[2] [F2P MOBA] Heroes of the Storm
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Discussione: [2] [F2P MOBA] Heroes of the Storm

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  1. #1

    [2] [F2P MOBA] Heroes of the Storm

    Per vedere la parte precedente di questo thread clicca qui: [1][F2P MOBA] Heroes of the Storm

    Per vedere la parte precedente di questo thread clicca qui: Heroes of the Storm - F2P MOBA by Blizzard

    Sito ufficiale

    Stato: Open Beta

    La BlizzCon 2013 si è appena aperta ma sono già tante le novità annunciate da Blizzard. Dopo l'ufficializzazione della quinta espansione per World of Warcraft, sono infatti stati rilasciati un nuovo trailer in italiano e un video di gameplay per Heroes of the Storm, il MOBA free-to-play attualmente in lavorazione, la cui beta è aperta oggi alle iscrizioni. Per inserire i propri dati, basta visitare il sito ufficiale: http://www.heroesofthestorm.com/it-it

    Cos'è un MOBA?

    Glossario dei termini usati in HoTS:


    AD Attack Damage. Term for the damage done by the Hero's basic attacks, and the stat that increases it. Some heroes also have special abilities which are increased by attack damage.
    AP Ability Power. Term for the damage done by the Hero's special abilities, and the stat that increases it.
    Assassin Hero type. Deals a lot of damage, but can't take much without dying.
    B Returning to base, using a hearthstone. "I'm B" or "B"
    bait Trick an enemy hero into over-extending, usually making themselves vulnerable to your allies or structures.
    Bot Used to refer to the bottom-most lane on the map. Also occasionally a term for AI heroes.
    Bruiser Hero type term from other MOBAs, a melee hero who can take damage and exercise good CC or damage.
    Care Take care, be careful. Often used to suggest caution as an enemy player is missing/MIA.
    Carry Hero type term from other MOBAs. From a Heroes perspective, basically an assassin. Implies they may need assistance from a support or other hero to be at their most effective.
    CC Crowd control. Incapacitating, stunning or slowing effects.
    Creeps Term for what Heroes of the Storm calls Minions -- the little NPCs that appear in lanes.
    D, Def Defend
    DK Occasionally used as an abbreviation for Dragon Knight. Not to be confused with Arthas, the Death Knight hero.
    Doubloons Collected on Blackheart's Bay to hand in to the pirate in the center of the map, by killing NPC camps and destroying chests. Also sometimes referred to as Gold.
    E Similar to the other letter-bound abilites. People will often refer to the one bound to E by default as "your E" rather than its ability name.
    Feeding Dying repeatedly to the other team, thereby granting them XP.
    Focus Direct everyone's attacks onto one hero, structure, etc. "Focus Arthas!"
    Fort Large structure, behaves similarly to a tower in that it will shoot you, but with more ammo and more health.
    Gank A surprise attack. Often said as an imperative "gank top" -- asking for fast help, or a warning that a hero is MIA -- "watch for the gank."
    GG Good game
    GJ Good job
    Gold Earned by completing quests on a player account level. In game, can refer to Doubloons. Gold in the LoL sense -- an in-match item shop -- doesn't exist in Heroes.
    Golem A large and powerful NPC, similar to a merc, which will fight for you when captured. In Haunted Mines, collecting skulls defines the strength of your Grave Golem -- a key map mechanic.
    Jungle The area between lanes.
    Jungler Player/Hero who spends their time lurking in the jungle, aiming to gank opposing heroes in lanes.
    Keep Large structure, behaves similarly to a tower in that it will shoot you, but with more ammo and more health.
    Kite Remaining out of range, forcing an enemy to chase you. Key to baiting.
    Lane (noun) Term for the paths that run from one base to another, sometimes three in Heroes maps such as Dragon Shire, or two in Haunted Mines.
    Lane (verb) To kill minions in lanes in order to gain XP, other MOBAs have a "laning phase" where players are just building up to a certain level.
    Last-hitting Key in League of Legends, not relevant in Heroes, but you may hear it. Having the killing blow on a creep/minion/hero.
    Merc Mercenary. Heroes has several mercenary camps throughout the maps that can be captured to have them fight for you.
    Mid Used to refer to the middle lane on the minimap.
    Mines On Haunted Mines there are entrances to a lower level where you collect skulls. This area is called the Mines.
    Missing/MIA Used to describe an enemy hero that is no longer where they were, e.g. has left the bottom lane and is not visible. "Arthas MIA." Often a warning to expect them to appear suddenly elsewhere.
    Moonwell A structure that can be used to regenerate health and mana with a cooldown. Usually situated near gates.
    OOM Out of mana
    Palace The structure you're working to protect. Destroying the enemy palace ends the game.
    Poke To move into enemy range and use short bursts of ranged attacks and abilities, then quickly retreat before the enemy can counter.
    Push To push a lane is to focus on destroying the minions and structures in that lane.
    Q Similar to the other letter-bound abilites. People will often refer to the one bound to Q by default as "your Q" rather than its ability name.
    Shrine Area captured on Dragon Shire by standing in it.
    Skillshot An ability that has a controlled direction, not a target, requiring the player to aim it
    Skin Accessory allowing you to change the look of your hero.
    Skulls Collected by killing NPCs in the mines on Haunted Mines.
    Specialist Hero type. Specialized, unique heroes that might fulfill any of the other roles or something completely different
    Split Push To have most of the team, usually 4, pushing one lane, while other members push another lane.
    SS Used to describe an enemy hero that is no longer where they were, e.g. has left the bottom lane and is not visible. "Arthas SS." Often a warning to expect them to appear suddenly elsewhere.
    Support Hero type. Heal, buff, or use other abilities to assist their allies as well as dealing some damage. Often "Sup"
    Tank Hero type term from other MOBAs. From a Heroes perspective, a Warrior who is focused on survivability over damage.
    Top Used to refer to the top-most lane on the minimap.
    Tower The turret-like structures that are usually either side of gates, they shoot you if you get too close.
    Town A collection of buildings, in Heroes usually a couple of towers and a gated point to push into.
    Tribute Item collected on Cursed Hollow by clicking it. Collecting three will cause your enemy to become cursed.
    Ult Your Ultimate ability, a powerful extra ability bound to R by default, called a Heroic Ability in Heroes and granted at level 10.
    Vision Something that grants vision shows you any enemies in that area.
    W Similar to the other letter-bound abilities. People will often refer to the one bound to W by default as "your W" rather than its ability name.
    Warrior Hero type. Deals a fair amount of damage, can also take a fair amount of damage.
    Watchtower A capturable point that grants vision in the area

    Info varie

    Infos by Gangster-M16

    Experience is shared between all players on your team. If you kill a creep, a player, or a tower everyone on your team gets the experience.

    There is no gold and there are no purchasable items.

    You start with all of your skills, and with each level they increase in strength. It is not like Dota 2 or League of Legends where you choose between skills to level as the game proceeds.

    Every few levels you can choose between a few talents. This, in a way, makes up for the lack of items in the game. This is where players make reactive decisions based on how the game is playing out. In some cases it's better to have one talent than it would be to another. On the character I played all my talents, save for my ultimate, were passive.

    You get your ultimate at level ten.

    You get experience while you're dead.

    At the moment there is no benefit to last hitting. You get no extra experience.

    Aimed abilities have a League of Legends like crosshair to indicate where your skill will go.

    On the map I played it was possible to collect items on the map that give buffs to your team or debuffs for the other team.

    Jungle creeps can be captured and used to push your lanes.

    You have a spell that sends you back to spawn similar to the mechanic you see in League of Legends.

    There are no teleportation scrolls. You use a mount to travel around the map quickly.

    Both my character and my mount had a variety of custom skins to choose from.

    Moar info by Belinun on 12/11/13





    Nuovo video 28/12/2013 - Gameplay commentato in ita

    Utenti GV in beta

    Tag BattleNet (Nome utente sul forum)

    Muntaner#2215 (Mike258)
    ​Gildegaar#2600 (Belinun)
    MusicMan#2304 (Valiant)
    Slemo#2621 (Dark Yami)
    HarryHagaren#2534 (Prince Vegeta)
    Kiactus#2710 (Kiactus)
    lucrezio1987#2844 (Kael'Thas)
    Chip#2627 (Hovera)
    cptfindus#2227 (CptFindus)
    Spall#2670 (Spall)
    LorenzoGT#2872 (lorenzogt)
    WrenhaveN#2215 (WrenhaveN)
    Foxx90#2417 (Son Goku)
    Firegolem#2576 (-Anonymous-)
    Alejandro#2104 (Ale_)
    lleo#2684 (iLeo)
    Syrfen#2647 (Saeros piazz)
    Acciaio#1842 (maleficius)
    SkorpioneITA#2808 (xdav)
    Baffo#2675 (Baffo.)
    Marvok#2207 (marvok/)
    limoncello#2923 (alfiere85)
    Eluzai#2447 (Demon)
    Ultima modifica di Muntaner; 20-05-2015 alle 15:05:11

  2. #2
    Oggi ho portato Li Li al 5, per ora è stato l'eroe più difficoltoso per me, non sono riuscito a dargli un senso, mi sono sbattuto in tutti i match ma ho avuto l'impressione di contare meno di zero, anche come healer.

  3. #3
    I got like 30 bitches L'avatar di Ale_
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    Citazione FallingHome Visualizza Messaggio
    Oggi ho portato Li Li al 5, per ora è stato l'eroe più difficoltoso per me, non sono riuscito a dargli un senso, mi sono sbattuto in tutti i match ma ho avuto l'impressione di contare meno di zero, anche come healer.
    per come la vedo io è un eroe noiosissimo. si basa tutto sulla posizione. un po' come molti eroi che righclickano e basta, non mi piacciono per niente. e lili la odio in particolare anche perché ha 0 appeal (per me, come per mille altre persone). potevano aggiungere altri mille eroi prima di lei e far più felici tutti quanti (kael'thas, leoric, rexxar, zul'jin, the butcher, etc). un po' come i lost vikings... potevano tenerseli e fare uscire subito sylvanas.

    sonya è vero che è di burro, ma infatti praticamente va giocata assassin ed è divertentissima nonostante non sia forte.

    ho comprato kerrigan comunque, per ora il mio eroe preferito. divertentissima e se becchi più di una persona nella combo hai praticamente vinto la teamfight

  4. #4
    Utente L'avatar di Belinun
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    Repubblica Zeneize
    lili è straforte, hai una marea di modi per fare la differenza in teamfight.
    tipo una ulti che cura in quantità oscena aoe
    il rendere cieco l'intero team avversario, e curare ancora, e ancora, e ancora

  5. #5
    Ti rammento che i teamfight di questa settimana in quickmatch sono dominati dalle Sonya che si buttano in mezzo agli avversari in whirlwind ed esplodono, dalle Hammer che si piazzano e vengono blastate altrettanto facilmente e dagli Illidan che si sentono immortali (ma non lo sono affatto), diciamo che non mi hanno dato neanche il tempo di mettere in campo tutte queste skills, sicuramente io non l'ho saputa sfruttare a dovere ma per il momento continuo a preferire Malfurion per quel ruolo.

  6. #6
    Functional and Stylish L'avatar di Wolve-X
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    Ma la blizzard fa ancora le wave per la beta come faceva per l'alpha?
    League of Legends: WolveZeta
    Guild Wars 2: wolvezeta.1795 [Ring of Fire]
    Codice amico 3DS: 5472-8040-7216

  7. #7
    Utente L'avatar di Belinun
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    Repubblica Zeneize
    Citazione FallingHome Visualizza Messaggio
    Ti rammento che i teamfight di questa settimana in quickmatch sono dominati dalle Sonya che si buttano in mezzo agli avversari in whirlwind ed esplodono, dalle Hammer che si piazzano e vengono blastate altrettanto facilmente e dagli Illidan che si sentono immortali (ma non lo sono affatto), diciamo che non mi hanno dato neanche il tempo di mettere in campo tutte queste skills, sicuramente io non l'ho saputa sfruttare a dovere ma per il momento continuo a preferire Malfurion per quel ruolo.
    vabbè ma quei tizi non li salvi manco se usi gesù cristo
    come healing puro lili è molto superiore a malfurion, che però è molto fiero perchè ha un bel cc e ridà mana alla gente, che fa sempre comodo
    e se buildato danno ha un un silence aoe abbastanza tozzo (ma devi andare in mezzo agli altri per usarlo) e il lunarcoso fa un danno abbastanza grosso
    e countera gli stealth

  8. #8
    inCrysis L'avatar di marvok/
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    Qualcuno di voi ha comprato gli stimpack?

    Mobo: Asus P8P67 PRO Rev3.1 Cpu: I5-2500K @4,2Ghz + Schyte Mugen 4
    Ram: 16gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Ali: Corsair RM 750 watt
    Vga: Asus GTX 780 DirectCU II OC Case: Cooler Master HAF X RC-942-KKN1
    Hd: Western Digital Caviar 2TB Monitor: Samsung s27a550h 27" led fullhd
    Tastiera: Corsair K95 RGB PlatMouse: Logitech G502 Hero Cuffie: Razer Tiamat 7.1
    Casse: Creative 5.1 Scheda Audio: Asus Xonar Phoebus Volante: Logitech G25

  9. #9
    Why So Serious? L'avatar di Kael'Thas
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    Narni Scalo (TR)
    No steampack mai, ma chiedi pure se ti serve qualcosa, ci proviamo a aiutarci

    Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
    Codice Amico 3DS: 2879-0455-1843
    NintendoID: lucrezio87
    Blizzard Gamertag: lucrezio1987#2844
    Steam: lucrezio87

  10. #10
    inCrysis L'avatar di marvok/
    Registrato il
    No era x curiosità, x sapere se sono utili... Forse vanno bene per far salire veloce gli eroi al 5 in modo da prendere i 500 gold

    Mobo: Asus P8P67 PRO Rev3.1 Cpu: I5-2500K @4,2Ghz + Schyte Mugen 4
    Ram: 16gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Ali: Corsair RM 750 watt
    Vga: Asus GTX 780 DirectCU II OC Case: Cooler Master HAF X RC-942-KKN1
    Hd: Western Digital Caviar 2TB Monitor: Samsung s27a550h 27" led fullhd
    Tastiera: Corsair K95 RGB PlatMouse: Logitech G502 Hero Cuffie: Razer Tiamat 7.1
    Casse: Creative 5.1 Scheda Audio: Asus Xonar Phoebus Volante: Logitech G25

  11. #11
    Manca qualcuno in OP?

  12. #12
    Cuore di Pietra L'avatar di Baffo.
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    See Ya, Space GamesRadar.it

  13. #13
    Why So Serious? L'avatar di Kael'Thas
    Registrato il
    Narni Scalo (TR)
    ok ho fatto pulizia e aggiunto tutti quelli in op
    Codice Amico 3DS: 2879-0455-1843
    NintendoID: lucrezio87
    Blizzard Gamertag: lucrezio1987#2844
    Steam: lucrezio87

  14. #14
    inCrysis L'avatar di marvok/
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    Aggiungetemi Marvok#2207

    Mobo: Asus P8P67 PRO Rev3.1 Cpu: I5-2500K @4,2Ghz + Schyte Mugen 4
    Ram: 16gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Ali: Corsair RM 750 watt
    Vga: Asus GTX 780 DirectCU II OC Case: Cooler Master HAF X RC-942-KKN1
    Hd: Western Digital Caviar 2TB Monitor: Samsung s27a550h 27" led fullhd
    Tastiera: Corsair K95 RGB PlatMouse: Logitech G502 Hero Cuffie: Razer Tiamat 7.1
    Casse: Creative 5.1 Scheda Audio: Asus Xonar Phoebus Volante: Logitech G25

  15. #15
    Are you kidding me ? L'avatar di Spall
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    Con Illidan c'è poco da fare, c'è proprio poca empatia tra me e lui

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