In cerca di "PERLE": consigli utili su roba "old" e "poco conosciuta"...
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Discussione: In cerca di "PERLE": consigli utili su roba "old" e "poco conosciuta"...

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  1. #1

    In cerca di "PERLE": consigli utili su roba "old" e "poco conosciuta"...

    Girovagando notturni nei meandri più angusti del web, tra un sito porno/fetish/over 60, mobygames, wikipedia ed e-bay, gira e rigira ci capita spesso di scovare qualche vecchio titolo abbandonato nel dimenticatoio, che non si è mai avuti l'occasione di poter provare e che è ricoperto da una coltre di mistero che desta inspiegabilmente nel nostro ego videoludico quel qualcosa che gli scienziati catalogherebbero come "forte bisogno di conoscenza e comprensione verso il funzionamento di un dato oggetto"...
    ...ed ecco ciò che mi ha portato ad aprire questo topic...

    Ho qui una folta lista di titoli "old" su cui sono in cerca di informazioni, pareri, commenti, impressioni e consigli sull'acquisto o meno...alcuni di essi erano abbastanza famosi nelle loro rispettive epoche ed altri quasi sconosciuti ai più (figurarsi oggi), e di solito son proprio questi ultimi a nascondere le migliori "perle"...

    Ma bando alle ciance, ve li elenco di seguito in ordine di annata:

    1989 - The Magic Candle

    1990 - The Immortal

    1991 - Blade Warrior
    1991 - Medieval Warriors
    1991 - The Magic Candle II

    1992 - Campaign
    1992 - Heirs to the Throne
    1992 - Ishar Legend of the Fortress
    1992 - Legends of Valour
    1992 - Tegel's Mercenaries
    1992 - The Legend of Kyrandia Book I
    1992 - Realms of Arkania Blade of Destiny

    1993 - Ambush at Sorinor
    1993 - Fantasy Empires
    1993 - Ishar II Messenger of Doom
    1993 - The C.H.A.O.S. Continuum
    1993 - The Legend of Kyrandia II Hand of Fate
    1993 - Theatre of Death

    1994 - Dragon Lore The Legends Begins
    1994 - Dragonsphere
    1994 - Ishar III The Seven Gates of Infinity
    1994 - Noctropolis
    1994 - Realms of Arkania 2 Star Trial
    1994 - The Legend of Kyrandia III Malcom's Revenge

    1995 - Chronomaster

    1996 - Amok
    1996 - Angst: Rahz's Revenge
    1996 - Dragon Lore II The Heart of the Dragon Man
    1996 - This Means War
    1996 - War Wind
    1996 - Realms of Arkania Shadow over Riva

    1997 - Eraser Turnabout
    1997 - Legend of the Ancient Dragon
    1997 - War Gods
    1997 - War Wind II Human Onslaught

    1998 - Deathtrap Dungeon
    1998 - John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles
    1998 - Of Light & Darkness The Prophecy
    1998 - Rival Realms
    1998 - Stratosphere

    1999 - Revenant
    1999 - Ring The Legend of Nibelungen
    1999 - Shattered Light
    1999 - The Guardian of Darkness
    1999 - Wild Metal Country

    2000 - Arcatera The Dark Brotherhood
    2000 - Evolva
    2000 - Martian Gothic Unification
    2000 - Sacrifice
    2000 - Sanity Aiken'Artifact
    2000 - The Devil Inside
    2000 - The New Adventure of the Time Machine
    2000 - The Summoner
    2000 - Wizards & Warriors

    2001 - Original War

    2002 - Demonworld II Dark Armies
    2002 - Hegemonia Legion of Iron
    2002 - Ring II Twilight of Gods

    ...e credo possano bastare....per adesso...

    Ergo "nonnini quasi pensionati" , "retrogamers", ed "esperti di vecchia annata" di GR, fatevi avanti e delucidatemi su questi giochi, consigliandomi ed aiutandomi a fare una bella "cernita"... (poi vi mando una mia foto nudo sulla vostra mail...promesso! )

    A voi!

    (quelli in grassetto sono i giochi che più mi incuriosiscono...almeno su quelli datemi un parere...poi se conoscete anche gli altri meglio ancora...non si butta nulla, come il maiale...)
    Ultima modifica di Sephiroth1984; 15-01-2009 alle 02:33:24

  2. #2
    Mornié Alantié L'avatar di Vhailor
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    Di quelli ne conosco massimo due o tre... sei troppo vecchio per i miei gusti
    Comunque stendo un rigo su Sacrifice: non è un vero e proprio GDR ma un GDR strategico, se non ricordo male. A me piacque molto.... lo giocai nel 2001 mi pare, ma non ricordo un cavolo di niente

    Che poi, a pensarci bene, non era manco gdr

    Ok, ho detto la coglionata delle 01.46
    Avevo letto GDR invece avevi scritto GR

  3. #3
    1998 - Deathtrap Dungeon

    Allegato da GMC ci giocai proprio agli inizi della mia "carriera videoludica". Insipido ma non è che ne capissi tanto. Dei ricordi che ne ho lo paragonavo a Tomb Raider con i mitici save negli angoli dei corridoi. Per il resto, il vuoto.

    1999 - Revenant

    Ne ho sempre sentito parlar bene, almeno per la sua semplicità del gameplay. Mi incuriosiva e un pensierino glielo farei fossi in te.

    2000 - Evolva

    Uno delle tante perle parzialmente snobbate per via della monotonia di gioco. Anticipa in parte alcune evoluzioni di Spore, questo action era davvero divertente con tutte quelle sue trasformazioni in abse alle necessità di territori e scontri vari. Da provare almeno una volta!

    2000 - Sacrifice

    Un must. Uno di quei giochi che ti rimangono nel cuore per essere unico e inimitabile. Uno strategico divino con l'eroe sbattuto di qua e di là da divinità pazzerelle e particolari. Assolutamente da giocare.

    2002 - Hegemonia Legion of Iron

    Anche questo un titolo un pò snobbato per la sua difficoltà, ma che immerge perfettaente il giocatore, come solo Homeworld prima e dopo di lui era riuscito, in quell'esplorazione spaziale strategica tra umanità ed altri gruppi. Anche qui, consigliatissimo.

  4. #4
    loading... L'avatar di juanpablo87
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    seph lo sai che sei un genio!?

  5. #5
    Butta il sale OVUNQUEEEE L'avatar di Mega Man
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    1991 - Blade Warrior

    Se è quello che ho io (secondo nome Zyclunt), è un platform bidimensionale molto carino, dove il protagonista è un samurai del nuovo millennio con tanto di spada laser. Buona parte della difficoltà è data dai comandi macchinosi purtroppo.. non ho mai passato il boss del secondo livello, sono impazzito ed ho disinstallato il gioco

    Per qualche immagine cerca "blade warrior zyclunt" su google immagini

  6. #6
    Utente litigioso L'avatar di dejawho
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    Martian gothic un clone di Resident evil uscito quando i primi capitoli di questa serie cavalcavano il successo. Ambientato in una base spazzale, del gioco a cui si ispira prende la legnosità dei movimenti, il gameplay e la telecamera fissa. Non male se piace il genere, ma di certo non un must buy.

    The devil inside: un action discreto, trama praticamente insesistente, a sfondo horror-ironico. Se mi ricordo bene il protagonista si può trasformare in una specie di demone con diversi poteri che acquisisce man mano che si procede nel gioco. Il gioco mi sembra sia molto ripetitivo, anche se non eccessivamente lineare.

    Vedo che nella tua lista manca quela capolavoro che miscela perfettamente platform ed action e che risponde al nome di messiah, già giocato?
    Ultima modifica di dejawho; 15-01-2009 alle 07:50:46

  7. #7
    Lego Vegas Utonto L'avatar di Sheriff
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    cavolo, mai sentito parlare di nessuno di questi titoli ma conosco una persona che potrebbe aver giocate a tanti di loro. un mio amico che pigliava qualsiasi cosa che non fosse pubblicizzata e che nessuno aveva mai sentito parlare, andando a scavare nei meandri più remoti della rete con la 56K e nei negozi più bui e tenebrosi alla ricerca di quella "perla" buttata nel dimenticatoio. l'unico problema è che non lo sento più da tempo ma proverò a chiedere

  8. #8
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Ecco una piccola recensione di Campaign presa da]qua[/url]

    Campaign is a classic strategy game with Wold War II setting. As a general you take control of either the allies or the axis and lead them through several campaigns from Africa to Russia. As a good general you have to take care of all aspects of warfare. You will have to manage the production of your facilities, protect your air force bases and provide your troops with enough reinforcements, ammunition and fuel. Last, but not least, you will have to make sure that your enemy won't be able to do the same.The game mostly emphasizes on tank combat, but there also are air and sea units, and you will need a lot of tactical finesse to succeed in combat. Not every fight can be won by sheer strength. You will have to use barrage fire as well as artillery support or ground bombardment with your aircrafts. If you are in defence you might consider to dig in your troops, or use mine fields.Most of the time you will operate on the tactical map, which gives you an overview of the terrain, your troops and those of your foe. All troops are commanded in squads, so you don't have to bear with single unit management like in Panzer General. Even if this is still too much for you, you can hand the control of single squads over to the AI. Once your forces engage the enemy you have the choose whether you wish to lead the battle yourself of if you want the AI to auto calculate its outcome. The manual battle interface looks a little bit like the full sized minimap of Command & Conquer where you can command your tanks as well as air strikes and artillery support. If that's not enough action for you, there is also the possibility to hop into one of your tanks and shoot the hell out of your enemies. Be careful when you have to retreat. Every tank left on the battlefield can be captured and repaired so its possible to face your own tanks in the following fight. Maybe you're wondering why I haven't mentioned sound or graphic so far. Well, both of them are clearly bellow average. The tactical map looks very boring and I am sure you will play your own music instead of listening to the games sounds. Also the 3D View of the tank battle is very limited in variety but the intro looks great. The interface isn’t very easy to understand at first, but right-clicking on every icon will bring up some help text.On the bottom line, Campaign is a very good and original combination of strategy and arcade which will hopefully not only please hardcore generals but occasional gamers as well.
    Se vuoi la traduzione basta dirlo
    Ultima modifica di Zarch; 15-01-2009 alle 08:53:07

  9. #9
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Sempre sullo stesso sito ho trovato pure Heirs to the Throne (spero non ci siano problemi se faccio un post dopo l'altro è che scrivo man mano che li trovo U_U):

    The plot is very simple. There are different heirs to the throne. The one who is the most powerful will reign supreme. You’re one of the four barons who are trying to seize the royal scepter by conquering the land. The graphics of the game are nice enough, but I really miss the animation. The sounds are nothing special, but you’ll probably keep them turned on. The gameplay is nothing special either, but it runs smoothly and it’s quite easy to understand. The game even offers you to change the language (it can be either in German or English). You control the game with the mouse.
    So what do you need to do?First of all, you need to set the whole thing up. You get to choose the number of players and their attributes (like the attitude towards the royal party). There’s alot of things to adjust, so you can save them and next time simply play with the same alignment (if you wish). This also adds to the replayability of the game (not to mention it’s always fun to have some friends over to show them off by beating them senseless).You need to build up your army, conquer other provinces, make sure you don’t loose them once they’re under your control and finally beat the hell out of the other three opponents who wish to snatch the throne from your royal behind.The game is turn based and you’re in some control of the attacks (you can break off the attack or continue it - that’s it). There were many such games made and this one doesn’t really stand out from the rest, that’s why it also gets the average mark of 3, but it’s still a fun game that you’ll probably enjoy (snatching the land from other people).
    The manual is included if by chance you’ll feel like you need it (but most things in the game are self-explanatory). Enjoy playing!
    Qua c'è invece una recensione, questa volta in Italiano, di Ishar Legend of The Fortress.
    Ultima modifica di Zarch; 15-01-2009 alle 08:52:34

  10. #10
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Legends of Valour, sempre stessa fonte

    "This game is better than Ultima Underworld!" With these words, SSI advertised Legends Of Valour. How did they reach that conclusion? I guess it's better not to think about it, because this game is far from being even acceptable. But let's go through it step-by-step. The Story

    You start as a human, dwarf, or gnome (your choice) in a strange city called Mittledorf. You're there to meet your cousin, who told you about the great life he was having there. But unfortunately, he doesn't show up, so it seems that you have to live on your own, become too bored and finish the game.
    The Gameplay

    The first thing you have to do is to choose your race. A funny thing, since it has no apparent function - all your stats are the same; only your appearance changes. So why choose a race, anyway? I'm still searching for the answer. Next you're in your hometown, where you can choose your starting equipment, such as armor, shield, and sword. Unfortunately, there are no indicators as to how strong a weapon or piece of armor is; you can only guess by the price, and I'm not sure if that's really proportional to its strength.
    Next stop: the city! Once you're there, you can walk around in real time using your mouse and/or keyboard. Small buttons at the bottom of the screen can be clicked to operate some functions, like talking to citizens, hurling insults at them, etc. The managing of the (far too small) inventory is also done on the main screen, which remains the only one you'll see.
    The fights are as far from RPG fights as you can get. Whether you win or lose depends only on how often you can click in a short time, and some luck doesn't hurt. The funny (or should I say ridiculous?) thing is that monsters which wander in your vicinity usually don't attack you if you don't walk into them, whereas citizens do it quite often and without any reason.
    Of course, you need water and food to live, but once more this game failed to balance the values properly. Your character needs to drink and eat too often, which quickly becomes very annoying.
    Graphics and Sound

    LoV doesn't really look like a game from 1993. Even in 1990 it would have been only average. Only the introduction contains rendered videos, but without any sense or connection to the game. While moving through the city, you will recognize mostly one thing: void. There are no trees or bushes, only some torches standing around. And in rooms, the only thing to discover are tables (sometimes certain items lie on them). The NPCs are very ugly and pixelated, too, especially up close.
    I don't know if there is any sound in the game. I couldn't hear anything in Windows and wasn't able to start it with DOSBox, but it's very unlikely that it revolutionized sound in games (sad but true).
    Did the developers do anything right in this game? If so, I didn't find it. The idea was surely not bad, but the game was released half-cooked. With a little re-programming it could have been good, perhaps very good. Bad luck.

  11. #11
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Sempre dalla stessa fonte una recensione di Fantasy Empires che mi sembra interessante

    Fantasy Empire is a mix between RPG, turnbased strategy, and small-scale tactical battles where you directly control your warriors/heroes the RTS-way (this can be avoided by seleting "Simulate battles). The game takes place in the fantasy land of Mystara, where "the dungeon master" (hey - I've heard that one before) has given you a challange (defeat your opponents as usual). Apart from that, the storyline doesn't matter - the "campaign" consists of different maps where you basicly do the same - command & conquer.The turnbased strategy part is straight foward - you control your Fantasy Empire, build buildings in the kingdoms (regions) you control, create new armies, send heroes on quests, attack other kingdoms, etc. It can be quite confusing in the beginning (if you haven't read the manual), since there's no way to tell what the different buildings do, or why certain things happen. This could have been a serious problem, but is made up for by one of the nicest features in Fantasy Empires: The "tutorial".Instead of the traditional textboxs popping up and telling you what to do, the old wizard at the top of the screen sometimes opens his mouth. I was shouting at my screen because I couldn't figure out why I kept losing the kingdoms I conquered, and suddenly the old bastard woke up from his snoring (he does that when you've been idle for a little while) and says: "Build keeps to impose power over your kingdoms - you have lost many warriors because you have not done this...."
    Aaah, helpful indeed....
    The RPG part of the game is not as important as you would expect, having created your character the same way you do in AdD. All troops can gain exp - though the effect of this is only that they gain a lvl and now are "Veteran troops" (or elite when they gain another level). Your heroes will also improve - with the same result. Futhermore heroes can gain special items on quests, which you don't control - you simply send them away on a quest, and then they either return a couple of turns later, or they die questing. The character that you create at the start of a game gains levels after each completed map in the campaign, which improves your entire empire. In the tactical part, after you've deployed your army, you control a random unit in the army. You move around the battlefield using the keyboard and battle out until the unit dies - then you gain control of
    another unit. The fun part here is to control the heroes involved in the battle - you can switch between heroes/units by pressing F1/F10, depending on whether you're the attacker or defender.
    The music in the game is of average quality - not Wagner, but it does what it'ssupposed to do. The same goes for the sound effects doing the tactical combat.The single player part of the game is worth 3,5 of 5 - it is very average, there are very few features that haven't been seen before at that time (93/94), the strategy resembles that of Defender of the Crown, and the RPG-part is very limited. The tactical game-in-the-game isn't very interesting single player, but when you play against your friend (I only have one ) in hot-seat mode, the tactical part steps into character - it's great fun killing your friend's lvl 35 hero and watch as his world fall apart.....
    So the conclusion is 4/5 to Fantasy Empires for an average single player game and a great multiplayer game if you have the time for it.

  12. #12
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Stessa fonte, Theatre of Death

    Theatre of Death is an isometric tactical war game similar to Cannon Fodder, but much more advanced. You are a commander of various squads of soldiers, which you have to guide through various missions to get rid of the various enemies with the various weaponry at your disposal.You start off selecting a slot for your game. There are no saved games as such, the game automatically saves after each mission. On the mini-map, where you get an overview of all the missions available. Blue flags are completed missions, white flags are available missions and red flags are locked missions. These will be unlocked as you complete the previous missions. When you finish all the missions in one terrain, you move on to the next, all the way to the Moon! In each mission you'll get a briefing of what you have and what you have to do. In the battlefield, you use the left mouse button to select soldiers and move them around, and the right mouse button to make them fire at the selected spot. To enter vehicles or buildings just move them towards them. Each soldier has a limited amount of health and ammo, so use them wisely. Also, as you progress through the missions, you'll be given different weapons and vehicles to use against the enemies, such as pistols, machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, landmines, and even tanks, APCs and choppers. Spread throughout the maps are many goodies, such as small crates which give random bonuses such as ammo, health or score, or ammunition sheds where you can reload and change weapons. However, the terrain is filled with hazards which can quickly get your men killed. Leave them too long in the water and they'll get eaten by sharks. Leave them too long in the mud and they'll sink. Add to this explosive barrels and electric fences, enemy soldiers and structures ready to kill them, and you'll find the battlefield to be a very dangerous place. To make things worse, your troops can be quite dumb. Even though they'll automatically fire when they spot enemies, they'll just as easily hit their teammates with grenades or rockets. Wherever you order them to go, they'll move in a straight line, no matter what hazards are in their way. And even when driving, they'll easily run over their teammates or smash against other vehicles. To get a bigger view of things you can use M to bring up the minimap. From here you get an overview of the map, the location of your troops and the enemy's, and the morale of the troops. Morale is an important thing: if it drops too much you'll find your soldiers panicking and running in the battlefield. However, the same can happen to the enemy, so it can also be a powerful weapon. You can also call in airstrikes and reinforcements, if available. The graphics are pretty good. In briefings and screen backgrounds they're very detailed, but in-game they're very simple and cartoony. The music is nice and varied, though there isn't much sound. A bit annoying is that you have to set up your sound card every time you start the game. Overall, the game is very action-packed and fun, and can be very hard at times, though it does have its flaws, so I give it a 4.

  13. #13
    Registrato il
    Chiari (BS)
    Sempre dalla stessa fonta, questo è Dragonsphere:

    Dragonsphere is an adventure game made by MicroProse in 1994. Watch the intro to learn about the evil Sorceror Sanwe arriving in the land of Callahach. The King took his son Callash (you), and his Royal Wizard Ner-Tom on a quest to imprison Sanwe within a forcefield. However, Sanwe is a powerful sorcerer, and the forcefield will not hold him forever. So Ner-Tom created the Dragonsphere - a globe that represents Sanwe's status. As long as the Dragonsphere is intact, then the kingdom is safe.
    But that was 20 years ago. Now you (Callosh) have grown up, and you have been crowned King. The Dragonsphere is cracking, and Sanwe is breaking free from his prison. He is seeking revenge for his imprisonment, and only you can stop him. The fate of the kingdom lies in your hands now - you MUST defeat Sanwe before it is too late. Explore all the lands in your kingdom in order to reach Sanwe's tower, and then stop him before he regains full power. Can you destroy the evil Sanwe once and for all, or is your kingdom doomed forever? There is an interesting plot twist in this game, which I did not expect. I won't tell you what happens - I'll let you find that out for yourself. But I will say that defeating Sanwe is only half the battle.
    This game uses a nice point and click system, which makes it easy to play. At the bottom-left of the screen, there is a list of verbs - Look, Open, Give, Talk To, etc. You can use these verbs to interact with your environment. Next, is a list of your inventory items. You can scroll up and down this list by clicking on the up and down arrows. If you click on one of your inventory items, you will see a small picture of that item in the next box. In the final box, you will see any extra actions that can be done with the currently selected inventory item. For example, click on 'Shieldstone' from you inventory list to see a picture of it. The word 'Polish' will appear in the last box. Simply click on that word to polish your Shieldstone.
    Click on 'Talk To', and then a character, to start a conversation. A list of dialogue options are shown at the bottom of the screen, and you can choose what to say. I liked the fact that characters are shown in a 'pop up' box as they talk. Pressing 'F1' will bring up a menu to allow you to save your game, restore a game, check your score, or quit the game. Pressing 'F5' will bring up another menu that gives you some game play options. You can turn music and sound on or off, adjust the smoothness of panning, and a few other things.The only niggle I have is the Desert Sands game. In the desert, you have to play Desert Sands with the Caliph several times, and I found that very frustrating. It is more of a 'Guess Which Colour Will Come Next' game. The colours appear randomly, and there was no logic to it.
    The graphics are very rich and detailed, which really brings the whole game to life. Everything from the grandness of the Castle, to the stark desert, to wonderous Brynn-Fann. Each land has its own unique identity, and it is a joy to explore them all.
    The characters themselves are very well animated. All their movements are nice and smooth, and it makes them seem very lifelike. The whole atmosphere draws you into the game. As I said before, I especially like how characters are shown in a 'pop up' box as they talk, and the conversation is shown as text, next to them.
    The music is quite dramatic. It really suits the mood of the game, without distracting you. There are a few sound effects, such as the wind in the desert, the sound of pages turning as you read a book, the toads croaking in Brynn-Fann, and a few more.
    There are so many wierd and wonderful characters in this game. The Soptus Ecliptus are a very unique race, and they were my favourite. The Shak bird-men are half men-half bird, and they are interesting to talk to. Of course, we can't forget about the Sorcerer Sanwe. There are many other characters that you will enjoy meeting as well.
    There are 2 modes of play for this game - Novice or Challenging. There are not many differences between the modes, but the Desert Sands game seemed to be a lot harder to win in Challenge Mode. The puzzles are quite tricky at times, but a lot of fun to work out. You cannot really die in this game. If you fail at a puzzle, you are given another chance to complete it.
    This is a lovely adventure game that I really enjoyed playing. The story is well written, and the music is just right for the game. The point and click system makes it very easy to play, and the graphics are incredibly smooth. Puzzles are challenging, and you get a good feeling of satisfaction when you have solved a tricky situation. I can highly recommend this game
    Qui trovi invece la recensione di The Guardian of Darkness in Italiano.

    Qua invece c'è Wild Metal Country

    Qui (sto finendo gli avverbi di luogo ç_&#231 c'è invece la recensione, in Italiano, di Arcatera: The Dark Broterhood.

    Martian Gothic Unification

    Voce Wiki di Sacrifice

    Recensione di The Devil Inside

    Recensione di Wizard & Warriors

    Per Hegemonia Legion of Iron posso parlare in presa diretta: io non sono un gran fan degli RTS ma HLoI e i primi due AoE sono gli unici RTS che io sia mai riuscito a sopportare abbastanza da finirli e rifinirli (non a caso sono gli unici 3 RTS accuratamente riposti sul mio polveroso scaffale dei videogiochi ).
    Ultima modifica di Zarch; 15-01-2009 alle 10:28:17

  14. #14
    Retrogamer Ducatista L'avatar di Mad Max'78
    Registrato il
    Custode del Museum
    Citazione Sephiroth1984 Visualizza Messaggio
    La serie è una trilogia di Gdr, io possedevo il 2° e il 3° capitolo, sono sullo stile della serie Ultima (prima del VI), sopratutto l'ultimo si avvicina abbastanza per stile grafico ad Ultima VI
    1989 - The Magic Candle
    1991 - The Magic Candle II

    Trilogia di Gdr, classica visuale in soggettiva e spostamenti a caselle (tipo Dungeon Master), meritevole di attenzione sicuramente.
    1992 - Ishar Legend of the Fortress
    1993 - Ishar II Messenger of Doom
    1994 - Ishar III The Seven Gates of Infinity

    1992 - The Legend of Kyrandia Book I
    1994 - The Legend of Kyrandia III Malcom's Revenge

    La serie è una trilogia, avventura grafica piuttosto interessante, classica punta e clicca, comincia dalla prima però
    1993 - The Legend of Kyrandia II Hand of Fate

    Questi li ho tutti e due, sono sostanzialmente due avventure in soggettiva con grafica prerendrizzata, gli spostamenti avvengono tramite schermate fisse o filmati in movimento, inoltre bisogna anche combattere.
    Forse migliore il primo rispetto al secondo.
    1994 - Dragon Lore The Legends Begins
    1996 - Dragon Lore II The Heart of the Dragon Man
    Trilogia piuttosto interessante di Gdr, purtroppo lo solo vista di sfuggita, comunque bisogna dargli un occhiata, visuale in soggettiva e combattimenti a turni con visuale isometrica.
    1992 - Realms of Arkania Blade of Destiny
    1994 - Realms of Arkania 2 Star Trial
    1996 - Realms of Arkania Shadow over Riva

    L'ho giocato su PS2, tutto sommato non male, storia piuttosto interesante e buona giocabilità, un Gdr leggermente diverso dal solito.
    2000 - The Summoner

    i commenti nel Quote
    Se cerchi altri titoli vecchi interessanti dovresti venire a trovarci nell'area Retrogaming e fare visita al Retro Games Museum potresti trovare parecchi titoli di qui eri a conoscenza e intanto imparare qualcosina su di essi

  15. #15
    Retrogamer Ducatista L'avatar di Mad Max'78
    Registrato il
    Custode del Museum
    Citazione Sheriff Visualizza Messaggio
    cavolo, mai sentito parlare di nessuno di questi titoli ma conosco una persona che potrebbe aver giocate a tanti di loro. un mio amico che pigliava qualsiasi cosa che non fosse pubblicizzata e che nessuno aveva mai sentito parlare, andando a scavare nei meandri più remoti della rete con la 56K e nei negozi più bui e tenebrosi alla ricerca di quella "perla" buttata nel dimenticatoio. l'unico problema è che non lo sento più da tempo ma proverò a chiedere
    a dir la verita la maggior parte di quei titoli sono piuttosto famosi, almeno per chi come me bazzica nel mondo dei Videogiochi da ormai 20 anni

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