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  1. #1
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
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    presto Tír na nÓg

    Esclamazione discussione erudita...ed idea geniale!

    un'ideuzza venutaci in chat a me ae Lord Raziel

    :::[21:24][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: vorrei creare qualcosa
    :::[21:24][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: del tipo
    :::[21:24][Lord_raziel]::: corruttore della materi
    :::[21:24][Lord_raziel]::: controllo sugli elementi
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: Diablo II: LoD + Tactics Ogre_ TKoL
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: insomma
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: un mix stupendo
    :::[21:25][Lord_raziel]::: mm?
    :::[21:25][Lord_raziel]::: non sono ferrato in diablo
    :::[21:25][Lord_raziel]::: spiega
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: allora
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: praticamente
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: il sistema di gestione di diablo
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: comprende un pannello
    :::[21:25][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: con tutte le abilità apprensibili
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: dal tuo eroe
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: col passare del livelo
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: allora un esempio
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: non scrivere
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: sezione evocazioni:
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: Evoca scheletro
    :::[21:26][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: _____|______
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: Potenzia Scheletri evocati____Evoca mago schelterico
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: allora
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: il primo
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: anzi
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: le prime abilità
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: sono disponibili già dalll'inizio
    :::[21:27][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: le altre potranno essere apprese solo col passare dei livelli
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: es.
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: la 2a fila di abilità
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: può essere appresa solo dal liv. 5 in poi
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: la 3a da liv. 12
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: la 4a da liv. 18
    :::[21:28][Lord_raziel]::: comprendo
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: 5a da 24
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ecc. ecc.
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: mentre
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ho citato TO:TKoL
    :::[21:28][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: perché
    :::[21:29][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: il suo sistema di magie è il più divertente ed allo stesso tempo facile ed efficace che io abbia mai visto
    :::[21:29][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ogni personaggio può apprendere tecniche sia salendo di livello
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: che comprando i manuali appositi in negozi
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: appositi
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: alcuni personaggi
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ed alcune classi e razze diverse
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: possiedono abilità diverse
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: es.
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: gli Hawkman
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: gli uomini con le ali di falco
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: hanno un'abilità detta SP
    :::[21:30][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: cioè
    :::[21:30][Lord_raziel]::: asp
    :::[21:31][Lord_raziel]::: TO:TKoL
    :::[21:31][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: SP è il tipo di abilità caratteristico ed unico di una razza
    :::[21:31][Lord_raziel]::: cosa intendi con ciò^
    :::[21:31][Lord_raziel]::: ?
    :::[21:31][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: Tactics Ogre: The Knight Of Lodis
    :::[21:31][Lord_raziel]::: ah...
    :::[21:31][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: continuando
    :::[21:32][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: le tecniche SP
    :::[21:32][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: cambiano di pg in pg
    :::[21:32][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: es. gli hawkman hanno il pugno elettrico, tutti i draghi a seconda del loro elemento hanno un fiato di quel tipo
    :::[21:32][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: i colossi o giganti
    :::[21:32][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: hanno la tecnica SP
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: che gli permette di scagliare un masso e csì via per tutte le altre razze e classi
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: le classi
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: (quelle che fino ad ora ho sbloccato)
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: soldato
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: mago
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: cavaliere
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: asp
    :::[21:33][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: non me le ricordo vedo un attimo
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: allora
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: le classi
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: variano col sesso
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: :
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: maschi=
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: soldier
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ninja
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: archer
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: wizard
    :::[21:34][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: cleric
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: knight
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: swordmaster
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: dragoon
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: warlock
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: beast tamer
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: summoner
    :::[21:35][Lord_raziel]::: ok ok
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: femmine=
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: vbbè
    :::[21:35][Lord_raziel]::: ma cio vuol dire
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: creare un'accademia
    :::[21:35][Lord_raziel]::: classi personalizzate
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: per guerrieri in generale
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: una specie di FF
    :::[21:35][Lord_raziel]::: per ogni componente
    :::[21:35][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: asp il telefono
    :::[21:36][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: riprendi pure
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: se creassimo un'accademia generale
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: con queste regole
    :::[21:37][Lord_raziel]::: callsii personalizate
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: e questi sistemi
    :::[21:37][Lord_raziel]::: per ogni membro
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: no
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: intendo
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ogni membro
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: ah sì
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: se tu intendi
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: anzi np
    :::[21:37][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: se dovessimo fare
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: come in tactics ogre
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: dovremmo partire tutti alla pari come soldati
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: e far aumentare le nostre statistiche
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: per poter cambiare classe
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: così
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: non ci sono capi
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: non si litiga
    :::[21:38][Lord_raziel]::: NIENTE capi?
    :::[21:38][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: e si usa il sistema del gdr
    :::[21:38][Lord_raziel]::: non si parla più dia ccademia allora
    :::[21:38][Lord_raziel]::: all'inizio
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: però
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: il fatto
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: che non ci sono capi
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: volevo che i negromanti fossero tuuti=
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: asp
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: devi ammettere che è positivo
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: parla parla
    :::[21:39][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: non ti interrompo
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: dunque
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: all'inizio
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: della mia carrire
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: carriera
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: nn volevo sapi
    :::[21:39][Lord_raziel]::: e subordinati
    :::[21:40][Lord_raziel]::: ma tanti maghi ugali
    :::[21:40][Lord_raziel]::: che collabborano
    :::[21:40][Lord_raziel]::: ora...
    :::[21:40][Lord_raziel]::: visto ke tutti bramano il potere
    :::[21:40][Lord_raziel]::: devo fare distinzioni
    :::[21:41][Lord_raziel]::: volevo impiantare un sistema pseudo-marxista
    :::[21:41][Lord_raziel]::: ma ho fallito
    :::[21:41][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: beh
    :::[21:41][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: se vogliamo
    :::[21:41][Lord_raziel]::: eora la mia accademia è in declino
    :::[21:41][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: possiamo noi due
    :::[21:41][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: dare inizio ad una nuova era
    :::[21:41][Lord_raziel]::: mi avete superato
    :::[21:41][Lord_raziel]::: in un giorno
    :::[21:41][THe_ReVeNGeR[FoRuM]]::: di gioco di ruolo
    Ultima modifica di The Revenger; 14-08-2003 alle 10:10:14

  2. #2
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
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    presto Tír na nÓg
    siete d'accordo con me?

  3. #3
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
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    presto Tír na nÓg
    d'oh dovevo mettere il sondaggio...ora non lo posso più mettere?

  4. #4
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
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    presto Tír na nÓg
    vorrei di nuovo portare ai vostri occhi questa discussione per sapere le vostre opinioni

  5. #5
    Cacciatore di streghe L'avatar di lord Raziel
    Registrato il
    meglio fare un sunto di tutto ciò...
    cari prussiani che avete visitato un po' la colonia... questo sistema di gioco NON centrerà con il gdr coloniale...
    apecialmente per gli iscritti ai negromanti:
    revenger ha intenzione di creare un sistema personalizzato di apprendimento tecniche...
    voi stabilerete delle linee di evoluzione, io missione dopo missione concederò dei punti con il quale percorrere il percorso di evoluzione.
    allora? attendo opinioni...
    L'unica differenza tra me e ciò che caccio è che io sto dalla parte giusta della spada
    Exendia. Heroes of Exendia. Risk 2360. XvsZ. Fall City. Cult Slayer.

  6. #6
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
    Registrato il
    presto Tír na nÓg
    RIPETO: niente capi, partiremo tutti sullo stesso livello dalla classe soldier ovvero la classe di base

  7. #7
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
    Registrato il
    presto Tír na nÓg
    aggiornamento: ho la lista (incompleta) delle classi con rispettiva descrizione(in inglese,purtroppo )


    Soldier = The basic class where all characters begin. with evenly distribuited abilities, these characters are quite versatile.

    Ninja = Higly trained spies who act under a veil of secrecy. Ninjas are experts in martial arts and can cast low level spells. they can move up to 3 steps up or 4 steps down and can walk unrestricted on water. weapon: katana. (STR 36, AGI 37)

    Archer = skilled rear support characters who excel at shooting arrows. useful in many situations. weapon: bow. (AGI 37)

    Wizard = wizard typically attack from distance using magic and are not very good at hand-to-hand combat. they are most effective at the rear, supporting the troops and using lower level attack spells. (MP 16, INT 26)

    Cleric = clerics rely on god for strength, miraculously healing comrades and helping lost souls returning to heaven. one of the few classess that can use healing spells. (MP 18, INT 28)

    Knight = knights display unwavering courage and value courtesy, honor and pride. they surpass normal soldiers in ability and can cast certain spells of virtue. weapon: sword, thrusting sword. (STR 51, AGI 53)

    Swordmaster = Swordmasters can swiftly strike down opponents with blindingly fast sword handling, and they can also use support spells. weapon: sword, katana.(STR 95, AGI 111)

    Dragoon = also known as dragon slayers, these powerful male warriors can overhelm dragons, or any creature, for that matter. they can only use missile type spells. weapon: sword, spear. (HP 215, STR 109, AGI 94)

    Warlock = a male spellcaster, deceivingly harmless in appearence, who in reality manipulates awesome magical power. a warlock can fight bravely at the front lines or sustain the troops with support spells from the rear. weapon: sword. (MP 78, STR 90, INT 76)

    Beast Tamer = beast tamers are among the few humans that magis beasts such as griffins will open their hearts to. these male warriors enhance magic beasts' power when they are in close proximity. weapon: whip. (HP 142, STR 34)

    Summoner = by meticulously researching spells, summoners can call on the power of many entities, including spirits and demons. they can use all elemental and summon spells. (MP 63, STR 100, INT 88)


    Soldier = stessa cosa dei maschi

    Ninja = idem di sopra

    Archer = idem pure qua

    Wizard = n'altra volta lo stesso dei maschi

    Cleric = sempre uguale ai maschi

    Knight = idem di nuovo...

    Valkyrie = Valkyries are versatile female warriors who fight well both on land and water. they supplement their physical abilities with low level attack magic. their gallant attitudes give comrades courage. weapon: spear. (STR 48, INT 41)

    Dragon Tamer = Dragon Tamers handle dragons gently and will ehnance the power of any dragons within a short range. this female class can cast missile type magic and are unforgiving to those that would hurt a dragon. weapon: thrusting sword. (HP 140, MP 14)

    Sorceress = Beautiful, solitary and wise, a sorceress is experienced in casting elemental and high level bane spells. weapon: fan. (dati i suoi poteri, lo si può diventare solo dopo livello 12)

    Shaman = one who can hear the voices of the spirits that dwell in nature. shaman are born with the ability to use elemental and summon spells. (MP 54 INT 70)

    Classi Semi-Umane

    Hawkman = These violent, winged fighters crave battle. They live much longer than humans, but maintain a youthful appearence. because of their wings, terrain is not a factor. weapon: hammer.

    Mermaid = a demi-human whose upper body is human and lower body is fish. Mermaids live in the sea and can swim competently. echoing from craggy shorelines, their voice can revitalize listeners. Weapon: Spear.

    Fairy = Tiny Flying demi-umans. though they're not very impressive at fighting, fairies make cute mascots on the battlefield.

    Giant = Giants, while not intelligent enough to equip weapons, can swing their arms like logs and their fists like rocks to wreak havoc among the enemy.
    Ultima modifica di The Revenger; 15-08-2003 alle 17:25:19

  8. #8
    Cacciatore di streghe L'avatar di lord Raziel
    Registrato il

    Soldato = la classe di base da cui partono tutti i personaggi. con qualunque distribuzione di unità, questi personaggi sono abbastanza versatili.

    Ninja = spie molto allenate che opera sotto un velo di segretezza . i ninja sono esperti in arti marziali e possono lanciare magie di basso livello. they can move up to 3 steps up or 4 steps down e camminare senza restrizioni in acqua. arma: katana. (STR 36, AGI 37)

    Arcere = personaggio specializato nel supporto dalle retrovie, che eccelle nel lanciare frecce. utile in molte situazioni. weapon: bow. (AGI 37)

    Wizard = i maghi attaccano di solito a distanza usando magie e non sono molto bravi in combattimenti corpo a corpo. sono molto utili dalle retrovie, aiutando le truppe con magie d'attacco di basso livello. (MP 16, INT 26)

    Cleric = il chierici ripongono nel loro dio la loro forza, curando miracolosamente i compagni e aiutando le anime perdute a tornare dal paradiso. una delle poche classi che può usare magie di cura. (MP 18, INT 28)

    Knight = knights display unwavering courage and value courtesy, honor and pride. essi sorpassano i soldati in abilità e possono lanciare alcune magie of virtue. weapon: sword, thrusting sword. (STR 51, AGI 53)

    Swordmaster = Swordmasters can swiftly strike down opponents with blindingly fast sword handling, ed essi possono usare magie di supporto. weapon: sword, katana.(STR 95, AGI 111)

    Dragoon = anche conoscicuti come dragon slayers, questi potenti guerrieri maschi possono overhelm dragons, o altre creature, for that matter. possono usare solo magie da lancio. weapon: sword, spear. (HP 215, STR 109, AGI 94)

    Warlock = un mago maschio, deceivingly harmless in appearence, who in reality manipulates awesome magical power. a warlock can fight bravely at the front lines o sostenere le truppe dalle retrovie. weapon: sword. (MP 78, STR 90, INT 76)

    Beast Tamer = i beast tamer sono tra i pochi umani ai quali gli animali magici, come i grifoni,aprono i loro cuori. questi guerrieri maschi aumentano il potere delle bestie magiche quando sono nelle vicinanze. weapon: frusta. (HP 142, STR 34)

    Summoner = grazie alla ricerca meticolosa di magie, gli evocatori possono richiamare potenti entità, inclusi spiriti e demoni. essi possono usare tutte le magie di invocazioni ed elementali. (MP 63, STR 100, INT 88)


    Soldier = stessa cosa dei maschi

    Ninja = idem di sopra

    Archer = idem pure qua

    Wizard = n'altra volta lo stesso dei maschi

    Cleric = sempre uguale ai maschi

    Knight = idem di nuovo...

    Valkyrie = le valchirie sono versatili guerrieri che combattono bene sia in acqua che sulla terra. esse supplementano la loro abilità fisica con magie d'attacco di basso livello. their gallant attitudes give comrades courage. weapon: spear. (STR 48, INT 41)

    Dragon Tamer = Dragon Tamers handle dragons gently and will ehnance the power of any dragons within a short range. this female class can cast missile type magic and are unforgiving to those that would hurt a dragon . weapon: thrusting sword. (HP 140, MP 14)

    Sorceress = Beautiful, solitary and wise, a sorceress is experienced in casting elemental and high level bane spells. weapon: fan. (dati i suoi poteri, lo si può diventare solo dopo livello 12)

    Shaman =coloro che sanno ascoltare la voce degli spiriti della foresta. le shamane sono nate con l'abilità di usare le magie di invocazione e degli elementali. (MP 54 INT 70)

    Classi Semi-Umane

    Hawkman = These violent, winged fighters crave battle.essi vivono + degli umani, pur mantenendo un aspetto giovanile. because of their wings, terrain is not a factor. weapon: hammer.

    Mermaid = un semi-umano la cui parte superiore del corpo è umana, e quella inferiore è di pesce. Mermaids vivono nel mare e sanno nuotare eccelentemente. echoing from craggy shorelines, la loro voce può revitalizzare gli ascoltatori. Weapon: Spear.

    Fairy = Tiny Flying demi-umans. though they're not very impressive at fighting, fairies make cute mascots on the battlefield.

    Giant =i giganti, chenon sono abbastanza intelligenti da usare armi,possono muovere le loro braccia come clave e i loro pugni come rocce to wreak havoc among the enemy.

    non ho saputo(o voluto) tradurre i pezzi in rosso, se qualcuno sa farlo mi mandi il brano via MP
    L'unica differenza tra me e ciò che caccio è che io sto dalla parte giusta della spada
    Exendia. Heroes of Exendia. Risk 2360. XvsZ. Fall City. Cult Slayer.

  9. #9
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
    Registrato il
    presto Tír na nÓg
    ehm grazie a tradurre quella parte di sarei riuscito pure io...mi serve una traduzione completa

  10. #10
    Cacciatore di streghe L'avatar di lord Raziel
    Registrato il
    Inviato da The Revenger
    ehm grazie a tradurre quella parte di sarei riuscito pure io...mi serve una traduzione completa
    eh, io faccio quel ke posso...
    L'unica differenza tra me e ciò che caccio è che io sto dalla parte giusta della spada
    Exendia. Heroes of Exendia. Risk 2360. XvsZ. Fall City. Cult Slayer.

  11. #11
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
    Registrato il
    presto Tír na nÓg
    Inviato da lord Raziel
    eh, io faccio quel ke posso...
    vabbè fa nulla tanto il succo s'è capito...

  12. #12
    Mindstealer Drone
    Small Aberration (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
    Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-5
    Attack: Energy drain +4 ranged touch (see below)
    Full Attack: Energy drain +4 ranged touch (see below)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Absorb abilities, energy drain, memory drain
    Special Qualities: Change shape, darkvision 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 6, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
    Skills: Bluff +6, Hide +10, Listen +4, Spot +4
    Feats: Ability Focus (energy drain)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 3 or 2+absorbed creature's CR (minimum 3)
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: By absorption
    Level Adjustment: --

    This creature resembles an amorphous blob of uniform gray color. It rolls along the ground when it moves.

    A mindstealer drone exists to steal the personalities and experiences of other creatures and bring them to its master. In its natural form it appears as a blob of gray matter of some kind, but it can assume the form of any creature whose abilities it has stolen and retained.

    Mindstealer drones use subterfuge to achieve their ends. For example, in a city setting, a drone might masquerade as a cat whose abilities it absorbed, and move through the population absorbing from humanoids or other creatures. It knows it can reach powerful people by building its own power through absorbing lesser creatures. Although not evil, its primary interest is the theft of abilities and memories from other creatures.

    A mindstealer drone in its natural form is about 3 feet in diameter and weighs about 12 pounds.

    Mindstealer drones speak the languages of creatures whose abilities they have permanently absorbed. Drones communicate empathically with mindstealer masters (see below).


    A mindstealer drone fights with whatever abilities it has absorbed from victims, or with its supernatural abilities. A drone has no combat skills itself in its base form.

    Absorb Abilities (Su): As a full-round action, a mindstealer drone can absorb the abilities of a creature it has drained of all memories. Add the absorbed creature's Hit Dice, hit points, base attack bonus, base save bonus, skills, and feats to those of the mindstealer drone. The mindstealer drone uses its own speed and its own ability scores or those of the absorbed creature, whichever are higher. If the mindstealer drone and the absorbed creature have the same skill, add the absorbed creature's skill ranks and racial skill bonuses to those of the mindstealer.

    If the mindstealer drone uses the absorbed creature's form through its change shape ability, it gains additional abilities, as noted in the change shape section.

    A mindstealer drone retains an absorbed creature's abilities for a maximum of one month.

    When a mindstealer drone absorbs the abilities of multiple creatures, it adds either the abilities of the last creature it has absorbed or from the last form it has used, whichever is applicable.

    Energy Drain (Su): As a full-round action, the mindstealer drone inflicts one negative level on a target within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. It gains 5 temporary hit points each time it inflicts a negative level. A target reduced to 0 effective levels is not slain, but rendered catatonic. Drones kill these victims after they have drained all memories. They can use the energy drain ability once per round. The Fortitude save DC for recovering the negative level is 16. The save is Constitution-based.

    Memory Drain (Su): A mindstealer drone is a psychic vampire that steals the memories of its victims' experiences. As a standard action, it can steal a day's worth of memories from any creature that has a negative level from it energy drain power.

    If the mindstealer drone uses this power on a creature it has rendered catatonic through its energy drain power, it drains a year's worth of memories every minute. A victim drained of all memories dies.

    Once the mindstealer drone has drained all a creature's memories, it can absorb its abilities and assume its form.

    Change Shape (Su): A mindstealer drone can assume the form of any creature from which it has absorbed abilities (so long at it retains those abilities). When using an absorbed creature's form, a mindstealer drone gains all the features and traits of the absorbed creature's type and also gains all the absorbed creature's speed, natural weapons, natural armor, special attacks, and special qualities. It continues to use the absorbed creature's Hit Dice, hit points, base attack bonus, base save bonus, skills, and feats, as noted in the Absorb Abilities section. In effect, the drone functions as the victim except that it retains its own special attacks and special qualities.

    Example Mindstealer Drones

    This section shows a mindstealer drone that as absorbed abilities from a cat and a medusa.

    Mindstealer Drone/Cat (Drone Form): CR 3; Small aberration; HD 2d8, plus 1/2d8; hp 11; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp -5; Atk +4 ranged touch (energy drain); Full Atk +4 ranged touch (energy drain); SA: absorb abilities, energy drain, memory drain; SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 6, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

    Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Hide +14, Jump +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Spot +7; Weapon Finesse.

    Mindstealer Drone/Cat (Cat Form): CR 3; Tiny aberration, HD 2d8 plus 1/2d8; hp 11; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1; Grp -9; Atk +5 ranged touch (energy drain) or +5 melee (1d2-2, claw); Full Atk +5 ranged touch (energy drain) or +5 melee (1d2-2, 2 claws) and +0 melee (1d3-2 bite); SA: absorb abilities, energy drain, memory drain; SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 6, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

    Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Hide +18, Jump +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Spot +7; Weapon Finesse.

    Mindstealer Drone/Medusa (Drone Form): CR 3; Small aberration; HD 2d8+2 plus 6d6+12; hp 50; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +7; Grp +3; Atk +10 ranged touch (energy drain); Full Atk +10 ranged touch (energy drain); SA: absorb abilities, energy drain, memory drain; SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16.

    Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +12; Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse.

    Mindstealer Drone/Medusa (Medusa Form): CR 3; Medium aberration; HD 2d8+2 plus 6d6+12; hp 50; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +7; Grp +7; Atk +9 ranged touch (energy drain) or +9/+4 ranged (1d6/´ 3, shortbow) and +4 ranged touch (energy drain); or +9/+4 melee (1d4/19-20 dagger and +4 melee (1d4 plus poison, snakes); SA absorb abilities, energy drain, memory drain, petrifying gaze, poison; SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16.

    Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +10, Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +12; Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse.

    Mindstealer Master
    Large Aberration
    Hit Dice: 20d8+60 (150 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
    Armor Class: 20 (+3 Dex, -1 size, +8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+23
    Attack: Slam +18 melee (2d8+4) or energy drain +17 ranged touch
    Full Attack: 2 slams +18 melee (2d8+4) or energy drain +17 ranged touch
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Drone drain, energy drain
    Special Qualities: Create drones, darkvision 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +15
    Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 25, Wis 16, Cha 20
    Skills: Appraise +17, Balance +13, Bluff +23, Climb +14, Concentration +13, Craft (any) +17, Craft (any) +17, Diplomacy +21, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +13, Forgery +17, Gather Information +15, Heal +13, Hide +16, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +32, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +32, Knowledge (geography) +32, Knowledge (history) +32, Knowledge (local) +32, Knowledge (nature) +32, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +32, Knowledge (religion) +32, Knowledge (the planes) +32, Listen +22, Move Silently +20, Perform (any) +15, Ride +13, Search +24, Sense Motive +20, Spot +22, Survival +13, Swim +14, Use Rope +13
    Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot On The Run
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 20
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Usually neutral
    Advancement: 21-40 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: --

    This large figure resembles an 8-foot human with dark skin and black eyes. It wears a drab or dark-colored plain robe.

    A mindstealer master feeds upon the experiences and abilities (skills, feats, class abilities) of other creatures. It cannot absorb these directly from another creature; instead, it relies upon its mindstealer drones to seek out and absorb the experiences and memories it needs as food. A single mindstealer master has about 15 drones at any one time, as it must eat every week and the drones require time to absorb memories and experiences.

    A mindstealer master appears as a dark figure of approximately humanoid shape. However, it appears to be missing part of its front. Thus, a mindstealer master that goes among other creatures generally wears some kind of clothing to conceal this apparent deformity. The missing area is both a womb in which mindstealer drones are created and a pod in which they are absorbed and drained of their collected memories. The master creature's "womb" fits Medium and smaller creatures. Larger creatures require the master to use a pseudopod that grows inside the cavity; it drains enough from the drone to reduce its size to Medium, when it can then finish draining the drone in the womb area.

    Mindstealer masters are generally loners, isolating themselves and viewing the world through the memories they get from drones. A master creature usually finds an abandoned keep or wilderness area to use as its lair. Through the lives of those it has absorbed, it knows about defending its lair and can place devious traps or enlist the aid of monsters to defend it. Some master creatures have their drones absorb the abilities of monsters, then use the drone-monsters as defenders rather than draining them for food.

    Hungry for information, a mindstealer master constantly seeks to drain the experiences of creatures around it. It views the entire world as its plate. It may even send adventurers on quests simply to experience those quests through later memory drains. It is not evil, and balances all moral and ethical choices around its own needs. Sometimes a mindstealer master rises above itself, taking a hand in the affairs of other creatures. Using the absorbed memories it has, it directs the fates of others benignly or controls them through blackmail and other nefarious means.

    A mindstealer master is about 8 feet tall and weighs 750 pounds.

    Mindstealer masters speak all languages that their drones have ever absorbed, which is usually just about all of them.


    Mindstealer masters are formidable opponents but avoid combat when possible.

    Create Drones (Ex): A mindstealer master can create mindstealer drones. This process takes 24 hours as the master creature separates a part of itself to make the material for the drone creature. It can have up to 20 drones at a time (1 per Hit Die).

    Drone Drain (Su): A mindstealer master can absorb a drone into its body and then absorb all the drone's stolen memories (but not absorbed abilities). This process takes 1 minute and returns the drone to its base state. Masters do not gain class levels or class abilities from this drain; they gain only memories.

    Energy Drain (Su): A mindstealer master inflicts two negative levels on a target within 30 ft. on a successful ranged touch attack. The master gains 5 temporary hit points per negative level inflicted. Unlike the drones, the master creature does not gain any other benefit from inflicting negative levels. It can use its energy drain ability once per round. The save DC to remove a negative level is 25. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Skills Because they absorb the knowledge of other creatures, mindstealer masters are considered trained in all skills. A mindstealer master has a +10 bonus on all skill checks, thanks to all the memories it has absorbed.

  13. #13

    Small Magical Beast
    Hit Dice: 10d10+10 (65)
    Initiative: +7 (Dex)
    Speed: 20 ft.; burrow 5
    AC: 23 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural)
    Attacks: Bite +11 melee, 4 claws +9 melee
    Damage: Bite 1d4, claw 1d3 each
    Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Rend 2d3
    Saves: Fortitude +8, Reflex +10, Will +0
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7, Hide +9, Move Silently +4
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack (claws), Iron Will
    Climate/Terrain: Temperate hills and mountains
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Treasure: Special (The aurumvorax’s hide, if undamaged, is worth in excess of 3,000 gp.
    Alignment: Always neutral

    Black Loper
    Medium-Size Outsider
    Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (25 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: Fly 40 (perfect)
    AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +5 natural)
    Attacks: Bite +10 melee; tentacle +7 melee
    Damage: Bite 2d6; tentacle 1d8 + acid
    Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft/5 ft.
    Special Attacks: None
    Special Qualities: SR 10, damage reduction 5/+1, scent, cannot be flanked, transfer
    Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
    Abilities: Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 17, Cha 10
    Skills: Hide +7, Intuit Direction +7, Listen +7, Tracking +4
    Feats: Multi-attack
    Climate/Terrain: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Neutral evil
    Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-7 HD (Large)

    Blood Mother
    Large Outsider
    Hit Dice: 24d8+72 (180 hp)
    Initiative: +10
    Speed: 20 ft., swim 90 ft. (30 ft. in mortal form)
    AC: 28 (+10 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size), touch 19, flat-footed 18
    Attacks: Slam +27 melee
    Damage: 2d6+7 slam
    Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Bloodbath, cause insanity, frightful presence, spells
    Special Qualities: Assume mortal form, DR 10/+3, incomprehensible, outsider traits, immunities (critical hits, mind-affecting effects, stunning), SR 20
    Saves: Fort +17, Ref+24, Will +17
    Abilities: Str 21, Dex 31, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 16
    Skills: Bluff +30, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +34, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (the planes) +32, Listen +30, Move Silently +37, Search +32, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +32, Spot +30, Swim +40
    Feats: Cleave, Combat Casting, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Sunder
    Climate/Terrain: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 18
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always chaotic evil
    Advancement: 25-30 HD (Huge)

  14. #14
    Scombussolato L'avatar di The Revenger
    Registrato il
    presto Tír na nÓg
    ehm war forseè meglio lasciar perdere l'idea di D&D e fare nel modo semplice:
    HP = 25
    Forza = 2
    Difesa = 2
    Agilità = 2
    Magia = 0
    Intelligenza = 1
    attacco: pugno del goblin danno uguale ad 1/5 dell'energia del goblin

    poi il sistema di calcolo dei danni potrebbe essere:

    mia forza= 5 mio danno in base alla forza è 39 (prendendo come esempio la forza massima 255 come in FF)

    39 - 2 (difesa del goblin) =37(danno che infliggo) / 2 (agilità del goblin) = 18,5 possibilità di fare danno al goblin

    vabbè il sistema fa schifo poi vediamo insieme come fare...

  15. #15
    Cacciatore di streghe L'avatar di lord Raziel
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    si potrrebbe usare un sistema da gdr cartaceo tipo das swarze auge, ma servirebbe qualcuno ke lancia i dadi...
    L'unica differenza tra me e ciò che caccio è che io sto dalla parte giusta della spada
    Exendia. Heroes of Exendia. Risk 2360. XvsZ. Fall City. Cult Slayer.

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