Tutti i voti e Rumor (tristissimi) di GameInformer
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Discussione: Tutti i voti e Rumor (tristissimi) di GameInformer

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  1. #1

    Tutti i voti e Rumor (tristissimi) di GameInformer

    • Bayonetta (PS3/Xbox 360, Sega): 9 / 9 **Gioco del mese**
    • Darksiders (PS3/Xbox 360, THQ): 8,5 / 7,75
    • Dark Void (PS3/Xbox 360, Capcom): 7
    • Avatar (PS3/Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 6,5
    • Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Wii, Capcom): 8
    • Bookworm (NDS, Popcap): 7,75
    • Rogue Warrior (PS3/Xbox 360, Betehsda): 1,5
    • Gyromancer (Xbox 360, Square Enix): 7,75
    • Jurassic: The Hunted (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii/PS2, Activision): 6

    Fra i rumor troviamo invece la supposizione che nel 2010 non ci sarà nessun rilascio per un nuovo titolo di Half Life, ma nemmeno un Episode 3. Il prossimo titolo del franchise dovrebbe essere proprio Half-Life 3, ma non si sa quando dovrebbe uscire, nel caso, certamente non quest'anno. Secondo il Game Informer, quantomeno.

    La serie di NHL 2K sembrerebbe invece essere per il momento stata sospesa, e non se ne attendono nuovi titoli.

    Ed infine, un indagine di mercato di Sony starebbe investigando su misteriose "Funzioni Premium".

  2. #2
    Povero Rogue Warrior

    Ormai i rumor circa la cancellazione di Episode 3 sono insistenti, a questo punto è lecito supporre che stiano lavorando a qualcosa di molto grosso per Half Life 3. Una nuova rivoluzione, come minimo.

  3. #3
    Utente L'avatar di Stanislao Moulinsky
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    Bayonetta (PS3/Xbox 360, Sega): 9 / 9 **Gioco del mese**
    Lol, stesso voto a entrambe le versioni?

    E doppio lol a Episodio 3; se penso che l'idea dietro la natura episodica era di fare episodi più brevi ma più frequenti...

  4. #4
    Citazione Stanislao Moulinsky Visualizza Messaggio

    E doppio lol a Episodio 3; se penso che l'idea dietro la natura episodica era di fare episodi più brevi ma più frequenti...
    Ogni sei mesi. Sei

  5. #5
    Utente L'avatar di Stanislao Moulinsky
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    Citazione gabreck Visualizza Messaggio
    Ogni sei anni.

  6. #6
    Techno Macht Frei
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    Città di Radaxian
    Perchè Darksiders ha preso quasi un voto in meno nella versione 360 rispetto alla ps3? Giocabilità? grafica? Contenuti extra? Volevo prenderlo proprio oggi per 360...

  7. #7
    Citazione game³ Visualizza Messaggio
    Perchè Darksiders ha preso quasi un voto in meno nella versione 360 rispetto alla ps3? Giocabilità? grafica? Contenuti extra? Volevo prenderlo proprio oggi per 360...
    Mi pare sia migliore la versione per ps3, graficamente parlando.

  8. #8
    La Leggenda-Chiari ti amo L'avatar di Ryo
    Registrato il
    Prov. Cagliari
    Non sono voti assegnati alle differenti versioni dei giochi ma sono due voti distinti di due recensori differenti assegnati a uno stesso gioco (la piattaforma non centra un piffero)
    Un po come avviene in Famitsu per intendersi (li ci sono 4 opinioni di 4 recensori differenti, qui sono due recensori differenti)

  9. #9
    Utente L'avatar di Allucinato
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    Citazione DonnieDarko_ Visualizza Messaggio
    Mi pare sia migliore la versione per ps3, graficamente parlando.
    No, sono esattamente identici

  10. #10
    Citazione Crematoria Visualizza Messaggio
    Fra i rumor troviamo invece la supposizione che nel 2010 non ci sarà nessun rilascio per un nuovo titolo di Half Life, ma nemmeno un Episode 3. Il prossimo titolo del franchise dovrebbe essere proprio Half-Life 3, ma non si sa quando dovrebbe uscire, nel caso, certamente non quest'anno. Secondo il Game Informer, quantomeno.
    vaffanculo valve

  11. #11
    Utente L'avatar di Furious Angel
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    Ma c'era davvero qualcuno che credeva in ep3 nel 2010?

  12. #12
    Registrato il
    Citazione DonnieDarko_ Visualizza Messaggio
    Mi pare sia migliore la versione per ps3, graficamente parlando.
    si se ci giochi su un 14" a tubo catodico vecchio di 15 anni con problemi di sbiadimento e colori sfasati si credo di si

  13. #13
    Registrato il
    Citazione Allucinato Visualizza Messaggio
    No, sono esattamente identici
    non esattamente......
    First off the entire Lens of Truth staff would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and hope you had a Merry Christmas! The holidays around here were hectic as you might have expected, but no worries, we’re all fully rested and ready to rock the New Year. What better way than to bring you a post-apocalyptic Head2Head which allows you to take peace from the earth and make men kill each other? And you kill with a huge sword. Yea! So which version should you use to wreak divine havoc on the world? Keep reading to find out.

    Thanks again to Play n Trade Oviedo for supplying us with yet another great game to compare. Before we continue on to the Head2Head, here’s a brief description of what to expect. The game takes its inspiration from the apocalypse and battle of Armageddon described in the Book of Revelation, with the player taking the role of “War”, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of mankind, War, the first Horseman of the Apocalypse stands accused of breaking the sacred law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell.

    Graphics: Vigil Games has proven once again that cross platform games can look almost identical to one another without dumbing down one version. Darksiders on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 are a one-to-one match in texture quality, color pallet, and lighting and shadows. Additionally, Darksiders did not require tinkering with any of the out of the box defaults settings to match color schemes.

    Having played both games side by side, it was almost impossible to tell which version was being played without double-checking which controller was being used at the time. To confirm this, we asked one of our staff members to leave the room while we randomly chose one version to display before we allowed him to re-enter the room. On two occasions he could not determine which version was on the screen and guessed incorrectly. Fortunately, there’s more than just graphics to our Head2Heads and one version falls off its high horse with performance.

    Performance: Unfortunately, we weren’t able to run our analysis on this game, but rest assure that the performance issues between these two version can easily be seen with the naked eye. Both games had their share of frame rate drops and screen tearing, but the Xbox 360 just had more problems. In some areas, the Xbox 360 version even seem to hiccup and pause for a millisecond, which directly affected game-play. This hiccup was no stranger to us; we’ve seen this problem in another game we compared. The solution was to defrag our Xbox 360 hard drive and that fixed our problem with the previous game; this strategy did not work with Darksiders. Even after defragging the Xbox 360 hard drive and rebooting, the system the hiccups returned on the Xbox 360 version.

    Furthermore, the Xbox 360 version screen tore about two times more than the Playstation 3. This was especially a problem when climbing up walls or in the heat of battle. As stated above, the Playstation 3 had its share of performance issues, but they were less prevalent and, most importantly, didn’t affect game-play as much.

    Loading: Having played through the Uncharted series’ seamless game-play, we are a bit spoiled in regards to load times. In that series, having no load time made playing a very enjoyable experience. Darksiders does the same. Both versions managed to eliminate load times behind in-game cut scenes and cinematics, keeping the player immersed throughout. Only when you initially place the disk in your system, or continue a current game, will a load screen appear.

    Other than that, the only indication of loading was in the form of a blue icon found near the far left bottom of the screen. This icon would flash when the game was saving your current progress or a slick load-time; either way, game-play was never effected. Finally, another great accomplishment of the Vigil Games development team was that they were able to eliminate load-times on the Playstation 3 without having a mandatory install. Impressive!

    Conclusion: Overall, Darksiders was an enjoyable game, and if you like Hack ‘n Slash games, you can’t go wrong with this one. Having no load times to disturb you from a game is always appreciated. Vigil Games proves that it’s possible to keep the quality consistency between platforms, but it also proves there are still some hurdles to over come. While the graphics looked pixel for pixel between versions, the Playstation 3 version out performed the Xbox 360 version. The Playstation 3 version is our winner in this Head2Head.
    In breve

    GRAPHICS: Tie. Both games looked virtually identical by sharing the same texture quality, lighting effects, and color palette across platforms. Literally, these two versions look pixel to pixel to one another.

    PERFORMANCE: The Playstation 3 performed better than the Xbox 360 by sporting a better frame rate and less screen tearing than the Xbox 360 version. Note the Playstation 3 version had its share of performance issues, but the Xbox 360 version seemed to have more hiccups.

    LOADING: Tie. Unbelievably, all load times were masked behind in-game cut scenes creating and enjoyable load free gaming experience similar to what Naughty Dog did with the Uncharted series. Note that the only load times we encountered appeared when the game was initially put in to the systems.

    OUTCOME: While the graphics looked almost identical across the board, the Playstation 3 wins this Head2Head by having a much steadier frame rate and minimal screen tearing throughout.
    Tanto che c'è già una patch per il in lavorazione per la versione xbox relativa a risolvere il problema del tearing

  14. #14
    Ah, quindi la versione PS3 ha un vantaggio grafico solo temporale? Dopo la patch qualitativamente saranno uguali.

  15. #15
    Citazione Furious Angel Visualizza Messaggio
    Ma c'era davvero qualcuno che credeva in ep3 nel 2010?
    Si, io spero esca quest'anno, e magari verso settembre/ottobre.
    E spero con tutto il cuore che questi rumor siano falsi come Giuda.

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