Caricare un filmato da telecamera
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Discussione: Caricare un filmato da telecamera

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  1. #1
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
    Registrato il

    Caricare un filmato da telecamera

    Raga ho un problema: quando collego la mia telecamera sony sul MAC non esce alcuna icona di riconoscimento sulla scrivania. Dovrei scaricare un video e non so come fare.

    EDIT: esiste una versione di dvd shrink per MAC?
    Ultima modifica di NeoII; 4-08-2008 alle 17:17:52 Motivo: EDIT 2: perchè mi richede sempre la password per gli aggiornamenti?
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

  2. #2
    developing... L'avatar di Slimmy
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    Apri iMovie e importa da li.

  3. #3
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
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    Citazione Slimmy Visualizza Messaggio
    Apri iMovie e importa da li.
    ma mi importa il filmato dalla web integrata del MAC
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

  4. #4 L'avatar di The Wizard
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    Trieste East Coast
    hai collegato la videocamera
    poi la hai accesa in modalita play?

  5. #5
    developing... L'avatar di Slimmy
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    Come è collegata la telecamera?

  6. #6
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
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    ho parlato con il tecnico apple e mi ha detto che non funziona con il semplice collegamento usb, ma con uno diverso... peccato che nella confezione nn era compreso...
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

  7. #7
    developing... L'avatar di Slimmy
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    Il firewire di sicuro funziona.. purtroppo siccome è uno standard superiore ad USB, ma supportato da Apple, è un po' disdegnato sui pc.. così i produttori di alcune videocamere non lo mettono..

    Però.. potresti vedere se esiste qualche workaround in giro..
    o magari arriva a risponderti qualcuno che ha smanettato con le videocamere sul mac..
    Io ho sempre visto fare a mio padre.. e con videocamere FireWire

  8. #8
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
    Registrato il
    raga mi hanno detto che serve il pinneacle...voi cosa dite? La mia cam è a nastro e non digitale
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

  9. #9 L'avatar di The Wizard
    Registrato il
    Trieste East Coast
    allora ti serve una scheda di aquisizione video da una 70 euro
    quelle buone sono della pinnacle

  10. #10
    developing... L'avatar di Slimmy
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    Citazione NeoII Visualizza Messaggio
    raga mi hanno detto che serve il pinneacle...voi cosa dite? La mia cam è a nastro e non digitale
    Se è a nastro non vuol dire...anche la mia canon è a nastro ma ha l'uscita firewire.
    Non ha uscite digitali?

  11. #11
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
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    m spiego meglio...

    la mia telecamera ha l'uscita firewire però mi hanno detto che devo acquistare una scheda acquisizione video... io volevo sapere soltanto se va bene l'acquisto di uno spinotto firewire per scaricare video sul mac dal momento che il mio mac non riconosce la cam connessa con una presa usb..
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

  12. #12 L'avatar di The Wizard
    Registrato il
    Trieste East Coast
    in teoria la dovrebbe rilevare
    cmq ti serve un programma di aquisizione come quello gia citato della pinnacle

  13. #13
    developing... L'avatar di Slimmy
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    Con la mia telecamera (è una miniDV quindi a nastro, con uscita FireWire) collego via firewire al mac, poi avvio iMovie e importo da li.

  14. #14
    Multipiattaforma convinto L'avatar di Xadhoom
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    Oured Bay
    Citazione NeoII Visualizza Messaggio
    m spiego meglio...

    la mia telecamera ha l'uscita firewire però mi hanno detto che devo acquistare una scheda acquisizione video... io volevo sapere soltanto se va bene l'acquisto di uno spinotto firewire per scaricare video sul mac dal momento che il mio mac non riconosce la cam connessa con una presa usb..
    Se la tua cam ha il collegamento firewire, sei a posto. Ti basta comprare un cavo (firewire, appunto), collegare cam e mac, avviare imovie e importare. Semplice.

  15. #15
    Infrantumi L'avatar di NeoII
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    Citazione Xadhoom Visualizza Messaggio
    Se la tua cam ha il collegamento firewire, sei a posto. Ti basta comprare un cavo (firewire, appunto), collegare cam e mac, avviare imovie e importare. Semplice.
    e se non ha questa uscita?
    "The madness of an autumn prairie cold front coming through. You could feel it: something terrible was going to happen. The sun low in the sky, a minor light, a cooling star. Gust after gust of disorder. Trees restless, temperatures falling, the whole northern religion of things coming to an end. No children in the yards here. Shadows lenghthened on yellowing yoysia . Red oaks and pin oaks and swamp white oaks rained acorns on houses with no mortgage. Strorm windows shuddered in the empty bedrooms. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leafblower, the ripening of local apples in a paper bag, the smell of the gasoline with wich Aldred Lambert had cleaned the paintbrush from his morning painting of the wicker love seat." The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

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