Tomb Raider Underworld: nuovi concept art e intervista
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Discussione: Tomb Raider Underworld: nuovi concept art e intervista

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  1. #1
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Sorriso Tomb Raider Underworld: nuovi concept art e intervista

    Non è molto (a quanto pare vogliono farcelo soffrire questo benedetto trailer... XD maledetti!) ma almeno è qualcosa di nuovo...e poi sono proprio belli i concept Per lo meno ci si fa una idea delle ambientazioni del gioco...

    Questions to Joel Boucquemont, concept artist:

    Hello, I am the token French Concept Artist here at Crystal Dynamics and I will try to answer as best as possible.

    1. How long have you been working as a concept artist?

    I have been playing at concept artist since 95 but really it became a full time job 6 years ago. Prior to that the teams and projects were a lot smaller so an artist would multitask a lot more.

    2. What route did you take to get into the games industry in terms of education and professional experience?

    First I went through the equivalent of a master of fine art in a serious French school that was visionary enough to acquire computers for graphics when that was still a heresy (it was in 86 and the school is called Ecole Emile Cohl for those interested). I highly recommend the school.

    After that I lived for a while as a bohemian illustrator until I found an ad in a Boston newspaper for an artist job in the game industry. I have been in since and I don’t regret it.

    3. What’s it like working on a game as popular and established as Tomb Raider?

    Actually I remember back in the days (when I was working on NASCAR and Indy-car sims) being fairly jealous of the people who worked on Tomb Raider which came out that year. It was a lot cooler than what we were doing in my opinion.
    And here we are 10-ish years later. Funny how it works sometimes, isn’t it?

    The result is that now my mother has something to brag about and show her friends. She doesn’t quite understand what I am doing but even she knows Lara Croft (Lara’s big in France!). My friends too think of me as less of a bum now. Ha-ha.

    Seriously, it’s rather nice to work on a project that has worldwide recognition. Especially after years of working on obscure or canceled games.

    4. Describe your average day working on Tomb Raider.

    I get in, drink coffee, get cranking, watch the Daily Show on the net, drink coffee, get cranking, chat …etc.

    5. How closely do you work with the dev team, and which members do you work with?

    Obviously very closely with the Art Director. But there is also a fair amount of interaction with the World Builders, Effect Artists and even Sound Artists because, in the end, it all goes into the mix to create a rich experience for the player.

    6. Can you describe the process for getting the vision for a level or character in the game designer's head onto a piece of paper? When you have completed the art what happens then?

    First you talk with the Art Director to try getting all the infos needed for the piece. Size, mood intended, level of detail expected...etc. Then half way through the picture we meet again for an evaluation of the direction taken. From that I bring it to the next level where we decide whether it’s finished or not.

    After that I start on a new one just like in Chaplin’s “Modern Times”.

    As for the picture itself, it sails to its new home and become the reference for the person building the world intended. If the picture sucks they are the one who really suffer

    7. How long does an average piece take to complete?

    These days it ranges from a couple of days to a week for an environment piece loaded with details; Depending on the scope, level of complexity and food poisoning.

    8. Where do you get your inspiration?

    From the subject matter, the net, and my troubled past ..Ahem. No, really it comes from everyone and everything around.

    9. What is the favorite piece of concept art you’ve worked on?

    Can’t call favorites.

    10. What’s your all time favorite piece of TR concept art?

    Same as above.

    11. How do you research your art? Do you visit locations?

    Ha-ha that’s a good one! I wish they sent me to the Yucatan, China or even the moon. Perhaps you could say a word for me?

    They actually have sent a couple of colleagues out to get some great reference material and that helped tremendously.

    12. How many concept artists have been working on Underworld?

    I believe 6 of us have been at it in different capacities and different times.

    13. Have you always been a fan of Lara?

    I think she is a cool character but more importantly I think it is one of the rare games out there making people travel to exotic semi real locations. It’s cheaper than a plane ticket and we try very hard to make it as immersive as we can.

    Hope y’all enjoy it.

    Ispira sempre di più
    Ultima modifica di WiZ@rD; 9-05-2008 alle 16:54:24

  2. #2
    PokèMusic Mod On L'avatar di Linkomane
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    Cerulean City
    se i livelli sono così grandi come dicono stò gioco sarà assolutamente da comprare

    voglio un ritorno alle orgini

  3. #3
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Già già.. quoto.. *_*

    Da questi concpet sembra che una delle ambientazioni sarà la Cambogia..

  4. #4
    RE fan L'avatar di Robot
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    Wow, davvero belle come locations e vedo con piacere che in un concept c'è un tempio cambogiano!! era da tr4 che volevo rivedere lara in quel stavolta più cresciuta e senza quella rottura di werner appresso!

  5. #5
    ファイナルファンタジーXIII L'avatar di Nao
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    Avevo avuto qualche informazione sul fatto che presto sarebbero usciti ^^ Bravissimo Wizard che ce li posta sempre :Q___

  6. #6
    si può avere un piccolo sunto in italiano per chi non è amico della lingua anglofona?

  7. #7
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Citazione McAsh Visualizza Messaggio
    si può avere un piccolo sunto in italiano per chi non è amico della lingua anglofona?
    Bhe nell'intervista parla principalmente del lavoro che svolge presso la crystal con i suoi concept.. da dove prende ispirazione, che materiale utilizza ecc.. un pò un'intervista da dietro le quinte insomma Gli artisti che stanno lavorando sui concept art sono in tutto 6 e utilizzano le foto che alcuni colleghi hanno scattato sui posti in cui sono stati mandati da eidos per raccogliere materiale e informazioni da utilizzare per lo sviluppo di Underworld
    Come ad esempio il viaggio in messico (di cui puoi trovare il reportage fotografico qui )

  8. #8
    ti ringrazio.non vedo l'ora che esca questo capitolo.sono curioso come una scimmia

  9. #9
       L'avatar di Gairos
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    Davvero stupendi, non c'è che dire.

    Per fortuna con te non c'è il rischio di rimanere a corto di news per quel che riguarda Tomb Raider.

  10. #10
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Citazione Gairos Visualizza Messaggio
    Davvero stupendi, non c'è che dire.

    Per fortuna con te non c'è il rischio di rimanere a corto di news per quel che riguarda Tomb Raider.
    Faccio il possibile per dare un pò di spazio a Lara ogni tanto in questo forum Che secondo me è un pò troppo messa da parte..

  11. #11
    ファイナルファンタジーXIII L'avatar di Nao
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    Vero T____T Tutti che pensano solo agli FPS e basta... ç____ç W Lara XD

  12. #12
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Citazione Lucaraider Visualizza Messaggio
    Vero T____T Tutti che pensano solo agli FPS e basta... ç____ç W Lara XD
    Muhahah già! Basta con sti giochi di guerra! Serve più adventure!

  13. #13
    Pazzo di Angelina L'avatar di 666_Dark Chidori_666
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    Bright Falls
    nn voglio concept o interviste, voglio TRAILERRRR cazzo

  14. #14
    ファイナルファンタジーXIII L'avatar di Nao
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    E anche più Jrpg... ._.

  15. #15
    NO to Console Exclusives! L'avatar di WiZ@rD
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    Citazione 666_Dark Chidori_666 Visualizza Messaggio
    nn voglio concept o interviste, voglio TRAILERRRR cazzo

    A chi lo dici...

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