Final Fantasy VII...scopiazza che ti passa! - Pag 3
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Discussione: Final Fantasy VII...scopiazza che ti passa!

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  1. #31
    Oh No Melonz! L'avatar di keyblade
    Registrato il
    ma un ff è bello anche x le citazioni!

  2. #32
    Citazione Shuyin
    Ma infatti Cloud non apparteneva mica all'Elite Soldiers. Lo era Zack, piuttosto. Comunque non sono io a dirlo, ma è il gioco stesso:

    Sephiroth: Aaarrrgh...... who... who are you?

    Soldier: Mom... Tifa... my town... give it back... I had so much respect for
    you... I admired you...

    Tifa: Cloud!?

    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.

    Come vedi Sephiroth chiede al Soldier la sua identità e lui rivela essere Cloud.
    Soldier in inglese vuol dire mercenario, soldato.........poi c'è SOLDIR (scritto in maiuscolo) che è un nome propio di un elite di combattenti della Shinra.
    Cloud non è mai stato un Soldier, ripeto, quello era Zack.
    Ora rispondo al resto....

  3. #33
    Nintendo Player L'avatar di Shuyin
    Registrato il
    Citazione Sydney
    Cloud non è mai stato un Soldier, ripeto, quello era Zack.
    Ora rispondo al resto....

    Syd, ma sei di coccio? E' il gioco a dirlo!
    Volevo evitare di postare l'intero script della mente di Cloud, ma mi ci vedo costretto.

    Tifa pushes Cloud's wheelchair and they head out. We watch a movie of Tifa and
    Cloud falling into the Lifestream. In the empty void with Tifa...

    Tifa: Wh, where am I......? What's happening? I......? Where's Cloud......!?
    Cloud, where are you!? Huh...... what......? Who......? Who is it......? I can't
    hear......? Wait a minute......! I don't know anything about that! No! It's not
    me......! I'd never do anything like that!! No! Stop it......!! Stay back!!
    Somebody help! Please!! Cloud, help me!! Eyaaaaghh......!!

    Tifa sinks into the darkness. Tifa then awakes in a surreal world with three
    Clouds and a Cloud on top holding his head.

    Tifa: ............Where am I......? Cloud!? What is it, Cloud? What is
    this......!? Is this the inside of your dreams? Or is it...... your.....
    subconsciousness......? You're searching, aren't you Cloud? Searching...... for
    yourself...... I can help too. We'll work together to try and get the real you
    back. But...... Where do we start......?

    Tifa spoke to the first Cloud.

    First Cloud: The gates of Nibelheim... Five years ago, Sephiroth passed through
    these gates...... And...... That's how it all started......

    Tifa: It connects...... to Nibelheim......? That's right... It's probably best
    to start from there...... Let's go have a look, Cloud. I know it's not
    But I'll be right with you......

    We watch a movie of a view to Nibelheim.

    Tifa: Cloud... look. Here's the well... And that's Gramps' Inn, too. The only
    truck in town. It's been here since we were little kids, right? This is the
    Nibelheim you remember, right? It's the same as my Nibelheim. That's why this
    place is...... our Nibelheim.

    Another Cloud appeared near a truck and Tifa spoke to him.

    Tifa: Five years ago... two men from SOLDIER came... Sephiroth and...... a young
    and vibrant soldier. Can you tell me again what happened?

    Sephiroth from the past appeared along with soldiers and Cloud.

    Tifa: Five years ago... I saw the real Sephiroth for the very first time. So
    this is... the Great Sephiroth. But to tell you the truth, I thought he was very
    cold. I remember, I felt a forboding about him.

    The Cloud that appeared near a truck went into the Cloud in the past.

    Tifa: No, Cloud. I've been hiding it for some time, afraid that if I told
    you ...something terrible might happen. But, I'm not going to hide anything
    anymore. You weren't here. Cloud did not come to Nibelheim five years ago. I...
    waited. But, Cloud... never came. The two that were ordered here were Sephiroth
    and another person...

    Sephiroth of the past reappeared with soldiers and Zack.

    First Cloud: You mean that member of SOLDIER who came with Sephiroth

    Tifa: There's nothing...... I can say...... You must find the answer
    yourself...... If you can't...... Then you...... Take your time, Cloud.
    Slowly...... little by little, okay?

    Tifa then spoke to the second Cloud.

    Second Cloud: That starry night at the well...... And our promise that night...
    What if the memory was just a lie?

    Tifa: Don't hurry, Cloud...... Don't answer too quickly. Just keep checking all
    those small emotions and it'll come back...... Slowly...... little by
    little...... Right... like the sky that night...... the heavens were filled with

    We watch a movie of a view to Nibelheim of the night.

    Tifa: From the beginning... OK? Try and remember, Cloud.

    Cloud and Tifa as kids appeared.

    Tifa: Right, I was wearing these clothes. That's you, too. You were so small
    then...... ...and cute. Sephiroth once said... Cloud made up his memories by
    listening to my stories... Did you imagine this sky? No, you remembered it. That
    night the stars were gorgeous. It was just Cloud and I. We talked at the well...
    That's why I continued to believe that you were the real Cloud. I still believe
    you're the Cloud from Nibelheim... But you don't believe in yourself... These
    memories aren't enough. Cloud, what about your other memories? No, not memories.
    A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why
    sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing...... But it's different from
    a memory locked deep within' your heart...... That's why it must be a fake. If
    he could recall up that memory...... That's it! What about some memory that has
    to do with me? I say something and you don't remember it...... But you say
    something, and I remember it, too... Then we'll know that's our memory......
    Talk to me. About anything, some important memory to you... Now that you
    mentioned it, why did you want to join SOLDIER in the first place? I always
    thought it was a sudden decision you made......

    Second Cloud: ......I was devastated. ......I want to be noticed. I thought if I
    got stronger I could get someone to notice......

    Tifa: Someone to notice you...? ......who?

    Second Cloud: You......

    Tifa: ......Me? Why!?

    Second Cloud: Tifa...... did you forget...... about those days?

    Tifa: Look...... I...... I'm sorry...... But what are you talking about?

    Kid Cloud appeared.

    Kid Cloud: No...... it's all right. You were having a hard time back then. You
    were so busy with your own things, it's only natural you don't remember me back

    Tifa: 'Back then'?

    Kid Cloud: It's important to me...... I hate to say it but... It's a very
    important memory...... Do you want to see it?

    Tifa then talks to the third Cloud.

    Third Cloud: ......a sealed up secret...... wish...... Tender memories...... no
    one can ever know.........

    Kid Cloud: Do you know where this window goes to, Tifa? Fine...... I'll go.

    We watch a movie of a view to Tifa's room.

    Tifa: My room?

    Kid Cloud: It was my first time there.

    Tifa: Was... it?

    Kid Cloud: I only used to look up at it from outside.

    The kids and Tifa as a kid appeared.

    Kid: Hey, look! Cloud's coming! You think he wants to come in?

    Tifa: Was that the first day you came into my room? ...That's right. We lived
    next to each other. But I really didn't know you that well. I've known you since
    we were children and always thought we were close... Now that you mention it...
    I don't recall you ever being in my room...

    Kid Cloud: Tifa always used to be with this three-some.

    Tifa: ...That's right.

    Kid Cloud: I used to think... they were all stupid.

    Tifa: What!?

    Kid Cloud: You were all childish, laughing at every little stupid thing.

    Tifa: But we were children, back then.

    Kid Cloud: ...I know. I'm the one that was stupid. I really wanted to play with
    everyone, but I was never allowed into the group. Then later... I began to think
    I was different... That I was different from those immature kids. That then...

    Shadow Cloud: Just maybe, they would invite me... I thought that might happen,
    so I hang around...

    Kid Cloud: I was so prejudiced. And... weak.

    Shadow Cloud: That night I called Tifa out to the well... I thought to myself
    Tifa would never come... that she hated me.

    Tifa: Yeah... it was so sudden. I was... a bit surprised. But... It's true that
    we weren't THAT, close, but... After you left town, I really thought about you a
    lot. I used to wonder how Cloud was doing. I wonder if Cloud was able to get
    into SOLDIER? I started reading the newspapers, thinking that there might be
    article about you.

    Kid Cloud: Thanks, Tifa. Tell him what you told me, later. He'll probably be so

    Tifa: OK! Huh? What happened on this day? Was it a special day?

    Kid Cloud: This was the day...

    Shadow Cloud: Tifa's mother...

    Tifa: The day Mom died...

    Kid Tifa: I want... to see... mom...

    At the mountain Mt. Nibel with Tifa and the kids...

    Kid Tifa: ...I wonder if there's anything beyond that mountain?

    Kid: Mt. Nibel is scary. Many people have died there. No one crosses that
    mountain alive...

    Kid Tifa: How 'bout those that died? Did mama pass through the mountain? I'm

    A kid left and kid Cloud saw where Tifa's going. Later in the white void...

    Shadow Cloud: I don't remember the path I walked. Tifa missed her step. I ran to
    her... but didn't make it in time. Both of us fell off the cliff. Back then, I
    only scarred my knees but......

    A man appeared.

    Man 1: Cloud! Why'd you bring Tifa to a place like this!

    Man 2: What the hell's the matter with you!?

    Man 1: What if she dies!?

    Kid Cloud: Tifa was in a coma for seven days. We all thought she wouldn't make
    it. If only I could've saved her... I was so angry... Angry at myself for my
    weakness. Ever since then, I felt Tifa blamed me... I got out of control... I'd
    get into fights not even caring who it was. That was the first time I heard
    about Sephiroth. If I got strong like Sephiroth, then everyone might...

    Shadow Cloud: If I could get stronger...... Then even Tifa would have to notice

    Tifa: So that was it...... Sorry, Cloud. If I had only remembered more clearly
    what happened, I could have done something sooner......

    Cloud: It's not your fault, Tifa.

    Tifa: But, I remember back when we were, eight! That's it! Now I know! You
    weren't created five years ago. My childhood memories weren't all made up! Hang
    in there Cloud! Just a little longer! You've almost found the real you! Let's go
    back to Nibelheim again......!

    Shadow Cloud went into Cloud. Tifa then goes to the Nibelheim in this surreal

    Tifa: Cloud, wait. Where are you going?

    Cloud: ......The reactor......? To the reactor! The Mako reactor of five years

    A flashback of the Mako Reactor in Mt. Nibel, but Zack appears instead of Cloud.

    Tifa: That's right! It was Zack who came to Nibelheim with Sephiroth! Then,
    where were you, Cloud? Cloud... Did you... see it all?

    Cloud: I saw... everything...

    A soldier took Zack's sword and moves on to stop Sephiroth. The soldier poked

    Sephiroth: Aaarrrgh...... who... who are you?

    Soldier: Mom... Tifa... my town... give it back... I had so much respect for
    you... I admired you...

    Tifa: Cloud!?

    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.

    Tifa: That's what happened... ...You were there. You were watching me. Yeah, I
    remember. Hmm... so it was you.

    Zack: Hey Cloud. If you're feeling sick, why don't you take that mask off?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Yeah... this is... me.

    In the truck from the past...

    Cloud: I ...never made it as a member of SOLDIER. I even left my hometown
    telling everyone I was going to join, but... I was so embarrassed...... I didn't
    want to see anybody...

    The screen shows the flashback of Sephiroth and folks in Nibelheim. But the
    difference is that Zack is the replacement of Cloud in the events. Then in the
    burning houses of Nibelheim...

    Cloud: I'm...

    The screen shows another flashback in Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor of the past.

    Tifa: ...You came. ...You kept your promise. So you really did come when I was
    in trouble!

    Cloud: Sorry... I didn't get there... fast enough...

    Tifa: It's all right... Cloud.

    Sephiroth: Just like you.

    Zack: Cloud... Kill Sephiroth...

    Cloud goes after Sephiroth.

    Cloud: Sephiroth!!

    Sephiroth attempted to stab Cloud but the blade was under Cloud's right arm pit.

    Sephiroth: Don't... push... your luck...

    Cloud took Sephiroth's sword and threw him.

    Sephiroth: ...It can't be!

    Sephiroth fell into the reactor and died. Back to the surreal world.

    Tifa: Cloud......

    Kid Cloud: Then... this is goodbye, Tifa. Until we meet again......

    All the Cloud's came and formed together into one.

    Tifa: ............!?

    Cloud is finally back.

    Tifa: Cloud!!

    Cloud: Uh...... Ah, uh......! Uh...... Tifa......

    Tifa; Oh, Cloud......! It's really you, isn't it?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Tifa...... We finally meet again......

    Tifa: You stupid jerk!! You had us all worried sick!!

    Cloud: (holds his head as a result of a headache) Krgh......!

    Tifa: Cloud!? Are you all right!?

    Cloud: V, voice...... Their......

    Tifa: I see. We're... in the Lifestream aren't we? Everyone's waiting. Let's go
    back, Cloud. Back to everyone......

    Cloud: Yeah, I guess so... Come on, Tifa. Let's go home......

    Cloud and Tifa went up of the Lifestream and was saved by Cloud's folks.

    Non vedi?!? Cioè vorresti contraddire Final Fantasy VII stesso? Io perderei qualche minuto a leggere lo script....
    Cioè è come se ti mostro uno struzzo e tu mi contraddici dicendo che vedi un canguro. Ha senso? Secondo me no.

  4. #34
    Citazione Shuyin
    Sydney, non posso che dirti di rigiocare a FFVII e sopratutto a FFIV. Andiamo con ordine. Anzitutto Cloud E' un soldier (Capperi, ti reputi il miglior appassionato di questo gioco e non sai nemmeno questo?) e lo racconta sia nel suo passato a Kalm e lo vede Tifa quando entra nella sua mente. Cloud, assieme a Zack, Tifa e Sephiroth ha partecipato alla missione di Nibelheim COME SOLDIER.
    NO, è una guardi, i soldier sono ben altri. Tanto è vero che Cloud di vergognava a farsi vedere da tifa, perchè non voleva farsi vedere come un semplice guardia, come uno che ha fallito il suo sogno, che era appunto, quello di diventare SOLDIER.

    Per quanto riguarda FFIV io lo finirei fossi in te. Anzitutto il dungeon è lo stesso e anche la battaglia finale si svolge in una pedana per poi concludersi nello spazio. Inoltre Zeromus è la creatura generata da tutto l'odio ed il rancore di Zemus e qua sei in errore tu.
    Chi ha parlato di Zeromus O.o
    Aspetta che cerco uno screen dell'ultimo dugeon, poi vediamo se sono uguali....

    Poi Sephiroth potrà anche essere un personaggio originale per te, ma per me non lo è sicuramente. Se non riesci nemmeno a vedere la somiglianza tra lui e X-Death non posso farci nulla, anzi, posso dirti di analizzare i due sia fisicamente che mentalmente e allora vedrai quanto sono simili.
    Fisicamente simili? MA STAI scherzando?
    Mentalmente simili, ma quando mai? Quando mai X-Death è stato gloriosus e generosus? (da OWA)

    E si..........sono propio identici........

    Le Weapon non centrano nulla? Ahahhaha, e quando a Mideel, Ultima distrugge tutto? Oppure il lifestream?
    Ragazzi, chiamate un ambulanza, costui soffre di allucinazioni.
    Me lo vuoi spiegare che c'entra l'episodio di Mideel? Le weapon non reggono l'equilibrio del pianeta, non mi pare che una volta sconfitte (Ultima non muore a Medeel) il pianeta venga distrutto...

    Per il discorso di Meteo ti rimando a giocarti la parte del tempio dei Cetra. Soltanto gli Antichi in FFVII potevano evocare queste due magie e Sephiroth avendo assorbito la conoscenza ed i poteri dei Cetra è in grado di farlo. La sua morte? Cavolo, mi vengono seri dubbi....seppur in lingua inglese hai compreso a fondo FFVII? Sephiroth vuole cancellare la razza umana con Meteor, per poi congiungersi con la terrà; Indi se Meteor avesse devastato la terra anche lui sarebbe "morto", ma l'aveva previsto e rientrava nei suoi piani per assorbire il pianeta. Il fatto che non sia morto quando l'abbia lanciata non significa che sarebbe rimasto vivo lo stesso quando la meteora avrebbe raggiunto il pianeta.
    E che c'entra? Sta forse scritto da qualche parte che lui rischiava la vita a evocare la Meteora? Si sa solo che gli serviva la black materia per risfegliarsi e evocarla.

  5. #35
    Yuka Ayase, da grande L'avatar di The Chrono Cross
    Registrato il
    Citazione Shuyin
    Ma infatti Cloud non apparteneva mica all'Elite Soldiers. Lo era Zack, piuttosto. Comunque non sono io a dirlo, ma è il gioco stesso:
    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.
    Veramente questo è un commento di chi ha scritto la guida-script e se noti soldier sta scritto con la S minuscola, il che vuol dire che significa semplicemente soldato (Soldier viene scritto sempre con S maiuscola e indica il corpo d'elite, non i soldati in generale e te lo posso confermare avendo la versione International del gioco).
    Se ricordo bene il gioco stesso dichiarava che Cloud non è mai riuscito ad entrare nel corpo speciale rimanendo una guardia semplice (fatto per cui si vergognava di farsi vedere da Tifa e non levava mai il casco in sua presenza).

    Per il resto credo siano semplici citazioni, non plagi. A questo punto allora tutti i FF nuovi sarebbero scopiazzati dai predecessori.
    Ultima modifica di The Chrono Cross; 14-07-2004 alle 18:55:39
    <-Adotta anche tu un cipollotto

  6. #36
    Citazione Shuyin
    Syd, ma sei di coccio? E' il gioco a dirlo!
    Volevo evitare di postare l'intero script della mente di Cloud, ma mi ci vedo costretto.

    Tifa pushes Cloud's wheelchair and they head out. We watch a movie of Tifa and
    Cloud falling into the Lifestream. In the empty void with Tifa...

    Tifa: Wh, where am I......? What's happening? I......? Where's Cloud......!?
    Cloud, where are you!? Huh...... what......? Who......? Who is it......? I can't
    hear......? Wait a minute......! I don't know anything about that! No! It's not
    me......! I'd never do anything like that!! No! Stop it......!! Stay back!!
    Somebody help! Please!! Cloud, help me!! Eyaaaaghh......!!

    Tifa sinks into the darkness. Tifa then awakes in a surreal world with three
    Clouds and a Cloud on top holding his head.

    Tifa: ............Where am I......? Cloud!? What is it, Cloud? What is
    this......!? Is this the inside of your dreams? Or is it...... your.....
    subconsciousness......? You're searching, aren't you Cloud? Searching...... for
    yourself...... I can help too. We'll work together to try and get the real you
    back. But...... Where do we start......?

    Tifa spoke to the first Cloud.

    First Cloud: The gates of Nibelheim... Five years ago, Sephiroth passed through
    these gates...... And...... That's how it all started......

    Tifa: It connects...... to Nibelheim......? That's right... It's probably best
    to start from there...... Let's go have a look, Cloud. I know it's not
    But I'll be right with you......

    We watch a movie of a view to Nibelheim.

    Tifa: Cloud... look. Here's the well... And that's Gramps' Inn, too. The only
    truck in town. It's been here since we were little kids, right? This is the
    Nibelheim you remember, right? It's the same as my Nibelheim. That's why this
    place is...... our Nibelheim.

    Another Cloud appeared near a truck and Tifa spoke to him.

    Tifa: Five years ago... two men from SOLDIER came... Sephiroth and...... a young
    and vibrant soldier. Can you tell me again what happened?

    Sephiroth from the past appeared along with soldiers and Cloud.

    Tifa: Five years ago... I saw the real Sephiroth for the very first time. So
    this is... the Great Sephiroth. But to tell you the truth, I thought he was very
    cold. I remember, I felt a forboding about him.

    The Cloud that appeared near a truck went into the Cloud in the past.

    Tifa: No, Cloud. I've been hiding it for some time, afraid that if I told
    you ...something terrible might happen. But, I'm not going to hide anything
    anymore. You weren't here. Cloud did not come to Nibelheim five years ago. I...
    waited. But, Cloud... never came. The two that were ordered here were Sephiroth
    and another person...

    Sephiroth of the past reappeared with soldiers and Zack.

    First Cloud: You mean that member of SOLDIER who came with Sephiroth

    Tifa: There's nothing...... I can say...... You must find the answer
    yourself...... If you can't...... Then you...... Take your time, Cloud.
    Slowly...... little by little, okay?

    Tifa then spoke to the second Cloud.

    Second Cloud: That starry night at the well...... And our promise that night...
    What if the memory was just a lie?

    Tifa: Don't hurry, Cloud...... Don't answer too quickly. Just keep checking all
    those small emotions and it'll come back...... Slowly...... little by
    little...... Right... like the sky that night...... the heavens were filled with

    We watch a movie of a view to Nibelheim of the night.

    Tifa: From the beginning... OK? Try and remember, Cloud.

    Cloud and Tifa as kids appeared.

    Tifa: Right, I was wearing these clothes. That's you, too. You were so small
    then...... ...and cute. Sephiroth once said... Cloud made up his memories by
    listening to my stories... Did you imagine this sky? No, you remembered it. That
    night the stars were gorgeous. It was just Cloud and I. We talked at the well...
    That's why I continued to believe that you were the real Cloud. I still believe
    you're the Cloud from Nibelheim... But you don't believe in yourself... These
    memories aren't enough. Cloud, what about your other memories? No, not memories.
    A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why
    sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing...... But it's different from
    a memory locked deep within' your heart...... That's why it must be a fake. If
    he could recall up that memory...... That's it! What about some memory that has
    to do with me? I say something and you don't remember it...... But you say
    something, and I remember it, too... Then we'll know that's our memory......
    Talk to me. About anything, some important memory to you... Now that you
    mentioned it, why did you want to join SOLDIER in the first place? I always
    thought it was a sudden decision you made......

    Second Cloud: ......I was devastated. ......I want to be noticed. I thought if I
    got stronger I could get someone to notice......

    Tifa: Someone to notice you...? ......who?

    Second Cloud: You......

    Tifa: ......Me? Why!?

    Second Cloud: Tifa...... did you forget...... about those days?

    Tifa: Look...... I...... I'm sorry...... But what are you talking about?

    Kid Cloud appeared.

    Kid Cloud: No...... it's all right. You were having a hard time back then. You
    were so busy with your own things, it's only natural you don't remember me back

    Tifa: 'Back then'?

    Kid Cloud: It's important to me...... I hate to say it but... It's a very
    important memory...... Do you want to see it?

    Tifa then talks to the third Cloud.

    Third Cloud: ......a sealed up secret...... wish...... Tender memories...... no
    one can ever know.........

    Kid Cloud: Do you know where this window goes to, Tifa? Fine...... I'll go.

    We watch a movie of a view to Tifa's room.

    Tifa: My room?

    Kid Cloud: It was my first time there.

    Tifa: Was... it?

    Kid Cloud: I only used to look up at it from outside.

    The kids and Tifa as a kid appeared.

    Kid: Hey, look! Cloud's coming! You think he wants to come in?

    Tifa: Was that the first day you came into my room? ...That's right. We lived
    next to each other. But I really didn't know you that well. I've known you since
    we were children and always thought we were close... Now that you mention it...
    I don't recall you ever being in my room...

    Kid Cloud: Tifa always used to be with this three-some.

    Tifa: ...That's right.

    Kid Cloud: I used to think... they were all stupid.

    Tifa: What!?

    Kid Cloud: You were all childish, laughing at every little stupid thing.

    Tifa: But we were children, back then.

    Kid Cloud: ...I know. I'm the one that was stupid. I really wanted to play with
    everyone, but I was never allowed into the group. Then later... I began to think
    I was different... That I was different from those immature kids. That then...

    Shadow Cloud: Just maybe, they would invite me... I thought that might happen,
    so I hang around...

    Kid Cloud: I was so prejudiced. And... weak.

    Shadow Cloud: That night I called Tifa out to the well... I thought to myself
    Tifa would never come... that she hated me.

    Tifa: Yeah... it was so sudden. I was... a bit surprised. But... It's true that
    we weren't THAT, close, but... After you left town, I really thought about you a
    lot. I used to wonder how Cloud was doing. I wonder if Cloud was able to get
    into SOLDIER? I started reading the newspapers, thinking that there might be
    article about you.

    Kid Cloud: Thanks, Tifa. Tell him what you told me, later. He'll probably be so

    Tifa: OK! Huh? What happened on this day? Was it a special day?

    Kid Cloud: This was the day...

    Shadow Cloud: Tifa's mother...

    Tifa: The day Mom died...

    Kid Tifa: I want... to see... mom...

    At the mountain Mt. Nibel with Tifa and the kids...

    Kid Tifa: ...I wonder if there's anything beyond that mountain?

    Kid: Mt. Nibel is scary. Many people have died there. No one crosses that
    mountain alive...

    Kid Tifa: How 'bout those that died? Did mama pass through the mountain? I'm

    A kid left and kid Cloud saw where Tifa's going. Later in the white void...

    Shadow Cloud: I don't remember the path I walked. Tifa missed her step. I ran to
    her... but didn't make it in time. Both of us fell off the cliff. Back then, I
    only scarred my knees but......

    A man appeared.

    Man 1: Cloud! Why'd you bring Tifa to a place like this!

    Man 2: What the hell's the matter with you!?

    Man 1: What if she dies!?

    Kid Cloud: Tifa was in a coma for seven days. We all thought she wouldn't make
    it. If only I could've saved her... I was so angry... Angry at myself for my
    weakness. Ever since then, I felt Tifa blamed me... I got out of control... I'd
    get into fights not even caring who it was. That was the first time I heard
    about Sephiroth. If I got strong like Sephiroth, then everyone might...

    Shadow Cloud: If I could get stronger...... Then even Tifa would have to notice

    Tifa: So that was it...... Sorry, Cloud. If I had only remembered more clearly
    what happened, I could have done something sooner......

    Cloud: It's not your fault, Tifa.

    Tifa: But, I remember back when we were, eight! That's it! Now I know! You
    weren't created five years ago. My childhood memories weren't all made up! Hang
    in there Cloud! Just a little longer! You've almost found the real you! Let's go
    back to Nibelheim again......!

    Shadow Cloud went into Cloud. Tifa then goes to the Nibelheim in this surreal

    Tifa: Cloud, wait. Where are you going?

    Cloud: ......The reactor......? To the reactor! The Mako reactor of five years

    A flashback of the Mako Reactor in Mt. Nibel, but Zack appears instead of Cloud.

    Tifa: That's right! It was Zack who came to Nibelheim with Sephiroth! Then,
    where were you, Cloud? Cloud... Did you... see it all?

    Cloud: I saw... everything...

    A soldier took Zack's sword and moves on to stop Sephiroth. The soldier poked

    Sephiroth: Aaarrrgh...... who... who are you?

    Soldier: Mom... Tifa... my town... give it back... I had so much respect for
    you... I admired you...

    Tifa: Cloud!?

    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.

    Tifa: That's what happened... ...You were there. You were watching me. Yeah, I
    remember. Hmm... so it was you.

    Zack: Hey Cloud. If you're feeling sick, why don't you take that mask off?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Yeah... this is... me.

    In the truck from the past...

    Cloud: I ...never made it as a member of SOLDIER. I even left my hometown
    telling everyone I was going to join, but... I was so embarrassed...... I didn't
    want to see anybody...

    The screen shows the flashback of Sephiroth and folks in Nibelheim. But the
    difference is that Zack is the replacement of Cloud in the events. Then in the
    burning houses of Nibelheim...

    Cloud: I'm...

    The screen shows another flashback in Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor of the past.

    Tifa: ...You came. ...You kept your promise. So you really did come when I was
    in trouble!

    Cloud: Sorry... I didn't get there... fast enough...

    Tifa: It's all right... Cloud.

    Sephiroth: Just like you.

    Zack: Cloud... Kill Sephiroth...

    Cloud goes after Sephiroth.

    Cloud: Sephiroth!!

    Sephiroth attempted to stab Cloud but the blade was under Cloud's right arm pit.

    Sephiroth: Don't... push... your luck...

    Cloud took Sephiroth's sword and threw him.

    Sephiroth: ...It can't be!

    Sephiroth fell into the reactor and died. Back to the surreal world.

    Tifa: Cloud......

    Kid Cloud: Then... this is goodbye, Tifa. Until we meet again......

    All the Cloud's came and formed together into one.

    Tifa: ............!?

    Cloud is finally back.

    Tifa: Cloud!!

    Cloud: Uh...... Ah, uh......! Uh...... Tifa......

    Tifa; Oh, Cloud......! It's really you, isn't it?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Tifa...... We finally meet again......

    Tifa: You stupid jerk!! You had us all worried sick!!

    Cloud: (holds his head as a result of a headache) Krgh......!

    Tifa: Cloud!? Are you all right!?

    Cloud: V, voice...... Their......

    Tifa: I see. We're... in the Lifestream aren't we? Everyone's waiting. Let's go
    back, Cloud. Back to everyone......

    Cloud: Yeah, I guess so... Come on, Tifa. Let's go home......

    Cloud and Tifa went up of the Lifestream and was saved by Cloud's folks.

    Non vedi?!? Cioè vorresti contraddire Final Fantasy VII stesso? Io perderei qualche minuto a leggere lo script....
    Cioè è come se ti mostro uno struzzo e tu mi contraddici dicendo che vedi un canguro. Ha senso? Secondo me no.
    Ne ho letto solo la parte iniziale, non ho tempo per leggerlo tutto.
    E si parla di DUE soldier venuti a nibelheim uno era Seph, l'altro Zack....a questora se le guardie in blu erano SOLDIER si parlava di 4 SOLDIER no due.
    Se mi segnali le frasi salienti controllo meglio.

  7. #37
    Nintendo Player L'avatar di Shuyin
    Registrato il
    Citazione Sydney
    NO, è una guardi, i soldier sono ben altri. Tanto è vero che Cloud di vergognava a farsi vedere da tifa, perchè non voleva farsi vedere come un semplice guardia, come uno che ha fallito il suo sogno, che era appunto, quello di diventare SOLDIER.

    Fisicamente simili? MA STAI scherzando?
    Mentalmente simili, ma quando mai? Quando mai X-Death è stato gloriosus e generosus? (da OWA)

    E si..........sono propio identici........

    Ragazzi, chiamate un ambulanza, costui soffre di allucinazioni.
    Me lo vuoi spiegare che c'entra l'episodio di Mideel? Le weapon non reggono l'equilibrio del pianeta, non mi pare che una volta sconfitte (Ultima non muore a Medeel) il pianeta venga distrutto...

    E che c'entra? Sta forse scritto da qualche parte che lui rischiava la vita a evocare la Meteora? Si sa solo che gli serviva la black materia per risfegliarsi e evocarla.

    Hai presente le battaglie fatte a Midgard? Quando s'incontrano dei guerrieri vestiti di blu questi vengono detti Soldiers, anche in battaglia.
    Per quanto riguarda X-Death e Sephiroth: Entrambi sono stati imprigionati. X-Death è stato rinchiuso anni fa da Galuf e altri guardiani in una prigione eterna ed ha bisogno della distruzione dei quattro sigilli per liberarsi. Anche Sephiroth è chiuso in una prigione, di ghiaccio però, ma si fa sempre aiutare da altri cattivi (I cloni) per tornare al potere. Inoltre hanno le stesse mire ambizionistiche.

    "Le weapon non reggono l'equilibrio del pianeta"

    Ma se lo dice Bugenhagen stesso! Le Weapon cercano di fermare le attività del lifestream, ma esse non fanno alcun tipo di distinzioni e attaccano anche gli umani. Nulla di catastrofico? Ah, e la Weapon che attacca Midgard uccidendo il presidente Rufus? Inoltre Mideel viene devastata dai raggi di Ultima e dal lifestream che emerge dalle profondità della terra.
    In Final Fantasy VII ci sono cinque weapon che proteggono il pianeta, punto, è un dato di fatto.

    Ah, per Meteor ritorna alla parte dei Cetra. Nel loro tempio sono presenti disegni che raffigurano come Meteor sarebbe caduta, distruggendo tutto (Se non erro in un disegno si vede proprio la meteora in cielo e degli omini a terra caduti in segno di sconfitta).

  8. #38
    Citazione The Chrono Cross
    Veramente questo è un commento di chi ha scritto la guida-script e se noti soldier sta scritto con la S minuscola, il che vuol dire che significa semplicemente soldato (Soldier viene scritto sempre con S maiuscola e indica il corpo d'elite, non i soldati in generale e te lo posso confermare avendo la versione International del gioco).
    Se ricordo bene il gioco stesso dichiarava che Cloud non è mai riuscito ad entrare nel corpo speciale rimanendo una guardia semplice (fatto per cui si vergognava di farsi vedere da Tifa e non levava mai il casco in sua presenza).

    Per il resto credo siano semplici citazioni, non plagi. A questo punto allora tutti i FF nuovi sarebbero scopiazzati dai predecessori.
    Esattamente quello che avevo detto io.
    Ricordi bene, veniva pure detto esplicitamente che Cloud non era mai entrato nel corpo dei SOLDIR (no soldier).

  9. #39
    Nintendo Player L'avatar di Shuyin
    Registrato il
    Citazione Sydney
    Ne ho letto solo la parte iniziale, non ho tempo per leggerlo tutto.
    E si parla di DUE soldier venuti a nibelheim uno era Seph, l'altro Zack....a questora se le guardie in blu erano SOLDIER si parlava di 4 SOLDIER no due.
    Se mi segnali le frasi salienti controllo meglio.

    A soldier took Zack's sword and moves on to stop Sephiroth. The soldier poked

    Sephiroth: Aaarrrgh...... who... who are you?

    Soldier: Mom... Tifa... my town... give it back... I had so much respect for
    you... I admired you...

    Tifa: Cloud!?

    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.

    Tifa: That's what happened... ...You were there. You were watching me. Yeah, I
    remember. Hmm... so it was you.

    Zack: Hey Cloud. If you're feeling sick, why don't you take that mask off?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Yeah... this is... me.

    Che centra? Tu, Glenn o qualche altro ha detto esplicitamente che Cloud non ha mai avuto nulla a che fare con i Soldiers. Invece è errato visto che ha preso parte alla missione di Nibelheim, come guardia al servizio di Sephiroth, l'allora generale. Che poi Cloud non sia un Soldier di prima classe come Sephiroth è appurato, ma nonostante ciò riesce ugualmente a sconfiggerlo (Sempre nello script).

  10. #40
    Citazione Shuyin
    Hai presente le battaglie fatte a Midgard? Quando s'incontrano dei guerrieri vestiti di blu questi vengono detti Soldiers, anche in battaglia.
    Per quanto riguarda X-Death e Sephiroth: Entrambi sono stati imprigionati. X-Death è stato rinchiuso anni fa da Galuf e altri guardiani in una prigione eterna ed ha bisogno della distruzione dei quattro sigilli per liberarsi. Anche Sephiroth è chiuso in una prigione, di ghiaccio però, ma si fa sempre aiutare da altri cattivi (I cloni) per tornare al potere. Inoltre hanno le stesse mire ambizionistiche.
    Allora Sephiroth e la majora mask sono sono ugiali perchè entrambi evocano un meteora per distruggere il mondo (FF7 e Zelda) per non parlare che sempre in zelda c'è un saggio esperto di pianete con un grande telescopio. Scopiazzatura?
    Dai, Seph non è mai stato imprigionato, è stato buttato nel lifestream da Cloud.

    Ma se lo dice Bugenhagen stesso! Le Weapon cercano di fermare le attività del lifestream, ma esse non fanno alcun tipo di distinzioni e attaccano anche gli umani. Nulla di catastrofico? Ah, e la Weapon che attacca Midgard uccidendo il presidente Rufus? Inoltre Mideel viene devastata dai raggi di Ultima e dal lifestream che emerge dalle profondità della terra.
    In Final Fantasy VII ci sono cinque weapon che proteggono il pianeta, punto, è un dato di fatto.
    No, le weapon difendono il pianeta quando questo è in crisi. Non ne reggono l'equilibrio. Distrutte queste il pianeta NON ne risente. Che c'entra che abbiano fatto catastrofi. Shuyin, davvero, a volte nemmeno capisco dove vuoi andare a parare

    Ah, per Meteor ritorna alla parte dei Cetra. Nel loro tempio sono presenti disegni che raffigurano come Meteor sarebbe caduta, distruggendo tutto (Se non erro in un disegno si vede proprio la meteora in cielo e degli omini a terra caduti in segno di sconfitta).

  11. #41
    Citazione Shuyin
    A soldier took Zack's sword and moves on to stop Sephiroth. The soldier poked

    Sephiroth: Aaarrrgh...... who... who are you?

    Soldier: Mom... Tifa... my town... give it back... I had so much respect for
    you... I admired you...

    Tifa: Cloud!?

    The soldier took off his mask showing himself as Cloud.

    Tifa: That's what happened... ...You were there. You were watching me. Yeah, I
    remember. Hmm... so it was you.

    Zack: Hey Cloud. If you're feeling sick, why don't you take that mask off?

    Cloud: Yeah...... Yeah... this is... me.

    Che centra? Tu, Glenn o qualche altro ha detto esplicitamente che Cloud non ha mai avuto nulla a che fare con i Soldiers. Invece è errato visto che ha preso parte alla missione di Nibelheim, come guardia al servizio di Sephiroth, l'allora generale. Che poi Cloud non sia un Soldier di prima classe come Sephiroth è appurato, ma nonostante ciò riesce ugualmente a sconfiggerlo (Sempre nello script).
    Ma lo vuoi capire che c'è differenza tra soldier e SOLDIER? Cloud è un guardia, un soldato (soldier appunto) non un SOLDIER (ovvero un reparto di cui fa parte Seph e Zack).
    Poi, scusa, Cloud dice a Barret all'inizio "tu non riuscirai mai a battere un SOLDIR" ma allora è scemo....perchè prima di quel momento hanno battuto tante di quelle guardie........

  12. #42
    Aggiungo che nella versione dei SadNES, quei grandi, per evitare la confusione hanno tradotto SOLDIER in MILIZIA. Gioca a FF7 tradotto da loro, così te ne rendi conto

  13. #43
    Hail to the Prophet L'avatar di Asriel
    Registrato il
    shuyn, sicuro di aver giocato a ff7? io ricordo che nella foto compare tifa sephiroth e zack... infatti tifa non voleva fargli vedere la foto per non deluderlo...

  14. #44
    Azz, avrò fatto tremila orrori grammaticali in questo topic

    Edit: Aggiungo che me ne andrò per un paio di giorni, quindi non potrò continuare a lungo questa discussione.
    Perciò Shuyin vedi di fare il bravo mentre non ci sono ( )
    Ultima modifica di Sydney; 14-07-2004 alle 20:00:21

  15. #45
    GUARÐIAN OF THE BLIND L'avatar di Zack_ultimatesoldier
    Registrato il
    Vice(nza)City ®[Zack]
    Mamma mia quanto la fate lunga!!!nn muore mica nessuno se ognuno si tiene le sue opinioni

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