esclusivamente in grandi arene, riuscendo ad ottenere il tutto esaurito ad ogni data.

    Dalle riprese effettuate durante le tappe in Polonia, Jugoslavia ed Ungheria, viene realizzato il video Behind the Iron Curtain. Invece le esibizioni alla Long Beach Arena di Los Angeles, dove il gruppo riesce a far segnare il tutto esaurito per quattro sere consecutivamente, vengono immortalate non solo in video ma anche in vinile nell'album doppio Live After Death, prodotto da Martin Birch, già produttore del Live in Japan dei Deep Purple.

    Nel settembre del 1986, gli Iron Maiden fanno uscire il loro sesto lavoro in studio, Somewhere in Time, un album che vede l'introduzione di radicali modificazioni al suono del gruppo. L'uso di chitarre sintetizzate e tastiere delude le aspettative di una parte dei fan del gruppo, tuttavia l'album riesce ad avere un buon successo di vendite, così come farà pure il successo Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

    Alla fine dell'ennesimo tour mondiale, il gruppo pensa di prendersi un periodo di pausa. Ma non tutti i membri del gruppo utilizzando questo periodo per riposarsi. Bruce Dickinson realizza Tattoed Millionaire, il suo primo lavoro da solista, e nello stesso periodo fa altrettanto Adrian Smith che pubblica Silver and Gold sotto il nome ASAP (Adrian Smith and Project).

    Durante il 1989 si fanno sempre più consistenti le voci di un probabile abbandono del gruppo di Adrian Smith. Il chitarrista lascia la band e viene sostituito da Janick Gers, uno dei membri fondatori dei White Spirit.

    Il gruppo si ritira in studio e realizza No Prayer for the Dying, al quale fa seguito un tour mondiale e la pubblicazione del video antologico The First Ten Years, una raccolta dei video del gruppo.

    Al termine del tour gli Iron Maiden ritornano in studio e nel 1992 esce Fear of the Dark, il primo album a vedere una partecipazione anche a livello compositivo del neo entrato Janick Gers.

    Nel 1993, Steve Harris, affiancato dall'ingegnere del suono Hick McKenna, produce A Real Live Death One, un album dal vivo con brani registrati durante gli ultimi due tour.

    A Febbraio Bruce Dickinson annuncia di aver deciso di lasciare il gruppo. Gli Iron Maiden lo sostituiscono con Blaze Bailey, cantante dei Wolfsbane.

    Nel 1994 esce l'album dal vivo Live at Donington, e contemporaneamente Bruce Dickinson realizza il suo secondo lavoro come solista.

    Nel 1995 esce The X-Factor, il primo lavoro realizzato senza Bruce Dickinson alla voce, al quale nel 1997 fa seguito Virtual XI, undicesimo lavoro in studio della band. Il Virtual World Tour dura nove mesi e vede il gruppo esibirsi in America, Europa e Giappone.

    Nel 1999, in seguito all'abbandono del gruppo di Blaze Bailey, gli Iron Maiden assistono sia al ritorno di Bruce Dickinson che a quello di Adrian Smith. Il gruppo fa un mini tour estivo di tre mesi per supportare l'uscita di Ed Hunter, un videogioco avente come protagonista l'icona del gruppo.

    E nel 2000, la formazione che aveva realizzato tutti gli album da The Number of the Beast fino a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, con in più Janick Gers come terzo chitarrista, fa uscire un nuovo lavoro. In perfetta sintonia con quanto messo in atto in passato, anche il nuovo lavoro non è esente da espliciti riferimenti alla letteratura: dopo Frank Herbert (in To Tame a Land), Edgar Allan Poe (Murders in the Rue Morgue) e Coleridge (Rime of the Ancient Mariner), per fare alcuni esempi, è ora il turno di Aldous Huxley il cui romanzo Brave New World (Il nuovo mondo impavido) viene utilizzato come titolo dell'album stesso.

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    Pensavate che avessi finito? e alolora beccatevi la soria della maskot eddie!!!

    The History Of Eddie

    E' impossibile pensare agli Iron Maiden senza pensare alla faccia grottesca e muscolosa del loro alter-ego collettivo Eddie. Eddie fa parte degli Iron Maiden tanto quanto il tuoneggiante suono di guerra creato dalla loro musica. Ma questo mostro che ricorda freddie Krueguer, senza pelle, come un personaggio uscito da un film di Clive Barker, ha una sua propria storia, e fa per gli irreparabilmente brutti quello che Andy Wharol ha fatto le scatolette di inestra Campbell.



    C'era una volta una donna che diede alla luce un bimbo, che però nacque con la sola testa. Il dottore le disse di non preoccuparsi, tra cinque anni avrebbero avuto un corpo per la testa. Cinque anni più tardi, Eddie The 'Ead (Eddie, La testa) se ne stava seduto accanto al caminetto, quando arrivò suo padre. "Figlio mio," gli disse, "Oggi è un giorno speciale. E' il tuo compleanno, e abbiamo una sorpresa per te."
    "Oh, no,"disse Eddie, "Non un altro cappello!"
    Come tutti gli orrori, Eddie ha creato una primitiva catena di evoluzione; la spettinata incarnazione che oggi compare sulle T-shirts, sulle copertine e sui
    posters del gruppo, è ben lontana dalla faccia relativamente dolce che si materializzò negli anni Settanta.
    Dave Beasley ,un vecchio amico del gruppo, fu il responsabile dell'organizzazione degli spettacolari stage show dei Maiden. Soprannominato Dave 'Lights' per la sua esperienza nel campo dell'effetto luci, aveva idee molto ambiziose a dispetto dello scarzo badget a sua disposizione. Così il primo tentativo dei Maiden di adornare il palco con qualcosa di più che non vernice e posters, fu quello di avere dietro di loro il nome del gruppo, evidenziato con lampadine, e incoronato da una maschera, ottenuta senza permesso da una scuola d'arte.

    Presto battezzata Eddie The 'Ead, questa immagine di tormento e minaccia fu la prima di una serie di migliaia di rappresentazioni delle varie avventure che corsero parallele alla carriera degli Iron Maiden. In seguito la bidimensionale e relativamente semplice maschera, ebbe un corpo, che spesso appariva in palco col gruppo, fino al punto di dominare completamente la scena, come nella tourneè mondiale del 1988. Il secondo Eddie era una testa più grande e più sofisticata, i cui occhi si accendevano, e dalla sua bocca uscivano nuvole di fumo, senza che Eddie si preoccupasse dei pericoli di fumare senza un corpo. Infatti quando il gruppo suonò in un festival in Belgio nel 1980, il fumo venne pompato con tale veemenza che Eddie fece un volo attraverso il palco.

    Eddie 1980
    Il saltellare su e giù su un moncone di collo non è un modo dignitoso di viaggiare per un futuro divo dell'orrore, c'era bisogno di un corpo. Il Dottor Frankestein che dipinse il resto di Eddie fu l'artista Derek Riggs. Nel cervello fertile di Riggs le idee cominciavano a crearsi, prima di concretizzarsi nei suoi disegni. I ragazzi vennero messi in contatto con Rigg dal loro manager Rod Smallwood, un uomo fatto con la tempera dello Yorkshire, che sa sempre ottenere quello che vuole, quando vuole. Un giorno, nell1980, Smallwood si trovò a parlare di copertine con un A&R della EMI. Sul muro c'era un poster disegnato da Derek Rigg.

    Eddie Iron Maiden
    Questo era lo stile che Rod andava cercando, così invitò l'artista nel suo ufficio per una chiaccherata su quello che il gruppo aveva in mente. Derek capì quello che volevano guardando le prime versioni di Eddie e cominciò a lavorare.

    Eddie comprare come un presagio maligno sulla copertina del singolo del 1980 'Running Free'. La scena rappresenta un rocchettaro dai capelli lunghi, che corre per un vicolo illuminato da un lampione. Dietro di lui si trova una figura emaciata, una massa di capelli che sventolano come una nuvola di fumo, da un'ombra dove dovrebbe esserci una faccia.
    Facendo riferimento alle lampade che gli illuminavano gli occhi negli anni settanta, Eddie guarda dalle sue orbite luminescenti la fuga della sua vittima. Nel cammino di un gruppo, un'pò di polemica può andare molto in là. I Sex Pistols avrebbero fatto qualsiasi cosa per turbare la delicata sensibilità delle istituzioni, fino al punto di navigare su una barca a remi nel tamigi, il giorno del Giubile d'Argento della Regina, stannarzando la loro versione di 'God Save The Queen'. I Frankie Goes To Holliwood non arrivarono da nessuna parte finchè 'Relax' non fu censurata. I Maiden si unirono al carrozzone... Anche se non avevano nessuna intenzione di procurarsi pubblicità da quattro soldi, la

    pubblicità arrivò grazie allo sfacciato Eddie. Sulla copertina del secondo singolo 'Sanctuary', Eddie armato di coltello, sta in piedi su un'immagine di Margaret Thatcher sdraiata al suolo. Ancora una volta la scena si svolge in un vicolo buio, in un bassifondo pervaso da uno spirito maligno. La thatcher come vittima, vista da molti come una forte polemica, strettamente politica, non era che uno scherzo, un'ironia, impregnata più di arroganza che di altro. Margaret Thatcher, durante la sua visita in Russia impressionò a tal punto i comunisti vecchio stampo, che la videro così sicura e decisa, che fu soprannominata la 'Iron Lady' - specialmente dopo che vecchio footage televisivo la mostrò in divisa militare dentro un carro armato. Nella copertina del disco, porta una sciarpa degli Iron Maiden. Se si prende tutto in
    considerazione ci si accorge che la copertina di 'Sanctuary' è più un duello sul significato del titolo stesso che non una frecciata politica. Ovviamente le cose furono ingigantite a non finire dai rotocalchi e dalle camicie inamidate del governo. 'E' UN DELITTO', scrivevano i pecoroni del quotidiano Daily Mirror, riproducendo le cose in modo sproporzionato. Parole come 'disonore' e 'oltraggio' uscirono dalle bocche dei Tory come le feci del deretano di un toro. Ma questo non impedì al disco di vendere bene, ovviamente, anche con la famigerata copertina, in secondo tempo censurata. La Thatcher ebbe la rivincita con 'Women In Uniform', il singolo successivo, dove due formose virago, se ne stanno nascoste armate di mitra, pronte ad assalire il povero Eddie. Ma nessun articolo venne scritto in protesta dell'imminente fine di Eddie. Il che sta a significare che non c'è giustizia in questo mondo....

    Eddie contro Mrs. Thatcher

    Eddie uccide Mrs. Thatcher

    Il termine alter-ego, che abbiamo usato sopra, non potrebbe essere più adatto. Gli Iron Maiden di per se sono forse i ragazzi più simpatici e accattivanti che potresti augurarti di incontrare. Anche se la loro immagine come uomini di famiglia rimane privata, è certamente un dato di fatto, che sia allontana così estremamente dalla tipica immagine dei macho del Rock. Mi viene in mente la storia del Dottor Jekill e Mister Hyde. Mentre i singoli membri del gruppo sono visti come come i benigni ambasciatori del mondo Rock nei loro viaggi per il mondo, Eddie rappresenta la diplomazia di un dito medio alzato durante un convegno delle superpotenze sulla pace.
    Quando Eddie visitò l'Australia nel 1982, sfoggiava una scure e un coltello, sulle magliette della tourneè, con sullo sfondo carcasse di animali morti, presumibilmente canguri. In Canada nel 1983, venne raffigurato mentre trascinava un riluttante alce tra la neve. Per il disco Maiden Japan, del 1981 Eddie agita una spada da Samurai, e non credo che stesse per preparare il sushi. Non c'è limite alle capacità di Eddie, si è avventurato in terre dove nessun
    uomo si è mai recato, e ha affrontato le più oscure paure di tenti. Nella copertina del 1982, quella di ' The Number Of The Beast' è Eddie che muove le corde dell'immagine di Satana. Eddie ride, il fuoco divampa dalla sua mano sinistra, mentre muove il diavolo con la destra. Sulla copertina di 'Run To The Hills' Eddie è nel mezzo di una questione discutibile.
    La leggenda di Dedalo e Icaro, riceve il trattamento di Eddie sulla copertina di 'Flight Of Icarus'. Nella storia originale, Icaro, nel suo tentativo di volare, si costruisce ali di cera. Ma come dice la leggenda, vola troppo in alto, troppo vicino al sole, così le sue ali si sciolgono e lui cade verso la morte. La versione dei Maiden è leggermente diversa, nel senso che Icaro è raffigurato con le ali in fiamme, ed un Eddie tutto soddisfatto vola via con le sue ali di pipistrello, impugnando un lancia-fiamme!
    Sembra che Eddie sia esistito fin dalla preistoria, e che fosse venerato dagli dèi egizi, e nella copertina dell'album 'Powerslave' lo vediamo sotto forma di un Dio, in un monumento con una sfinge. Eddie ha partecipato a varie

    guerre, ad esempio sulla copertina di ' The Trooper' è vestito come un soldato della fanteria Inglese, che uccide tutti quelli che lo ostacolano. E' un pilota con tanto di elmetto su uno Spitfire sulla copertina 'Aces High' con bombardieri che precipitano dietro di lui. Il tema della seconda guerra mondiale arriva fino ai Novanta, dove la copertina del singolo 'Tailgunner', tratto dal loro ultimo epico 'No Prayer For The Dying', vede il nostro amico che debella fuori dal cielo, dalla coda di un bombardiere Lancaster.
    Gli Iron Maiden Sono sempre stati dotati di un fiero patriottismo, sempre orgogliosi della loro nazionalità britannica. Troppo spesso gruppi si sono vergognati delle loro radici inglesi, ed hanno guardato all'America come fonte di maggiore ispirazione. Eddie ti farebbe ha pezzettini, se gli suggerissi come quando Nail Armstrong ha piantato le stelle e strisce sulla luna, per l'America. Tale nazionalismo può essere frainteso, come i neo-fascisti degli oscuri gruppi fascisti dello U.K. che usavano la Union Jack come marchio. Gli Iron Maiden e quello che rappresentano - un gruppo di simpatici ragazzi che suonano un Rock divertente - sono troppo lontani.

    Aces High

    E giustiziaper tutti

    Eddie Somewhere In Time

    Catene, Camicia di forza, terzo occhio....
    La vita di Eddie non è stata però tutta rose e fiori. Nonostante i suoi exploit l'abbiamo visto molestare alci, essere venerato e combattere nemici, ci sono stati momenti meno piacevoli.
    L'album 'Piece Of Mind' ha visto Eddie incatenato e con una camicia di forza in una cella imbottita, capelli tosati, un pezzo di metallo conficcato nel cranio, gli avanzi di una tentata lobotomia. La copertina di 'Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son' rivela un Eddie sospeso al di sopra del mare artico, richiamandosi a visioni dantesche del fiume delle anime all'inferno.

    Eddie Live In Palco
    A Eddie manca la parte superiore della testa, così coem gran parte del corpo, che ha dovuto aspettare per tanto tempo, la sua spina dorsale spezzata, naviga nell'acqua. Per 'The Clairvoyant' la maggior parte della testa sparisce e l'attenzione è concentrata sul mistrioso 'Terzo Occhio'. Visto che la decimazione del suo corpo non bastava, gli stessi Iron Maiden decisero di uccidere Eddie, in palco, al Wastfalenhalle a Dortmund, alla fine della tourneè 'World Piece'. Ma Eddie è più che capace di ritornare all'aldilà. Le T-Shirts della tourneè di 'Powerslave' mostrano un Eddie mummificato - ma vivo. GLi Egiziani hanno seppellito il morto, ma sembra che Eddie sia tornato.


    Oh, e non dimentichiamoci Eddie come Babbo Natale, ma vorreste davvero vedervelo scendere dalla cappa del camino?
    Ovunque il mini-uragano che chiamano Iron Maiden suoni, ci sarà sempre la presenza furtiva e minacciosa di Eddie. Sia che sia in palco con la Band (anche se venne censurato dalla BBC anni fa, per un'apparizione al programma musucale 'Top Of The Pops', in caso che spaventasse i telespettatori), o che cammini dietro di loro sotto forma di un Robot gigante radiocomandato, l'unica certezza è che lui ci sarà sicuramente.
    Una volta Rod Smallwood riassunse il contributo di Eddie alla storia degli Iron Maiden in poche parole. Quando gli venne chiesto se Eddie sarebbe comparso in palco per la torneè 'No Prayer For The Diyng', accenno un sorriso e rispose con un tono inequivocabile:
    "Ma certo! Non sarebbe uno spettacolo dei Maiden senza Eddie, no?..."
    No, non credo che lo sarebbe....

    Eddie Babbo Natale

    Maiden England The Number Of The Beast


    Luca Mezzetti!!

  4. #4
    Culo Natalizio L'avatar di Bzzo_
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    in bagno.
    Andava su musica...
    interessante cmq
    [move] quanti frogi,in 3 immagini.[/move]

  5. #5
    Utente L'avatar di Zio
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    Ci sarebbe una sezione chiamata musica...
    Cmq non mi piace questo genere di musica

  6. #6
    Oggettivista L'avatar di space king
    Registrato il
    Inviato da Bzzo
    Andava su musica...
    interessante cmq
    Ahi serva Italia di dolore ostello, nave senza nocchiere in gran tempesta,
    non donna di provincie ma bordello! (VI Purgatorio)

    Di rider finirai pria dell'aurora!

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Down is the New Up. L'avatar di Cold Winter
    Registrato il
    Milano solo Rossonera
    Inviato da Kelvan ??
    ma nooooo...

    Interessante cmq

  9. #9
    Bannato L'avatar di Killman
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    E ora i testi di power54slave

    Testi - Powerslave

    Aces High

    There goes the siren that warns of the air raid
    Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak
    Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne
    Got to get up for the coming attack.

    Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines
    Remove all the wheelblocks there's no time to waste
    Gathering speed as we head down the runway
    Gotta get airborne before it's too late.

    Running, scrambling, flying
    Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
    Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
    Run, live to fly, fly to live. Aces high.

    Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers
    Let off a sharp burst and then turn away
    Roll over, spin round and come in behind them
    Move to their blindsides and firing again.

    Bandits at 8 O'clock move in behind us
    Ten ME-109's out of the sun
    Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them
    Heading straight for them I press down my guns

    Rolling, turning, diving
    Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
    Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
    Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.

    2 Minutes To Midnight

    Kill for gain or shoot to maim
    But we don't need a reason
    The Golden Goose is on the loose
    And never out of season
    Some blackened pride still burns inside
    This shell of bloody treason
    Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
    For the love of living death.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

    2 minutes to midnight
    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    The blind men shout let the creatures out
    We'll show the unbelievers
    The napalm screams of human flames
    Of a prime time Belsen feast...YEAH!
    As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy,
    We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
    2 minutes to midnight

    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
    And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you.
    As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song,
    To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

    2 minutes to midnight
    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    Midnight...all night...

    Flash Of The Blade

    As a young boy chasing dragons with your wooden sword so mighty,
    You're St. George or you're David and you always killed the beast.
    Times change very quickly,
    and you had to grow up early,
    A house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet.

    You'll die as you lived
    In a flash of the blade,
    In a corner forgotten by no one.
    You lived for the touch
    For the feel of the steel
    One man, and his honour.

    The smell of resined leather
    The steely iron mask
    As you cut and thrust and parried at the fencing master's call.
    He taught you all he knew
    To fear no mortal man
    and now you'll wreak your vengeance in the
    Screams of evil men.

    The Duelists

    He threw down a glove you made the mistake
    Of picking it up now you're gone
    The choosing of guns or fighting with swords
    The choice of weapons is done
    He'll tear you apart as soon as you start
    You know you don't have a chance.

    OH...OH...Fight for the Honour
    Fight for the Splendour
    Fight for the Pleasure
    OH...OH...Fight for the Honour
    Fight for the Splendour
    Fight for your Life!

    Ready to start the duel begins the best man wins in the end.
    A lunge and a feint, a parry too late
    A cut to the chest and you're down
    Seeing the stain then feeling the pain
    Feeling the sweat on your brow.

    OH...OH...Fight for the honour
    Fight for the splendour
    Fight for the pleasure
    OH...OH...Fight for the honour
    Fight for the splendour
    Fight for your life!

    The fighting resumes, a silence looms the Swordsmen move 'gainst each other
    A cut and a thrust, a parry, a blow, a stab to the heart and you're down
    The Angel of Death hears your last breath
    Meanwhile the Reaper looks on.

    OH...OH...Fight for the honour
    Fight for the splendour
    Fight for the pleasure
    OH...OH...Fight for the honour
    Fight for the splendour
    Fight for your life!

    OH...OH...Fought the honour
    Fought for the splendour
    Fought for the pleasure
    OH...OH...Fought for the honour
    fought for the splendour
    Fought to the death

    Back In The Village

    Turn the spotlights on the people,
    Switch the dial and eat the worm.
    Take your chances, kill the engine,
    Drop your bombs and let it burn.

    White flags shot to ribbons,
    The truce is black and burned,
    Shellshock in the kitchen,
    Tables overturned.

    Back in the village again,
    In the village.
    I'm back in the village again.

    Throwing dice now, rolling loaded,
    I see sixes all the way.
    In a black hole, and I'm spinning
    As my wings get shot away.

    No breaks on the inside,
    Paper cats and burning barns,
    There's a fox among the chickens,
    And a killer in the hounds.

    Questions are a burden
    And answers are a prison for oneself
    Shellshock in the kitchen
    Tables start to burn.

    Back in the village again,
    In the village.
    I'm back in the village again.

    But still we walk into the valley
    And others try to kill the inner flame
    We're burning brighter than before
    I don't have a number, I'M A NAME!


    Into the abyss I'll fall-the eye of Horus
    Into the eyes of the night-watching me go
    Green is the cat's eye that glows-in this temple
    Enter the risen Osiris-risen again.

    Tell me why I had to be a powerslave
    I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?
    When the Life Giver dies, all around is laid to waste.
    And in my last hour,
    I'm a slave to the power of death.

    When I was living this lie-fear was my game
    People would worship and fall-drop to their knees
    So bring me the blood and red wine for the one to succeed me
    For he is a man and a god-and he will die too.

    Tell me why I had to be a powerslave
    I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?
    When the Life Giver dies, all around is laid to waste.
    And in my last hour,
    I'm a slave to the power of death.

    Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my veins,
    Silent the terror that reigned-maarbled in stone
    Shell of a man God preserved-a thousand ages
    But open the gates of my hell-I will strike from the grave.

    Tell me why I had to be a powerslave
    I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?
    When the Life Giver dies, all around is laid to waste.
    And in my last hour,
    I'm a slave to the power of death.

    Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

    Hear the rime of the ancient mariner
    See his eye as he stops one of three
    Mesmerises one of the wedding guests
    Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.

    And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
    Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.

    Driven south to the land of the snow and ice
    To a place where nobody's been
    Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
    Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.

    And the ship sails on, back to the North
    Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.

    The mariner kills the bird of good omen
    His shipmates cry against what he's done
    BUt when the fog clears, they justify him
    And make themselves a part of the crime.

    Sailing on and on and north across the sea
    Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.

    The albatross begins with its vengeance
    A terrible curse a thirst has begun
    His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner
    About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

    And the curse goes on and on at sea
    And the curse goes on and on for them and me.

    "Day after day, day after day,
    we stuck nor breath nor motion
    as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
    Water, water everywhere and
    all the boards did shrink
    Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."

    There calls the mariner
    There comes a ship over the line
    BUt how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.

    See...onward she comes
    Onward she nears out of the sun
    See, she has no crew
    She has no life, wait but here's two.

    Death and she Life in Death,
    They throw their dice for the crew
    She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.
    Then...crew one by one
    they drop down dead, two hundred men
    She...she, Life in Death.
    She lets him live, her chosen one.

    "One after one by the star dogged moon,
    too quick for groan or sigh
    each turned his facce with a ghastly pang
    and cursed me with his eye
    four times fifty living men
    (and I heard nor sigh nor groan)
    with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
    they dropped down one by one."

    The curse it lives on in their eyes
    The mariner wished he'd die
    Along with the sea creatures
    But they lived on, so did he.

    and by the light of the moon
    He prays for their beauty not doom
    With heart he blesses them
    God's creatures all of them too.

    Then the spell starts to break
    The albatross falls from his neck
    Sinks down like lead into the sea
    Then down in falls comes the rain.

    Hear the groans of the long dead seamen
    See them stir and they start to rise
    Bodies lifted by good spirits
    None of them speak and they're lifelesss in their eyes

    And revenge is still sought, penance starts again
    Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

    Now the curse is finally lifted
    And the mariner sights his home
    spirits go fromhe long dead bodies
    Form their own light and the mariner's left alone.

    And then a boat came sailing towards him
    It was a joy he could not believe
    The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit,
    Penance of life will fall onto him.

    And the ship sinks like lead into the sea
    And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.

    The mariner's bound to tell of his story
    To tell this tale wherever he goes
    To teach God's word by his own example
    That we must love all things that God made.

    And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man
    And the tale goes on and on and on.

  10. #10
    Bannato L'avatar di Killman
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    e ora invece i testi di fear of the dark

    Testi - Fear of the dark

    Be Quick Or Be Dead

    Covered in sinners and dripping with gilt
    Making you money from slime and from filth
    Parading your bellies in ivory towers
    Investing our lives in your schemes and your powers

    You got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
    Snake eyes in heaven - The thief in your head
    You've got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
    Snake eyes in heaven - The thief in your head...
    Be quick! Or be dead!
    Be quick! Or be dead!

    See... what's ruling all our lives
    See... who's pulling the strings...
    I bet you won't fall on your face...
    Your belly will hold you in place

    The serpent is crawling inside of your ear
    He says you must vote for what you want to hear
    Don't matter what's wrong as long as you're alright
    So pull yourself stupid and rob yourself blind

    From Here To Eternity

    She fell in love with his greasy machine
    She leaned over wiped his head kickstart clean
    She'd never seen the beast before
    But she left there wanting more more more

    But when she was walking on down the road
    She heard a sound that made her heart explode
    He whispered to her to get on the back
    "I'll take you on a ride from here to eternity"

    Hell ain't a bad place
    Hell is from here to eternity
    Hell ain't a bad place
    Hell is from here to eternity

    She must be having one of her crazy dreams
    She'd never sat on a piece so mean
    It made her feel like she's on cloud nine
    She even thought she heard the engine sigh

    But like all dreams that come to an end
    They took a tumble at the devil's bend
    The beast and Charlotte they were two of a kind
    They'd always take the line... from here to eternity

    Hell ain't a bad place
    Hell is from here to eternity
    Hell ain't a bad place
    Hell is from here to eternity

    Afraid To Shoot Strangers

    Lying awake at night I wipe the sweat from my brow
    But it's not the fear 'cos I'd rather go now

    Trying to visualize the horrors that will lay ahead
    The desert sand mound a burial ground

    When it comes to the time
    Are we partners in crime?
    When it comes to the time
    We'll be ready to die

    God let us go now and finish what's to be done
    Thy Kingdom Come
    Thy shall be done... on earth

    Trying to justify to ourselves the reasons to go
    Should we live and let live Forget or forgive

    But how can we let them go on this way?
    The reign of terror corruption must end
    And we know deep down there's no other way
    No trust, no reasoning, no more to say

    Afraid to shoot strangers
    Afraid to shoot strangers

    Fear Is The Key

    We live our lives in fever
    In a choking sweat of fear
    In the heat of the night you can feel so much
    In the heat of the night I scream
    "Don't touch!"

    I remember a time when we used and abused
    And fought all our battles in vain
    I remember a time we thought that passion was free
    In the heart of the night... bodies aflame

    We live in fever...

    I hear your secret heartbeat
    I can hear your silent cries
    The kids have lost their freedom
    And nobody cares till somebody famous dies...

    I remember a time when we used and abused
    And fought all our battles in vain
    I remember a time we thought that passion was free
    In the heart of the night... bodies aflame

    Now we live, in a world of uncertainty
    Fear is the key - to what you want to be
    You don't get a say the majority gets its way
    You're outnumbered by the bastards till the day you die...

    Childhood's End

    I'd sail across the ocean
    I'd walk a hundred miles
    If I could make it to the end
    Oh just to see a smile

    You see it in their faces
    The sadness in their tears
    The desperation and the anger
    Madness and the fear

    No hope, no life, just pain and fear
    No food, no love, just greed is here

    Starvation and the hunger
    The suffering and the pain
    The agonies of all-out war
    When will it come again?

    The struggle for the power
    A tyrant tries again
    Just what the hell is going on?
    When will it ever end?

    No hope, no life, just pain and fear
    No food, no love, just greed is here

    You see the full moon float
    You watch the red sun rise
    We take these things for granted
    But somewhere someone's dying

    Contaminated waters
    Pollution and decay
    Just waiting for disease to strike
    Oh will we learn someday?

    No hope, no life, just pain and fear
    No food, no love, no seed
    Childhood's end

    Wasting Love

    Maybe one day I'll be an honest man
    Up till now I'm doing the best I can
    Long roads, long days, of sunrise, to sunset
    Sunrise to sunset

    Dream on brother, while you can
    Dream on sister, I hope you find the one
    All of our lives, covered up quickly by the tides of time

    Spend your days full of emptiness
    Spend your years full of loneliness
    Wasting love, in a desperate caress
    Rolling shadows of nights

    Dream on brother, while you can
    Dream on sister, I hope you find the one
    All of our lives, covered up quickly by the tides of time

    Sands are flowing and the lines are in your hand
    In your eyes I see the hunger, and the
    desperate cry that tears the night

    The Fugitive

    On a cold October morning
    As frost lay on the ground
    Waiting to make my move
    I make no sound

    Waiting for the mist to cover all around
    I carefully picked my time then took the wall

    I'm sick and tired of running
    The hunger and the pain
    A stop to look about then off again

    Being at the wrong place
    And the wrong time
    Suspected of a hit that was my crime

    I am a fugitive being hunted down like game
    I am a fugitive but I've got to clear my name

    Always looking around me
    Forever looking back
    I'll always be a target for attack

    Ever moving onwards
    Always on the run
    Waiting for the sight of a loaded gun

    I am a fugitive being hunted down like game
    I am a fugitive but I've got to clear my name

    Even if I find them
    And get to clear my name
    I know that things can never be the same

    But if I ever prove
    My innocence some day
    I've got to get them all to make them pay

    I am a fugitive being hunted down like game
    I am a fugitive but I've got to clear my name

    Chains Of Misery

    There's a madman in the corner of your eye
    He likes to pry - into your sunlight
    He wants to burst into the street with you and I
    A world of shadows and of rain
    He's seen what love is...
    He wants to pay you back with guilt...

    He lies to you he won't let you be
    He's got your chains of misery
    He won't be still till he's turned your key
    He holds your chains of misery

    There's a prophet in the gutter in the street
    He say "you're damned!" - and you believe him...
    He's got a vision but it shines out through your eyes
    A world of hatred and fear...
    He's felt what love means...
    He wants to pay you back with pain

    He lies to you - he won't let you be
    He's got your chains of misery
    He won't be still till he's turned the key
    He holds your chains of misery

    It's only love that holds the key to our hearts...
    It's only love...

    He lies to you he won't let you be
    He's got your chains of misery
    He won't be still till he's turned the key
    He holds your chains of misery

    He lies to you he won't let you be
    He's got your chains of misery
    He won't be still till he's turned the key
    He holds your chains of misery

    The Apparition

    Now I'm here can you see me
    'Cos I'm out on my own
    When the room goes cold tell me you can feel me
    .........'cos I'm here

    Here I am, can you see me
    Passing through, on my way
    To a place I'd been to only in my dreams... before

    In a world of delusion
    Never turn your back on a friend
    'Cos you can count your
    real true friends on one hand

    .........through life

    There are those that deceive you
    There are those that'll let you down
    Is there someone out there that would die for you
    .........thought not

    Live your life with a passion
    Everything you do, do well
    You only get out of life what you put in they say

    In a world of confusion
    People never say what they mean
    If you want a straight answer go look for one
    .........right now

    In a room full of strangers
    Do you stand with your back to the wall
    Do you sometimes feel like you're on the outside
    .........looking in?

    You can make your own luck
    You create your destiny
    I believe you have the power if you want to's true

    You can do what you want to
    If you try a little bit harder
    A little bit of faith goes a long way does

    Are we here for a reason?
    I'd like to know just what you think
    It would be nice to know what happens when we die
    .........wouldn't it?

    There are some who are wise
    There are some who are born naive
    I believe that there are some that must have lived before
    .........don't you?

    As for me, well I'm thinking
    You gotta keep an open mind
    But I hope that my life's not an open and shut case

    Extrasensory Perception
    Life after death, telepathy
    Can the soul live on and travel through space and time?

    You know I feel so elated
    'Cos I'm about to find it out
    And when I know all the answers
    Maybe then I'll come back fill you in

    You don't be alarmed now
    If I try to contact you
    If things go missing or get moved around's me
    And don't disbelieve it
    No matter what your "friends" might say
    We'll meet up again someplace some way day

    Judas Be My Guide

    Lights out - We live in a world of darkness
    No doubt - Everything's up for sale
    We sleep - All of the world is burning
    We pray - To god for a better deal
    Nothing is sacred - Back then or now
    Everything's wasted...
    Is that all there is?
    Can I go now?

    Judas my guide
    Whispers in the night
    Judas my guide

    Fight wars - Die in a blaze of glory
    Come home - Meat in a plastic sack
    Fall down - Better pray to your God for mercy
    So kneel - and help the blade cut clean
    Nothing is sacred - Back then or now
    Everyone's wasted...
    Is that all there is?
    Is that it now?

    I live in the black
    I have no guiding light
    I'm whispering in your dreams...

    Judas my guide
    Whispers in the night
    Judas my guide

    Judas my guide
    Whispers in the night
    Judas my guide

    Weekend Warrior

    The rebel of yesterday, tomorrow's fool
    Who are you kidding being that cool?
    Trying to break away from running with the pack
    But they ain't listening so you've gotta go back

    You're a weekend warrior when you're one of the crowd
    But it's over, just look at you now...

    You're not so brave the way you behave
    It makes you sick, gotta get out quick
    It's all bravado when you're out with your mates
    It's like a different person goes through those gates
    And the game begins
    The adrenalin's high
    Feel the tension maybe someone will die...

    A weekend warrior lately
    A weekend warrior sometimes
    A weekend warrior maybe you ain't that way anymore

    You've gotta get out gotta get away
    But you're in with a clique it's not easy to stray
    You've gotta admit you're just living a lie
    It didn't take long to work out why

    It's hard to say why you got involved
    Just wanting to be part
    just wanting to belong...

    A weekend warrior lately
    A weekend warrior sometimes
    A weekend warrior maybe you ain't that way anymore

    Some of the things that you've done you feel so ashamed
    After all it's only a game... isn't it?
    And after all the adrenalin's gone
    What you gonna do on Monday?

    A weekend warrior lately
    A weekend warrior sometimes
    A weekend warrior maybe you were never like that at all

    Fear Of The Dark

    I am a man who walks alone
    And when I'm walking a dark road
    At night or strolling through the park

    When the light begins to change
    I sometimes feel a little strange
    A little anxious when it's dark

    Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
    I have constant fear that something's always near
    Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
    I have a phobia that someone's always there

    Have you run your fingers down the wall
    And have you felt your neck skin crawl
    When you're searching for the light?
    Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
    At the corner of the room
    You've sensed that something's watching you

    Have you ever been alone at night
    Thought you heard footsteps behind
    And turned around and no one's there?
    And as you quicken up your pace
    You find it hard to look again
    Because you're sure there's someone there

    Watching horror films the night before
    Debating witches and folklores
    The unknown troubles on your mind
    Maybe your mind is playing tricks
    You sense, and suddenly eyes fix
    On dancing shadows from behind

    Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
    I have constant fear that something's always near
    Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
    I have a phobia that someone's always there

    When I'm walking a dark road
    I am a man who walks alone

  11. #11
    Bannato L'avatar di Killman
    Registrato il
    Testi - Iron Maiden


    Walking through the city
    looking oh so pretty,
    I've just got to find my way.
    See the ladies flashing.
    All there legs and lashes.
    I've just got to find my way.

    Well you see me crawling through the bushes with it open wide.
    What you seeing girl?
    Can't you believe that feeling
    can't you believe it,
    Can't you believe your eyes?
    It's the real thing girl.

    Got me feeling myself and reeling around,
    Got me talking but feel like walking around.
    Got me feeling myself and reeling a...
    Got me talking but nothing's with me...
    Got me feeling myself and reeling around.

    Remember Tomorrow

    Unchain the colours before my eyes,
    Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
    Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
    I shall return from out of fire.

    Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,
    Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.
    Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,
    Flickers above us, to light up the sky.

    Unchain the colours before my eyes,
    Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
    Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
    I shall return from out of fire.

    Running Free

    Just sixteen a pickup truck
    Out of money and out of luck
    I've got no place to call my own
    Hit the gas and here I go

    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Spend the night in an L.A. jail
    Listen to the sirens wail
    But they ain't got a thing on me
    I'm running wild I'm Running free

    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Pulled her at the Bottle Top
    whisky dancing disco hop
    And all the boys are after me
    And that's the way it's gonna be.
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Phantom Of The Opera

    I've been looking so long for you now
    you won't get away from my grasp.
    You've been living so long in hiding
    Hiding behind that false mask.

    You know and I know that you ain't got that long to last,
    Your looks and feelings are just the remains of your past

    Standing in the wings there, you wait for the curtain to fall.
    Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.

    I know that you're gonna scratch me
    and maim me and maul.
    You know I'm helpless from
    your mesmerising cat call.

    Keep your distance, walk away don't take his bait.
    Don't you stray don't fade away.

    Watch your step, he's out to get you
    Come what may,
    Don't you stray, from the narrow way.

    I'm running and hiding, in my dreams you're always there.
    You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil you're just out to scare.

    You damaged my mind and my soul just floats through the air.
    You haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

    Strange World

    The only place where you can dream, living here is not what it seems.
    Ship of white light in the sky, nobody there to reason why.
    Here I am, I'm not really there, smiling faces ever so rare.
    A let's walk in deepest space, living here just isn't the place.

    Stalks of light come from the ground, when I cry there isn't a sound.
    All my feelings cannot be held, I'm happy in my new strange world.
    Shades of green grasses twine, girls drinking plasma wine.
    A look at love, a dream unfolds, living here, you'll never grow old.

    Don't you hear me call?


    Out of the winter came a war horse of steel.
    I've never killed a woman before, but I know how it feels.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    I met up with a 'slinger last night to keep me alive.
    He spends all his money on gambling and guns to survive.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    I can laugh at the wind, I can howl at the rain.
    Down in the Canyon or out in the plain.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    Charlotte The Harlot

    Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
    Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
    Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
    Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    Taking so many men to your room, don't you feel no remorse?
    You charge them a "fiver", It's only for starters.
    And ten for the main course.
    And you've got no feelings, they died long ago.
    Don't you care who you let in?
    And don't you know you're breaking the law with the service you're giving.

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    There was a time when you left me standing there,
    Picking up pieces of love off the floor.
    Well Charlotte you left me alone in there,
    To make your ends as a bloody whore.
    Well Charlotte you told me you love me true,
    Picking up pieces of love yesterday.
    Well Charlotte you're draws are off color too
    'Cause you're making love all day.

    Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
    Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
    Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
    Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    Iron Maiden

    Won't you come into my room,
    I want to show you all my wares,
    I just want to see your blood,
    I just want to stand and stare.

    See the blood begin to flow,
    As it falls upon the floor,
    Iron maiden can't be fought,
    Iron maiden can't be sought.

    Oh well, wherever you are,
    Iron Maiden's gonna get you,
    No matter how far,
    See the blood flow,
    Watching it shed,
    Up above my head,
    Iron maiden wants you dead.

    Testi - Iron Maiden


    Walking through the city
    looking oh so pretty,
    I've just got to find my way.
    See the ladies flashing.
    All there legs and lashes.
    I've just got to find my way.

    Well you see me crawling through the bushes with it open wide.
    What you seeing girl?
    Can't you believe that feeling
    can't you believe it,
    Can't you believe your eyes?
    It's the real thing girl.

    Got me feeling myself and reeling around,
    Got me talking but feel like walking around.
    Got me feeling myself and reeling a...
    Got me talking but nothing's with me...
    Got me feeling myself and reeling around.

    Remember Tomorrow

    Unchain the colours before my eyes,
    Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
    Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
    I shall return from out of fire.

    Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,
    Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.
    Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,
    Flickers above us, to light up the sky.

    Unchain the colours before my eyes,
    Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
    Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
    I shall return from out of fire.

    Running Free

    Just sixteen a pickup truck
    Out of money and out of luck
    I've got no place to call my own
    Hit the gas and here I go

    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Spend the night in an L.A. jail
    Listen to the sirens wail
    But they ain't got a thing on me
    I'm running wild I'm Running free

    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Pulled her at the Bottle Top
    whisky dancing disco hop
    And all the boys are after me
    And that's the way it's gonna be.
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free
    I'm Running Free, yeah, I'm Running Free

    Phantom Of The Opera

    I've been looking so long for you now
    you won't get away from my grasp.
    You've been living so long in hiding
    Hiding behind that false mask.

    You know and I know that you ain't got that long to last,
    Your looks and feelings are just the remains of your past

    Standing in the wings there, you wait for the curtain to fall.
    Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.

    I know that you're gonna scratch me
    and maim me and maul.
    You know I'm helpless from
    your mesmerising cat call.

    Keep your distance, walk away don't take his bait.
    Don't you stray don't fade away.

    Watch your step, he's out to get you
    Come what may,
    Don't you stray, from the narrow way.

    I'm running and hiding, in my dreams you're always there.
    You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil you're just out to scare.

    You damaged my mind and my soul just floats through the air.
    You haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

    Strange World

    The only place where you can dream, living here is not what it seems.
    Ship of white light in the sky, nobody there to reason why.
    Here I am, I'm not really there, smiling faces ever so rare.
    A let's walk in deepest space, living here just isn't the place.

    Stalks of light come from the ground, when I cry there isn't a sound.
    All my feelings cannot be held, I'm happy in my new strange world.
    Shades of green grasses twine, girls drinking plasma wine.
    A look at love, a dream unfolds, living here, you'll never grow old.

    Don't you hear me call?


    Out of the winter came a war horse of steel.
    I've never killed a woman before, but I know how it feels.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    I met up with a 'slinger last night to keep me alive.
    He spends all his money on gambling and guns to survive.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    I can laugh at the wind, I can howl at the rain.
    Down in the Canyon or out in the plain.

    I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw.
    So now I've got to look for sanctuary from the law.
    So give me sanctuary from the law and I'll be alright.
    Just give me sanctuary from the law and love me tonight, tonight.

    Charlotte The Harlot

    Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
    Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
    Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
    Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    Taking so many men to your room, don't you feel no remorse?
    You charge them a "fiver", It's only for starters.
    And ten for the main course.
    And you've got no feelings, they died long ago.
    Don't you care who you let in?
    And don't you know you're breaking the law with the service you're giving.

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    There was a time when you left me standing there,
    Picking up pieces of love off the floor.
    Well Charlotte you left me alone in there,
    To make your ends as a bloody whore.
    Well Charlotte you told me you love me true,
    Picking up pieces of love yesterday.
    Well Charlotte you're draws are off color too
    'Cause you're making love all day.

    Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
    Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving.
    Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
    Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

    Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs,
    Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed.
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood,
    Charlotte the Harlot let me see love.

    Iron Maiden

    Won't you come into my room,
    I want to show you all my wares,
    I just want to see your blood,
    I just want to stand and stare.

    See the blood begin to flow,
    As it falls upon the floor,
    Iron maiden can't be fought,
    Iron maiden can't be sought.

    Oh well, wherever you are,
    Iron Maiden's gonna get you,
    No matter how far,
    See the blood flow,
    Watching it shed,
    Up above my head,
    Iron maiden wants you dead.

  12. #12
    Bannato L'avatar di Killman
    Registrato il
    Testi - The number of the beast


    Longboats have been sighted the evidence of war has begun
    Many Nordic fighting men their swords and shields all gleam in the sun
    Call to arms defend yourselves get ready to stand and fight for your lives
    Judgement day has come around so be prepared don't run stand your ground

    They're coming in from the sea
    they've come the enemy
    beneath the blazing sun
    the battle has to be won
    Invaders ... Pillaging
    Invaders ... Looting

    Set ablaze the campfires alert the other men from inland
    Warning must be given there's not enough men here for a stand
    The Vikings are too many too powerful to take on our own
    We must have reinforcements we cannot fight this battle alone

    They're coming over the hill
    they've come to attack
    they're coming in for the kill
    there's no turning back
    Invaders ... Fighting
    Invaders ... Marauding

    Axes grind and maces clash as wounded fighters fall to the ground
    Severed limbs and fatal woundings bloody corpses lay all around
    The smell of death and burning flesh the battle weary fight to the end
    The Saxons have been overpowered victims of the mighty Norsemen

    Testi - Piace of mind

    Where Eagles Dare

    It's snowing outside the rumbling sound
    of engines roar in the night.
    The mission is near the confident men
    are waiting to drop from the sky.

    The Blizzard goes on but still they must fly
    No one should go where eagles dare.

    Bavarian alps that lay all around
    they seem to stare from below.
    The enemy lines a long time passed
    are lying deep in the snow.

    Into the night they fall through the sky
    No one should fly where eagles dare.

    They're closing in the fortress is near
    it's standing high in the sky.
    The cable car's the only way in
    it's really impossible to climb.

    They make their way but maybe too late
    They've got to try to save the day.

    The panicking cries the roaring of guns
    are echoing all around the valley.
    The mission complete they make to escape
    away from the Eagles Nest.

    They dared to go where no one would try
    they chose to fly where eagles dare.


    "O God of Earth and Altar,
    Bow down and hear our cry,
    Our earthly rulers falter,
    Our people drift and die,
    The walls of gold entomb us,
    The swords of scorn divide,
    Take not thy thunder from us,
    But take away our pride."

    Just a babe in the black abyss,
    No reason for a place like this,
    The walls are cold and souls cry out in pain,
    An easy way for the blind to go,
    A clever path for the fools who know
    the Secret of the Hanged Man-the smile on his lips.
    The light of the Blind-you'll see,
    The venom that tears my spine,
    The Eyes of the Nile are opening-you'll see.

    She came to me with a serpent's kiss,
    As the Eye of the Sun Rose on her lips,
    Moonlight catches silver tears I cry,
    So we lay in the black embrace,
    And the Seed is sown in a holy place
    And I watched, and I waited for the dawn.

    The light of the Blind-you'll see,
    The venom that tears my spine,
    The Eyes of the Nile are opening-you'll see.

    Bind all of us together,
    Ablaze with Hope and Free,
    No storm or heavy weather
    Will rock the boat you'll see.
    The time has come to close your eyes
    And still the wind and rain,
    For the one who will be King
    Is the Watcher in the Ring,
    It is You.

    Flight Of Icarus

    As the sun breaks, above the ground,
    An old man stands on the hill,
    As the ground warms, to the first rays of light
    A birdsong shatters the still.

    His eyes are ablaze,
    See the madman in his gaze.

    Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun,
    On your way, like an eagle,
    Fly and touch the sun.

    Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears
    Looks the old man in the eye
    As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd
    In the name of God my father I fly.

    His eyes seem so glazed
    As he flies on the wings of a dream,
    Now he knows his father betrayed
    Now his wings turn to ashes to ashes his grave.

    Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun,

    On your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun.

    Die With Your Boots On

    Another Prophet of Disaster
    Who says the ship is lost,
    Another Prophet of Disaster
    Leaving you to count the cost.
    Taunting us with Visions,
    Afflicting us with fear,
    Predicting War for millions,
    In the hope that one appears.

    No point asking when it is,
    No point asking who's to go,
    No point asking what's the game,
    No point asking who's to blame.
    'cos if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die,
    'cos if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die,

    If you're gonna die, die with your boots on.
    If you're gonna try, just stick around,
    Gonna cry, just move along,
    If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

    In 13 the Beast is rising,
    The Frenchman did surmise,
    Through earthquakes and starvation,
    The warlord will arise.
    Terror, Death, Destruction,
    Pour from the Eastern Sands,
    But the truth of all predictions,
    Is always in your hands.

    If you're gonna die, die with your boots on,
    If you're gonna try, just stick around,
    Gonna cry, just move along,
    If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

    The Trooper

    You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
    You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
    So when you're waiting for the next attack
    You'd better stand there's no turning back.

    The bugle sounds and the charge begins
    But on this battlefield no one wins
    The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
    As I plunge on into certain death.

    The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
    The mighty roar of the Russian guns
    And as we race towards the human wall
    The screams of pain as my comrades fall

    We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
    And the Russians fire another round
    We get so near yet so far away
    We won't live to fight another day.

    We get so close near enough to fight
    When a Russian gets me in his sights
    He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
    A burst of rounds take my horse below.

    And as I lay there gazing at the sky
    My body's numb and my throat is dry
    And as I lay forgotten and alone
    Without a tear I draw my parting groan

    Still Life

    Take a look in the pool and what do you see
    In the dark depths there faces beckoning me
    Can't you see them it's plain for all to see
    They were there oh I know you don't believe me.

    Oh...I've never felt so strange
    But...I'm not going insane.

    I've no doubt that you think I'm off my head
    You don't say but it's in your eyes instead
    Hours I spend out just gazing into that pool
    Something draws me there I don't know what to do.

    Oh...they drain my strength away
    Oh...they're asking me to stay.

    Nightmares...spirits calling me
    Nightmares...they won't leave me be.

    All my life's blood is slowly draining away
    And I feel that I'm weaker every day
    Somehow I know I haven't long to go
    Joining them at the bottom of the pool.

    Now...I feel they are so near
    I...begin to see them clear

    Nightmares...coming all the time
    Nightmares...Will give me peace of mind.

    Now it's clear and I know what I have to do
    I must take you down there to look at them too
    Hand in hand then we'll jump right into the pool
    Can't you see not just me they want you too.

    Oh...we'll drown together
    It...will be forever.

    Nightmares...forever calling me
    Nightmares...Now we rest in peace.

    Quest For Fire

    In a time when dinosaurs walked the earth
    When the land was swamp and caves were home
    In an age when prize possession was fire
    To search for landscapes men would roam.

    Then the tribes they came to steal their fire
    And the wolves they howled into the night
    As they fought a vicious angry battle
    to save the power of warmth and light.

    Drawn by quest for fire
    They searched all through the land
    Drawn by quest for fire
    Discovery of man.

    And they thought that when the embers died away
    That the flame of life had burnt and died
    Didn't know the sparks that made the fire
    Were made by rubbing stick and stone.

    So they ploughed through the forest and swamps of danger
    And they fought the cannibal tribes and beasts
    In the search to find another fire
    To regain the power of light and heat.

    Drawn by quest for fire
    They searched across the land
    Drawn by quest for fire
    Discovery of man.

    Sun And Steel

    You killed your first man at 13,
    Killer instinct, Animal supreme,
    By 16 you had learned to fight
    The way of the warrior, you took it as your right.

    Sunlight, falling on your steel,
    Death in life is your ideal,
    Life is like a wheel, rolling on and on.

    Through earth and water, fire and wind,
    you came at last-nothing was the end,
    Make a cut by fire and stones,
    Take you and your blade and break you both
    in two-break you both in two.

    Sunlight, falling on your steel,
    Death in life is your ideal,
    Life is like a wheel-and it's rolling still.

    To Tame A Land

    He is the king of all the land
    In the Kingdom of the sands
    Of a time tomorrow.

    He rules the sandworms and the Fremen
    In a land amongst the stars
    Of an age tomorrow.

    He is destined to be a King
    He rules over everything
    On the land called planet Dune.

    Bodywater is your life
    And without it you would die
    On the desert the planet Dune.

    Without a stillsuit you would fry
    On the sands so hot and dry
    In a world called Arrakis.

    It is a land that's rich in spice
    The sandriders and the "mice"
    That they call the "Muad'Dib".

    He is the Kwizatz Haderach.
    He is born of Caladan
    And will take the Gom Jabbar.

    He has the power to foresee
    Or to look into the past
    He is the ruler of the stars

    The time will come for him
    to lay claim his crown,
    And then the foe yes
    they'll be cut down,
    You'll see he'll be the
    best that there's been,
    Messiah supreme
    true leader of men,
    And when the time
    for judgement's at hand
    Don't fret he's strong
    and he'll make a stand,
    Against evil and fire
    That spreads through the land,
    He has the power
    to make it all end.

    You'd better scatter and run
    the battle's lost and not won
    you'd better get away
    Invaders ... Raping
    Invaders ... Plundering

    Children Of The Damned

    He's walking like a small child
    But watch his eyes burn you away
    Black holes in his golden stare
    God knows he wants to go home
    Children of The Damned
    Children of The Damned
    Children of The Damned

    He's walking like a dead man
    If he had lived he would have crucified us all
    Now he's standing on the last step
    He thought oblivion well it beckons us all
    Children of The Damned
    Children of The Damned
    Children of The Damned

    Now it burns his hand he's turning to laugh
    Smiles as the flame sears his flesh
    Melting his face screaming in pain
    Peeling the skin from his eyes
    Watch him die according to plan
    He's dust on the ground what did we learn

    You're Children of The Damned
    Your back's against the wall
    You turn into the light
    You're Children of The Damned
    Like candles watch them burn
    Burning in the light
    You'll burn again tonight
    You're Children of The Damned

    The Prisoner

    On the run kill to eat
    You're starving now you're dead on your feet
    Going all the way nature's beast
    Do what I want as I please

    Run fight to breathe it's tough
    Now you see me now you don't
    Break the walls I'm coming out

    Not a prisoner I'm a free man
    And my blood is my own now
    Don't care where the past was
    I know where I'm going ... out

    If you kill me it's self defence
    If I kill you then I call it vengeance
    Spit in your eye I will defy
    You'll be afraid when I call out your name

    I'm not a number I'm a free man
    I'll live my life how I want to
    You'd better scratch me from your black book
    Cos I'll run rings round you

    22, Acacia Avenue

    If you're feeling down depressed and lonely
    I know a place where we can go
    22 Acacia Avenue meet a lady that I know
    So if you're looking for a good time
    And you're prepared to pay the price
    Fifteen quid is all she asks for
    Everybody's got their vice

    If you're waiting for a long time for the rest to do their piece
    You can tell her that you know me and you might even get it free
    So any time you're down the East End don't you hesitate to go
    You can take my honest word for it she'll teach you more than you can know

    Charlotte can't you get out from all this madness
    Can't you see it only brings you sadness
    When you entertain your men don't know the risk of getting disease

    Some day when you're reaching the age of forty
    I bet you'll regret the days when you were laying
    Nobody then will want to know
    You won't have any beautiful wares to show any more

    22, the avenue that's the place where we all go
    You will find it's warm inside the red light's burning bright tonight

    Charlotte isn't it time you stopped this mad life
    Don't you ever think about the bad times
    Why do you have to live this way
    Do you enjoy your lay or is it the pay

    Sometimes when your strolling down the avenue
    The way you walk it make men think of having you
    When you're walking down the street
    Everybody stops and turns to stare at you

    Beat her mistreat her do anything that you please
    Bite her excite her make her get down on her knees
    Abuse her misuse her she can take all that you've got
    Caress her molest her she always does what you want

    You're running away don't you know what you're doing
    Can't you see it'll lead you to ruin
    Charlotte you've taken your life and you've thrown it away
    You believe that because what you're earning
    Your life's good don't you know that you're hurting
    All the people that love you don't cast them aside
    All the men that are constantly drooling
    It's no life for you stop all that screwing
    You're packing your bags and you're "coming" with me

    The Number Of The Beast

    "Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
    Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixty six."

    I left alone my mind was blank
    I needed time to get the memories from my mind

    What did I see can I believe that what I saw
    that night was real and not just fantasy

    Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
    reflections of my warped mind staring back at me

    Cos in my dreams it's always there the evil face that twists my mind
    and brings me to despair

    The night was black was no use holding back
    Cos I just had to see was someone watching me
    In the mist dark figures move and twist
    was all this for real or some kind of hell
    666 the Number of the Beast
    Hell and fire was spawned to be released

    Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
    as they start to cry hands held to the sky
    In the night the fires burning bright
    the ritual has begun Satan's work is done
    666 the Number of the Beast
    Sacrifice is going on tonight

    This can't go on I must inform the law
    Can this still be real or some crazy dream
    but I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
    they seem to mesmerise me...can't avoid their eyes
    666 the Number of the Beast
    666 the one for you and me

    I'm coming back I will return
    And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
    I have the fire I have the force
    I have the power to make my evil take its course

    Run To The Hills

    White man came across the sea
    Brought us pain and misery
    Killed our tribes killed our creed
    Took our game for his own need

    We fought him hard we fought him well
    Out on the plains we gave him hell
    But many came too much for Cree
    Oh will we ever be set free?

    Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes
    Galloping hard on the plains
    Chasing the redskins back to their holes
    Fighting them at their own game
    Murder for freedom a stab in the back
    Women and children and cowards attack

    Run to the hills run for your lives
    Run to the hills run for your lives

    Soldier blue on the barren wastes
    Hunting and killing their game
    Raping the women and wasting the men
    The only good Indians are tame
    Selling them whisky and taking their gold
    Enslaving the young and destroying the old

    Run to the hills run for your lives


    Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
    You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
    You pray for daylight to save you for a while
    You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile

    Dead men - tell no tales
    In Gangland - murder's up for sale
    Dead men - tell no tales
    In Gangland - where jail birds die

    Face at the window leers into your own
    But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
    How long can you hide? How long till they come?
    A rat in a trap but you've got to survive

    Once you were glad to be free for a while
    The air tasted good and the world was your friend
    Then came the day when the hard times began
    Now your alone but alive for how long?

    A knife at your throat another body on the pile
    A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
    Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
    Death on the streets or a blackened out jail

    Dead men - tell no tales
    In Gangland - murder's up for sale
    Dead men - tell no tales
    In Gangland - where jail birds die

    In Gangland you tell no tales

    Hallowed Be Thy Name

    I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
    Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
    Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
    The sands of time for me are running low

    When the priest comes to read me the last rites
    I take a look through the bars at the last sights
    Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

    Can it be there's some sort of error
    Hard to stop the surmounting terror
    Is it really the end not some crazy dream

    Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
    It's not so easy to stop from screaming
    But words escape me when I try to speak
    Tears they flow but why am I crying
    After all I am not afraid of dying
    Don't believe that there is never an end

    As the guards march me out to the courtyard
    Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
    If there's a God then why has he let me die?

    As I walk all my life drifts before me
    And though the end is near I'm not sorry
    Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away

    Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
    Please don't worry now that I have gone
    I've gone beyond to see the truth

    When you know that your time is close at hand
    maybe then you'll begin to understand
    Life down there is just a strange illusion.

  13. #13
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    Testi - Somewhere in time

    Caught Somewhere In Time

    If you had the time to lose,
    An open mind and time to choose,
    Would you care to take a look,
    Or can you read me like a book?

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Can I tempt you, come with me,
    Be Devil may care, fulfill your dream,
    If I said I'd take you there,
    Would you go, would you be scared?

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Don't be afraid, you're safe with me,
    Safe as any soul can be ... honestly,
    Just let yourself go.

    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time ... oh oh

    Like a wolf in sheep's clothing,
    You try to hide your deepest sins,
    Of all the things that you've done wrong,
    And I know where you belong.

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Make you an offer you can't refuse,
    You've only got your soul to lose...
    Eternally...Just let yourself go!

    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught now in two minds!

    Wasted Years

    From the coast of gold, across the seven seas,
    I'm travelling on, far and wide,
    But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself,
    And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but someone else.

    I close my eyes, and think of home,
    Another city goes by, in the night,
    Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it til it's gone away,
    And my heart is lying there and will be til my dying day.

    So understand
    Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years,
    Face up...make your stand,
    And realise you're living in the golden years.

    Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind,
    Can't ease this pain, so easily,
    When you can't find the words to say, it's hard to make it through another day,
    And it makes me wanna cry, and throw my hands up to the sky.

    So understand
    Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years,
    Face up...make your stand,
    And realise you're living in the golden years.

    Sea Of Madness

    Out in the street somebody's crying,
    Out in the night the fires burn,
    Maybe tonight somebody's crying,
    Reached the point of no return.

    Oh - my eyes they see but I can't believe,
    Oh - my heart is heavy as I turn my back and leave.

    Like the eagle and the dove,
    Fly so high on wings above,
    When all you see can only bring you sadness,
    Like a river we will flow,
    On towards the sea we go,
    When all you do can only bring you sadness,
    Out on the sea of madness.

    Somewhere I hear a voice that's calling,
    Out in the dark there burns a dream,
    You got to hope when you are falling,
    To find the world that you have seen.
    Oh - my eyes they see but I can't believe,
    Oh - my heart is heavy as I turn my back and leave.

    Like the eagle and the dove,
    Fly so high on wings above,
    When all you see can only bring you sadness,
    Like a river we will flow,
    On towards the sea we go,
    When all you do can only bring you sadness,
    Out on the sea of madness.

    It's madness,
    The sun don't shine
    On the sea of madness,
    There ain't no wind to fill your sails,
    When all you see can only bring you sadness
    On towards the sea we go...

    Heaven Can Wait

    Can't understand what is happening to me,
    This isn't real, this is only a dream,
    But I never have felt, no I never have felt this way before,
    I'm looking down on my body below,
    I lie asleep in the midst of a dream,
    Is it now could it be that the angel of death has come for me?
    I can't believe that really my time has come,
    I don't feel ready, there's so much left undone,
    And it's my soul and I'm not gonna let it get away.

    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait til another day.

    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait til another day.

    I have a lust for the Earth below
    And Hell itself is my only foe,
    'Cause I've no fear of dying,
    I'll go when I'm good and ready,
    I snatch a glimpse of the light's eternal rays,
    I see a tunnel, I stand amazed,
    At all of the people standing there in front of me,
    Into the paths of rightness I'll be led,
    Is this the place where the living join the dead?
    I wish I knew this was only just a nightmare.

    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait til another day.

    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait til another day.

    Take my hand, I'll lead you to the promised land,
    Take my hand, I'll give you immortality,
    Eternal youth, I'll take you to the other side,
    To see the truth, the path for you is decided.

    Oh Oh Oh Oh !

    My body tingles, I feel so strange,
    I feel so tired, I feel so drained,
    And I'm wondering if I'll ever be the same again,
    Is this in limbo or in Heaven or Hell?
    Maybe I'm going down there as well,
    I can't accept my soul will drift forever.
    I feel myself floating back down to Earth,
    So could this be the hour of my rebirth?
    Or have I died or will I wake from dreaming?

    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait,
    Heaven can wait til another day.

    The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner

    Tough of the track,
    With the wind,
    And the rain that's beating down on your back.
    Your heart's beating loud
    And goes on getting louder
    And goes on even more till
    The sound is ringing in your head,
    With every step you tread,
    And every breath you take,

    Makes you run never stop,
    Got to win, got to run till you drop,
    Keep the pace, hold the race,
    Your mind is getting clearer,
    You're over half way there
    But the miles just never seem to end
    As if you're in a dream,
    Not getting anywhere.
    It seems so futile.

    Run, on and on,
    Run, on and on,
    The loneliness of the long distance runner.

    I've got to keep running the course,
    I've got to keep running and win at all costs,
    I've got to keep going, be strong,
    Must be so determined and push myself on.

    Run over stiles, across fields,
    Turn to look at who's on your heels,
    Way ahead of the field,
    The line is getting nearer but do
    You want the glory that goes,
    You reach the final stretch,
    Ideals are just a trace,
    You feel like throwing the race,
    It's all so futile.

    Run, on and on,
    Run, on and on,
    The loneliness of the long distance runner.

    Stranger In A Strange Land

    Was many years ago that I left home and came this way,
    I was a young man full of hopes and dreams,
    But now it seems to me that all is lost and nothing gained,
    Sometimes things ain't what they seem,
    No brave new world, no brave new world,
    No brave new world, no brave new world.

    Night and day I scan horizon, sea and sky,
    My spirit wanders endlessly,
    Until the day will dawn and friends from home discover why,
    Hear me calling, rescue me,
    Set me free, set me free,
    Lost in this place and leave no trace.

    Stranger in a strange land,
    Land of ice and snow,
    Trapped here in this prison, yeah!
    Lost and far from home.

    One hundred years have gone and men again they came that way,
    To find the answer to the mystery,
    They found his body lying where it fell on that day,
    Preserved in time for all to see,
    No brave new world, no brave new world,
    Lost in this place, and leave no trace.

    What became of the men that started
    All are gone and souls departed
    Left me here in this prison
    So all alone

    Stranger in a strange land,
    Land of ice and snow,
    Trapped here in this prison, yeah!
    Lost and far from home.


    When you see familiar faces,
    But you don't remember where they're from,
    Could you be wrong?

    When you've been particular places,
    That you know you've never been before,
    Can you be sure?

    'Cause you know this has happened before,
    And you know that this moment in time is for real,
    And you know when you feel Deja vu.

    Feel like I've been here before,
    Feel like I've been here before.
    Feel like I've been here before,
    Feel like I've been here before.

    Ever had a conversation,
    That you realise you've had before,
    Isn't it strange?

    Have you ever talked to someone,
    And you feel you know what's coming next?
    It feels pre-arranged.

    'Cause you know that you've heard it before,
    And you feel that this moment in time is surreal,
    'Cause you know when you feel deja-vu.

    Feel like I've been here before,
    Feel like I've been here before.
    Feel like I've been here before,
    Feel like I've been here before.

    Alexander The Great

    "My son, ask for thyself another kingdom,
    For that which I leave is to small for thee."

    Near to the East, in a part of ancient Greece,
    In an ancient land called Macedonia,
    Was born a son to Philip of Macedon,
    The legend his name was Alexander.

    At the age of nineteen, he became the Macedon king,
    And swore to free all of Asia Minor,
    By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC,
    He utterly beat the armies of Persia.

    Alexander the Great,
    His name struck fear into hearts of men,
    Alexander the Great,
    Became a legend 'mongst mortal men.

    King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia,
    The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes,
    Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well,
    And he founded the city called Alexandria.

    By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again,
    And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela,
    Entering Babylon and Susa, treasures he found,
    Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia.

    Alexander the Great,
    His name struck fear into hearts of men,
    Alexander the Great,
    Became a god amongst mortal men.

    A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke,
    And Alexander cut the "Gordion knot",
    And legend said that who untied the knot,
    He would become the master of Asia.

    Helonism he spread far and wide,
    The Macedonian learned mind,
    Their culture was a western way of life,
    He paved the way for Christianity.

    Marching on, Marching on.

    The battle weary marching side by side,
    Alexander's army line by line,
    They wouldn't follow him to India,
    Tired of the combat, pain and the glory.

    Alexander the Great,
    His name struck fear into hearts of men,
    Alexander the Great,
    He died of fever in Babylon.

  14. #14
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    Testi - Seventh son of a seventh son


    Seven deadly sins
    Seven ways to win
    Seven holy paths to hell
    And your trip begins

    Seven downward slopes
    Seven bloodied hopes
    Seven are your burning fires
    Seven your desires....

    I am he the bornless one
    The fallen angel watching you
    Babylon, the scarlet whore
    I'll infiltrate your gratitude
    Don't you dare to save your son
    Kill him now and save the young ones
    Be the mother of a birth strangled babe
    Be the devils own, Lucifer's my name

    Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream
    Moonchild - open the seventh seal
    Moonchild - You'll be mine soon child
    Moonchild - take my hand tonight

    I count the heads of those unborn
    The accursed ones I'll find them all
    And if you die by your own hand
    As a suicide you shall be damned
    And if you try to save your soul
    I will torment you - you shall not grow old
    With every second and passing breath
    You'll be so alone your soul will bleed to death

    Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream
    Moonchild - open the seventh seal
    Moonchild - You'll be mine soon child
    Moonchild - take my hand tonight

    The twins they are exhausted, seven is this night
    Gemini is rising as the red lips kiss to bite
    Seven angels seven demons battle for his soul
    When Gabriel lies sleeping, this child was born to die

    One more dies one more lives
    One baby cries one mother grieves
    For all the sins you will commit
    You'll beg forgiveness and none I'll give
    A web of fear shall be your coat
    To clothe you in the night
    A lucky escape for you young man
    But I'll see you damned in endless night

    Infinite Dreams

    Infinite dreams I can't deny them
    Infinity is hard to comprehend
    I couldn't hear those screams
    Even in my wildest dreams

    Suffocation waking in a sweat
    Scared to fall asleep again
    Incase the dream begins again
    Someone chasing I cannot move
    Standing rigid nightmare's statue
    What a dream when will it end
    And will I transcend?

    Restless sleep the minds in turmoil
    One nightmare ends another fertile
    Getting to me so scared to sleep
    But scared to wake now, in too deep

    Even though its reached new heights
    I rather like the restless nights
    It makes me wonder it makes me think
    There's more to this I'm on the brink
    It's not the fear of what's beyond
    It's just that I might not respond
    I have an interest almost craving
    But would I like to get too far in?

    It can't be all coincidence
    Too many things are evident
    You tell me you're an unbeliever
    Spiritualist? Well me I'm neither
    But wouldn't you like to know
    The truth
    Of what's out there to have the proof
    And find out just which side
    You're on
    Where would you end in Heaven or
    In Hell?

    Help me. Help me to find my true
    Self without seeing the future
    Save me, save me from torturing
    Myself even within my dreams

    There's got to be just more to it
    Than this
    Or tell me why do we exist
    I'd like to think that when I die
    I'd get a chance another time
    And to return and live again
    Reincarnate, play the game
    Again and again and again

    Can I Play With Madness

    Give me the sense to wonder
    To wonder if I'm free
    Give me a sense of wonder
    To know I can be me
    Give me the strength to hold my head up
    Spit back in their face
    Don't need no key to unlock this door
    Gonna break down the walls
    Break out of this bad place

    Can I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ball
    Can I play with madness - there's no vision there at all
    Can I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me
    Can I play with madness - he said you're blind too blind to see

    I screamed aloud to the old man
    I said don't lie don't say you don't know
    I say you'll pay for your mischief
    In this world or the next
    Oh and then he fixed me with a freezing glance
    And the hell fires raged in his eyes
    He said do you want to know the truth son
    - I'll tell you the truth
    Your soul's gonna burn in the lake of fire

    Can I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ball
    Can I play with madness - there's no vision there at all
    Can I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me
    Can I play with madness - he said you're blind too blind to see
    Can I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ball

    Can I play with madness - there's no vision there at all
    Can I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me
    Can I play with madness - he said you're blind too blind to see

    The Evil That Men Do

    Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade
    Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with
    The slaughter of innocence
    But I will pray for her
    I will call her name out loud
    I would bleed for her
    If only I could see her now

    Living on a razors edge
    Balancing on a ledge
    Living on a razors edge

    The evil that men do lives on and on.....
    The evil that men do lives on and on.....
    The evil that men do lives on and on.....
    The evil that men do lives on and on.....

    Circle of fire my baptism of joy at an end it seems
    The seventh lamb slain, the book of life opens before me
    But I will pray for you
    And some day I may return
    Don't you cry for me
    Beyond is where I learn

    Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son

    Here they stand brothers them all
    All the sons divided they'd fall
    Here await the birth of the son
    The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one

    Here the birth from an unbroken line
    Born the healer the seventh, his time
    Unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds
    Slowly unveiling the power he holds

    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son

    Then they watch the progress he makes
    The Good and the Evil which path will he take
    Both of them trying to manipulate
    The use of his powers before it's too late

    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son
    Seventh son of a seventh son

    Today is born the seventh one
    Born of woman the seventh son
    And he in turn of a seventh son
    He has the power to heal
    He has the gift of the second sight
    He is the chosen one
    So it shall be written
    So it shall be done

    The Prophecy

    Now that I know that the right time has come
    My prediction will surely be true
    The impending disaster it looms
    And the whole of the village is doomed
    Why won't you listen to me
    It is so hard to understand
    That I am the real seventh son
    Your life or death on me depends

    Suffering and pain impending disaster
    Souls crying the devil's laughter
    Heard the cry of the seven whistlers
    Lucifer smiles looks on and waits

    I'll take your life in my hands
    Your fate your fortune's in my visions
    Heed what I say and you'll see
    What will be
    Please listen to me

    Now that they see the disaster is done
    Now they put all the blame unto me
    They feel I brought on a curse
    Don't they know that the torment
    It stays with me knowing that I walk alone
    Through the eyes of the future I see
    They don't even know what fear is
    Don't they know I'm the one who is cursed

    Purgatory beckons souls lost forever
    Life after death or heaven hereafter
    Heard the call of the seven whistlers again
    Now Lucifer laughs hell awaits

    I had their lives in my hands
    Their fate their fortunes in my visions
    No one believed in my true prophecy
    And now it's too late

    The Clairvoyant

    Feel the sweat break on my brow
    Is it me or is it shadows that are
    Dancing on the walls
    Is this a dream or is it now
    Is this a vision or normality I see
    Before my eyes

    I wonder why I wonder how
    That it seems the powers getting stronger
    Every day
    I feel a strength an inner fire
    But I'm scared I won't be able to control it anymore

    There's a time to live and a time to die
    When it's time to meet the maker
    There's a time to live but isn't it strange
    That as soon as you're born you're dying

    Just by looking through your eyes
    He could see the future penetrating right
    In through your mind
    See the truth and see your lies
    But for all his power couldn't foresee his own demise

    There's a time to live and a time to die
    When it's time to meet the maker
    There's a time to live but isn't it strange
    That as soon as you're born you're dying...
    ... and reborn again?

    Only The Good Die Young

    The demon in your mind will rape you in your bed at night
    The wisdom of ages, the lies and outrages concealed
    Time it waits for no man
    My future it is revealed
    Time it waits for no man
    My fate is sealed

    If I cancel tomorrow the undead will thank me today
    Fly in the face of your prophets I mock your morality plays
    The moon is red and bleeding
    The sun is burned and black
    The book of life is silent
    No turning back

    Only the good die young
    All the evil seem to live forever
    Only the good die young
    All the evil seem to live forever
    Only the good die young
    Only the good die young

    Mystery madman a victim of cruel charade
    Some innocent pawn in an end game one more stalemate
    Is death another birthday?
    A way to kiss your dreams goodbye?
    Do the undead live within us
    And look through our eyes?

    Walking on water are miracles all you can trust
    Measure your coffin does it measure up to your lust?
    So I think I'll leave you
    With your bishops and your guilt
    So until the next time
    Have a good sin

    Only the good die young
    All the evil seem to live forever
    Only the good die young
    All the evil seem to live forever
    Only the good die young
    Only the good die young

    Seven deadly sins
    Seven ways to win
    Seven holy paths to hell

    Seven downward slopes
    Seven bloodied hopes
    Seven are your burning fires
    Seven your desires...

  15. #15
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    Testi - Rock In Rio




    (Jerry Goldsmith)


    (Harris, Smith, Dickinson)

    Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you
    He knocks you to your feet and so what are you gonna do
    Your tongue has frozen now you've got something to say
    The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you this way

    You watch the world exploding every single night
    Dancing in the sun a new born in the light
    Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death
    Hello to eternity and live for every breath

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    The ferryman wants his money you ain't going to give it back
    He can push his own boat as you set up off the track
    Nothing you can contemplate will ever be the same
    Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame

    You watch the world exploding every single night
    Dancing in the sun a new born in the light
    Brothers and their fathers joining hands and make a chain
    The shadows of the Wickerman is rising up again

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come

    Your time will come
    Your time will come



    (Harris, Gers, Dickinson)

    I have sailed to many lands now I make my final journey
    On the bow I stand, west is where I go
    Through the night I plough still my heart, calculate and pray
    As the compass swings my will is strong I will not be led astray
    Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun
    But I know, I know, I know

    I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost
    As they sail into the sunset they'll count the coast
    As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea
    The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me

    Take my heart and set it free
    carried forward by the waves
    Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son

    Chasing Rainbows all my days
    Where I go I do not know
    I only know the place I've been
    Dream they come and go, ever shall be so
    Nothing's real until you see

    I steer between the crashing rocks, the siren call my name
    Lash my hands onto the helm, blood surging with the strain
    I will not fail now as the sunrise comes the darkness left behind
    For eternity I follow on there is no other way
    Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun
    But I know, I know

    I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost
    As they sail into the sunset they'll count the coast
    As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea
    The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me

    Take my heart and set it free
    carried forward by the waves
    Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son

    Chasing Rainbows all my days
    Where I go I do not know
    I only know the place I've been
    Dream they come and go, ever shall be so
    Nothing's real until you see

    I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost
    As they sail into the sunset they'll count the coast
    As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea
    The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me

    Take my heart and set it free
    carried forward by the waves
    Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son

    Chasing Rainbows all my days
    Where I go I do not know
    I only know the place I've been
    Dream they come and go, ever shall be so
    Nothing's real until you see



    (Harris, Murray, Dickinson)

    Dying Swans twisted wings
    Beauty not needed here
    Lost my love, lost my life
    In this garden of fear
    I have seen many things
    In a lifetime alone
    Mother love is no more
    Bring this savage back home

    Wilderness house of pain
    Make no sense of it all
    Close this mind dull this brain
    Messiah before his fall
    What you see is not real
    Those who know will not tell
    All is lost sold our soul
    In this brave new world

    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world

    Dragon Kings Dying Queens
    Where is salvation now
    Lost my life lost my dreams
    Rip the bones from my flesh
    Silent screams laughing here
    Dying to tell you the truth
    You are planned you are damned
    In this brave new world

    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    In a brave new world
    A brave new world
    Dying Swans twisted wings
    Bring this savage back home



    I was born into a scene
    of angriness and greed
    of dominance and persecution

    My mother was a queen
    my dad I'd never seen
    I was never meant to be.

    Now I spend my time
    looking all around
    For a man that's nowhere to
    be found,
    Until I find him, I'm never
    gonna stop searching,
    I'm gonna find my man,
    gonna travel round

    Cos I'm a wrathchild
    Well I'm a wrathchild
    Yeah I'm a wrathchild

    Some say it shouldn't matter,
    ain't nothing gonna alter
    the course of my destination

    But I know I've gotta find
    some serious peace of mind
    or I know I'll just go crazy.
    Now I spend my time
    looking all around
    For a man that's nowhere to
    be found,
    Until I find him, I'm never
    gonna stop searching,
    I'm gonna find my man,
    gonna travel round

    Cos I'm a wrathchild
    Well I'm a wrathchild
    Yeah I'm a wrathchild


    (Smith, Dickinson)

    Kill for gain or shoot to maim
    But we don't need a reason
    The Golden Goose is on the loose
    And never out of season
    Some blackened pride still burns inside
    This shell of bloody treason
    Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
    For the love of living death.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

    2 minutes to midnight
    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    The blind men shout let the creatures out
    We'll show the unbelievers
    The napalm screams of human flames
    Of a prime time Belsen feast...YEAH!
    As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy,
    We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
    2 minutes to midnight

    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
    And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you.
    As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song,
    To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.

    The killer's breed or the demon's seed,
    The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
    Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
    But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

    2 minutes to midnight
    The hands that threaten doom.
    2 minutes to midnight
    To kill the unborn in the womb.

    Midnight...all night...
    Midnight...all night...

    Midnight...all night...



    And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life
    What do you think you'd expect you would see?
    Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
    And in the river reflections of me

    Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
    And in a moviment he beckons on me
    And in a moment the memories are all that remain
    And all the wounds are reopening again

    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

    And as you look all around at the world in dismay
    What do you see, do you think we have learned
    Not if you're taking a look at the war torn affray
    Out in the streets where the babies are burned

    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

    There are times when I feel I'm afraid for the world
    There are times I'm ashamed of us all
    When you're floating on the emotion you feel
    And reflecting the good and the bad

    Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
    Can you really tell me what life is?
    Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
    Could be swept away by fate's own hand

    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

    When you think that we've used all our chances
    And the chance to make everything right,
    Keep on making the same old mistakes
    Makes untipping the balance so easy
    When we're living our lives on the edge
    Say a prayer on the book of the dead

    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
    We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

    And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life



    Eleven saintly shrouded men
    Silhouettes stand against the sky
    One in front with a cross held high
    Come to wash my sins away

    Standing alone in the wind and rain
    Feeling the fear that is growing
    Sensing the change in the tide again
    Brought by the storm that is brewing
    Feel the anxiety hold off the fear
    Some of the doubt in the things you believe
    Now that your faith will be put to the test
    Nothing to do but await what is coming

    Why then is God still protecting me
    Even when I don't deserve it
    Though I am blessed with an inner strength
    Some they would call it a penance
    Why am I meant to face this alone
    Asking the question time and again
    Praying to God won't keep me alive
    Inside my head feel the fear start to rise

    They'll be saying their prayers when the moment comes
    There'll be penance to pay when it's judgment day
    And the guilty'll bleed when that moment comes
    They'll be coming to claim, take your soul away

    The sign of the cross
    The name of the rose... a fire in the sky
    The sign of the cross

    They'll be coming to bring the eternal flame
    They'll be bringing us all immortality
    Holding communion so the world be blessed
    My creator, my God'll lay my soul to rest

    The sign of the cross
    The name of the rose... a fire in the sky
    The sign of the cross

    The sign of the cross
    The name of the rose... a fire in the sky
    The sign of the cross

    The sign of the cross
    The name of the rose... a fire in the sky
    The sign of the cross

    Lost the love of heaven above
    Chose the lust of the earth below
    Eleven saintly shrouded men
    Came to wash my sins away


    (Gers, Harris)

    Pay to kill, die to lose
    Hunted, hunter which you are
    Diablo come again
    To make trophies out of men

    Lose your skin, lose your sull
    One by one the sack is full
    In the head dehydrate
    Know which breath will be your last

    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
    You've got to kill to stay alive
    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
    You've got to kill to stay alive

    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain

    Human heart, human mind
    Intellect interwined
    Focus sharp in the night
    Watch the jungle burning bright

    Toe to toe throw the line
    Everyone's caught hand tied
    Iron will Iron fist
    How could it have come to this?

    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
    You've got to kill to stay alive
    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
    You've got to kill to stay alive

    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain

    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain
    Show them no fear, show them no pain



    You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
    You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
    So when you're waiting for the next attack
    You'd better stand there's no turning back.

    The bugle sounds and the charge begins
    But on this battlefield no one wins
    The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
    As I plunge on into certain death.

    The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
    The mighty roar of the Russian guns
    And as we race towards the human wall
    The screams of pain as my comrades fall

    We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
    And the Russians fire another round
    We get so near yet so far away
    We won't live to fight another day.

    We get so close near enough to fight
    When a Russian gets me in his sights
    He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
    A burst of rounds take my horse below.

    And as I lay there gazing at the sky
    My body's numb and my throat is dry
    And as I lay forgotten and alone
    Without a tear I draw my parting groan

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